TODAY'S NEWS (March.09.2001 Juche 90)



All Koreans urged to fulfil their responsibility for reunification

Diplomatic relations established between DPRK and Hellenic Republic

Proposal for holding world conference of Juche idea followers supported

U.S. to deploy helicopters for special operations in S. Korea

Signal success in study of paleozoic fossils

S. Korean unionists on strike

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Turkish women's delegation

For Spanish-speaking people


seres vivientes fosilizados de corea llaman atencion de circulo cientifico

guyana: periodos de festividades por dia de sol y por acogida a sol de siglo

establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas entre rpdc y rg

All Koreans urged to fulfil their responsibility for reunification
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- A vigorous movement for national
reunification now underway at a higher stage urgently calls on all the
Koreans to fulfil their responsibility and mission as the driving force for
national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It
    The Korean nation is responsible for national reunification because it
is for itself and an independent cause which can be undertaken only by the
    If the Koreans are to creditably fulfil their responsibility and mission
as the driving force for national reunification, they should unite as one.
    In order to achieve great national unity it is necessary to place the
common interests of the nation above anything else irrespective of ideology,
system, political view and religious belief and subordinate everything to
national reunification.
    What is important for the Koreans to fulfil their responsibility and
mission as the driving force for national reunification at present is to
implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration to the letter.
    The declaration is a declaration of independence, peaceful reunification
and great national unity anchored on the three principles of national
reunification and a landmark of national reunification.
    There can be no distinction between the north and south, the authorities
and civilians and ruling and opposition camps as far as implemention of the
declaration is concerned.
    The 70 million fellow countrymen should be responsible for it.
    All the Koreans in the north, south and abroad should turn out as one in
the struggle to implement the declaration to achieve the historic cause of
national reunification as early as possible.


Diplomatic relations established between DPRK and Hellenic Republic
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- A joint communique on the establishment of
diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and
the Hellenic Republic was released on March 8. The communique reads:
    The representatives from the ministries of foreign affairs of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Hellenic Republic
signed the protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations at the
level of ambassadors on 8 March, 2001 in Athens, following the authorization
by their governments.
    During the talks, both sides emphasized the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the two countries was based on the principles of the
charter of the United Nations, the international laws, the Vienna convention
on diplomatic relations in 1961 and the Vienna convention of consular
relations in 1963. 
    Both sides expressed the conviction that the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the DPRK and the Hellenic Republic would conform to the
interests of both countries and contribute to the strengthening of the peace
and security of the world.


Proposal for holding world conference of Juche idea followers supported
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The Latin American Institute of the Juche
Idea issued a statement on Feb. 28 in support of an appeal adopted at the
seminar on the Juche idea for the independent development of Africa in the
21st century held in Uganda. The statement said that the appeal which calls
for holding a world conference of Juche idea followers on the occasion of
February 16, 2002, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il, reflects their will.
    The institute will conduct positive activities for the great success of
the world conference and perfect attendance at it, the statement noted.


U.S. to deploy helicopters for special operations in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The U.S. military announced on March 5
that they would deploy in South Korea four "MH-47E" helicopters for special
operations equipped with a variety of sophisticated equipment, Yonhap News
of South Korea reported. This plan worked out three years back is part of
their "joint operation plan".
    Their performance capacity was already tested in the U.S. "desert storm"
operation against Iraq.


Signal success in study of paleozoic fossils
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Korean archaeologists are registering
signal successes in paleontological study. Recent excavation of 620
million-year-old paleozoic fossils sparked a great sensation among world
    At least 1,000 pieces of fossils unearthed on the upper layer belonging
to the proterozoic era distributed in Junghwa county and Sangwon county,
Pyongyang, and Hwangju county and Yonthan county, North Hwanghae Province,
were proved to be multi-cellular primitive jelly-fishes and primitive
    The fossil of primitive jelly-fish, 0.6-2.0 cm in diameter, looks like
crepe and the fossil of primitive seaweeds, 0.1-0.3 cm in width and 1-15 cm
in length, consists of a narrow leaf, stem and root. These fossils are
believed to have grown in calm and shallow sea under very favourable
ecological conditions.
    This proves that those areas provided favourable conditions for the
evolution of bio-organisms.
    The excavation of those fossils clearly testified to the fact that Korea
is one of the countries with long history of biological evolution and the
development of lithosphere.
    Earlier excavation of fossils of footstep of dinosaur and the "Korean
ancestral bird" are precious relics which proved the emergence and the
process of evolution of paleozoic bio-organisms.
    The fossil of footstep of dinosaur, which lived 100-80 million years
ago, was unearthed in Ryonggung-ri, Phyongsan county, North Hwanghae
Province and this is much larger than that of an elephant considered to be
the largest animal on earth.
    The fossil of the "Korean ancestral bird" which lived 150 million years
ago is drawing a keen attention of archaeologists. It is listed as a relic
of national value which clearly proved the emergence and the systematic
evolution of high-grade vertebrate animals in Korea.
    Many more paleozoic fossils were unearthed in different parts of Korea
including the fossil of pterosaur which greatly contributed to the study of
geology in the mesozoic era.


S. Korean unionists on strike
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The unionists of the South Korean Dae Woo
Motor Company continued their struggle for vital rights. Some days ago, the
company side fired 1,750 workers at a time.
    This brought the number of those workers sacked by the company in recent
months to at least 6,800.
    The unionists declared an all-out strike throughout South Korea when the
company's layoff step was announced.
    They continued strike in Inchon from mid-February to push their demand
for withdrawal of the layoff measure and declared that they would wage the
strike on the longest-term basis.
    They held a rally in Taegu a few days ago to vow to block the layoff and
went on strike in various areas including Pusan, Kunsan and Changwon.
    Their resistance was supported by unions and people from all walks of
    The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and 25 civic and student
organizations formed a joint struggle committee with the unionists of the
Dae Woo Motor Company and vowed to hold a rally in protest against the
police step for suppression and wage a more powerful struggle.


Gift to Kim Jong Il from Turkish women's delegation
     Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- A gift was presented to leader Kim Jong Il
by the delegation of the women's association for the Republic of Turkey on a
visit to the DPRK. Cenal Sarihan, chairwoman of the association who is
heading the delegation, conveyed the gift to Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president
of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea. 


For Spanish-speaking people

seres vivientes fosilizados de corea llaman atencion de circulo cientifico
     pyongyang, 9 de marzo (atcc) -- los geologos de corea profundizan su
investigacion sobre los seres vivientes fosilizados y logran exitos.
recientemente fueron desenterrados los fosiles de hace ahora mas de 620
millones de anos que producen grandes sensaciones en el circulo geologico
del mundo. 
    mas de mil fosiles desenterrados en la capa superior de la era
proterozoica de los distritos de junghwa y sangwon de la ciudad de pyongyang
y los distritos de hwangju y yonthan de la provincia de hwanghae del norte
fueron identificados como aguamares y algas marinas primitivos
    el aguamar fosilizado es de 0.6-2.0 cm de diametro con taracea de
pliegues y la alga marina extinguida, de 0.1-0.3 cm de ancho y 1-15 cm de
largo con la hoja muy angosta, tallo y raiz.
    se comprobo que los fosiles son de los seres vivientes que habitaron en
el mar tranquilo y poco profundo con buena condicion ecologica.
    con el desenterramiento de esos fosiles se hizo mas evidente que corea
es uno de los paises con la mas larga historia en la evolucion de seres
vivientes y diastrofismo.
    la pisada de dinosaurio y "ave lagarto de corea" fosilizados
desenterrados con anterioridad son valiosas reliquias que demuestran el
engendramiento y la evolucion de los antiguos seres vivientes.
    la pisada de dinosaurio de hace ahora 100- 80 millones de anos
descubierta en la comuna de ryonggung del distrito de phyongsan de la
provincia de hwanghae del norte es incomparablemente grande que la del
elefante mas grande en la tierra.
    la "ave lagarto de corea" fosilizada de hace ahora 150 millones de anos
llama gran atencion de la geologia como un vestigio de tesoro nacional que
prueba el origen y la evolucion sistematicos de los animales vertebrados
terrestres superiores de corea.
    en varias regiones de corea fueron descubiertos los seres vivientes
fosilizados incluyendo pterodactyl que hizo gran aporte a la investigacion
geologica de la era mesozoica.


guyana: periodos de festividades por dia de sol y por acogida a sol de siglo
     pyongyang, 9 de marzo (atcc) -- fue constituido en guyana el comite
preparatorio por el dia del sol -cumpleanos del gran lider, presidente kim
il sung- que se conmemora por primera vez en el nuevo siglo y por acogida al
sol del siglo 21. el acto constitutivo tuvo lugar el dia 2 en georgetown.
    en el acto fueron electos como copresidentes del comite el ministro de
asunto amerindian y el ministro de servicio social, como primer
vicepresidente el dirigente de excelente guyana verde y como secretario
general el presidente nacional del movimiento de jovenes y estudiantes.
    el comite preparatorio decidio fijar del 2 de marzo al 20 de abril como
periodo de festejo por el dia del sol y del 21 de abril al 20 de febrero del
ano proximo como periodo de festejo para enaltecer a su excelencia kim jong
il como sol del siglo 21 y realizar diversas actividades politicas y


establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas entre rpdc y rg
     pyongyang, 9 de marzo (atcc) -- quedo publicado ayer el comunicado
conjunto sobre el establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas entre la
republica popular democratica de corea y la republica de grecia. el
comunicado conjunto senala:
    por encargo de los gobiernos de la rpdc y la rg los representantes de
los ministerios de rr. ee. de los dos paises firmaron el 8 de marzo del 2001
en atenas un protocolo sobre el establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas a
nivel de embajador entre ambos paises.
    en las conversaciones ambas partes subrayaron que el establecimiento de
relaciones diplomaticas entre ambos paises se basa en la carta de la onu,
los principios del derecho internacional y los convenios de viena sobre las
relaciones diplomaticas en 1961 y las consulares en 1963.
    ambas partes expresaron la conviccion de que el establecimiento de
relaciones diplomaticas entre la rpdc y la rg conviene a los intereses de
dos paises y contribuira al fortalecimiento de la paz y la seguridad

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