
News * Analysis * Research * Action

- AFIB No. 257,  July 2, 2000 -


By the late 1960s the CIA was promoting greater coordination among South
America's security forces. According to Hidden Terrors, a study of U.S.
police training in Latin America, it was a CIA operative who put a top
Argentine Justice Ministry official in touch with authorities in Uruguay to
talk about monitoring political exiles in both countries. The agency also
brought Brazilian death squad members to meet with Argentine and Uruguayan
police. ... The agency's involvement was not limited to arranging meetings;
American field officers offered hands on help as well. When intelligence
officers from Brazil's U.S.-backed regime began using field telephones in
electric torture, American advisers told them how much shock the body could
withstand. Uruguayan police received improved torture equipment in Buenos
Aires--wires, generators and electric needles so thin they could be slipped
between teeth--from the CIA's Technical Services Division office. - Martin
Edward Andersen, Dossier Secreto [Boulder, Westview Press, 1993] pp.

* * *

Contents: Number 257

01. MUMIA ABU-JAMAL: Killing for a Job: Lynching Sankofa.
02. REFUSE & RESIST [US]: Crashing the Party at the Executioners' Ball.
03. ANTI-FASCIST ACTION-STOCKHOLM [Sweden]: Last Neo-Nazi Bunker in Sweden
Closed Down.
04. ANTI-FASCIST ACTION [Ireland]: The Only Good Nazi...
05. RED ACTION [UK]: London Socialist Alliance Reality Check; LSA Reality
Check (Part 2).
06. GERMANY ALERT [Berlin]: CDU Fixed Kohl Probe; 'Über Alles' Fails to
Stir Condemnation.
Citizens: Eldon Warman and the Detax Movement.
08. LA VOZ DE AZTLAN [US]: Racists Plan July 4th Rally in Los Angeles.
09. MAD BUTCHER RECORDS [Germany]: Out Now! The Benefit CD for Our
Antifascist Network.
10. WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE [UK]: US Green Party Candidate Ralph Nader
Courts Buchanan Supporters.
11. THE NEW YORK TIMES: F.B.I. Watched an American Who Was Killed in Chile
12. REUTERS: 700 March in Rome Against Gay Festival.
13. LOS ANGELES TIMES: Germany: The Nazi Past Underlying Politics Today.

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By Mumia Abu-Jamal
Column Written 6/22/2000
Source: Mark Clement, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Tuesday, 27 June 2000 -

On the evening of June 22, 2000, at approximately 8:49 p.m., the life of
Shaka Sankofa (né Gary Graham) was snuffed out by the state of Texas. With
a sweaty-lipped smirk and a nod, Texas Governor George W. Bush cleared the
way for the state's killing of a young Black man. The legalized lynching of
Sankofa, the 132nd in recent Texas history, was but the latest in a long
line of state killings. All of these have but one objective: to propel
Bush, the younger, into the White House.

With serious questions about his guilt, and equally serious questions about
the competency of his original, court-appointed trial counsel, the Graham
(Sankofa) case posed serious questions about the entire Texas death machine.

Sankofa's trial lawyer has the dubious distinction of having a subsection
of Texas death row unofficially named for his: the "Mock Wing." The wing is
so named for Harris County defense attorney, Ronald G. Mock, whose twelve
clients were shuffled to the Texas death row. With the legalized lynching
of Sankofa, seven of his clients have been killed by the state, and five
now await death.

Sankofa's trial took 2 days, and the lawyer (Mock) called no witnesses
during the guilt phase of the trial. In a recent interview Mock told
reporters, in a boast, that he flunked criminal law at Texas Southern
University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law. He never called, nor
interviewed, two eyewitnesses, that would've cleared Sankofa of the May
13th, 1981 killing of a 52-year old white man. One of his former
colleagues, Attorney Chester L. Thornton, was quoted in a recent interview
describing Ron Mock as the kind of "lawyer who play[s] along with the
rules" (New York Times, 6/11/2000). He served the interests of the judges,
perhaps, by rushing cases through the trials, but it can hardly be said
that he served the interests of his clients, most of whom are dead.

The strong, rebellious spirit of Sankofa drew hundreds of supporters to the
city of death, Huntsville, Texas, to protest in favor of life.

The Sankofa case, which poses the spectacle of the broken Texas death
machine killing an innocent young man, is an indictment of a system that
is, in essence, one built upon the most premeditated of murders.

Politicians, and their corporate media mouthpieces, make much of the kinds
of crimes that rock major U.S. cities, like rapes, robberies, and murders.
But, usually, poor folks commit crimes for money. Politicians kill poor
folks for their own political advantage: for a promotion; for a job.

Which one is worse?

Who will condemn a criminal political system? Remember Shaka, and like his
mighty namesake (of the Zulu Empire), let us build an army, dedicated to
life, and to the destruction of the death machine.

On this, one of the most important issues of our time, let us understand
that there would've been no difference if there was a democrat at the
death-switch in Huntsville. Shaka Sankofa was killed by a deadly political
system; not a political party.

Let the movement grow!

Copyright 2000 Mumia Abu-Jamal. All rights reserved.


305 Madison Ave. Suite 1166
New York, NY 10165
Tel: 212-713-5657
Fax: 212-822-8535
- Wednesday, 28 June 2000 -


Call for August 1 actions at the RNC:

The execution of Shaka Sankofa has been a wake-up call for us all. What
follows is a call to make August 1 a day of actions at the RNC,
concentrating on opposition to the death penalty in general and the
execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal in particular. Organizations supporting
justice for Mumia are urged to endorse the call and join in supporting the
various actions planned for Philadelphia on Aug 1. Responses can be sent to
Jeff Garis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Clark Kissinger at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* * *

Crashing the Party at the Executioners' Ball!
The Republican National Convention, July 31-August 3, 2000 - Philadelphia,

August 1: A Day of Resistance to the Death Penalty and the Execution of
Mumia Abu-Jamal

We call on all people of conscience and resistance to join us in
Philadelphia to confront the executioners at their gala Executioners' Ball
-- the Republican Convention 2000. The previous decade has witnessed a
resurgence in the use of executions, spearheaded by leading Republicans
such as presidential candidate Gov. George W. Bush (more than 130
executions), including the unconscionable execution of Shaka Sankofa (Gary
Graham). The convention host is Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (over 200
execution warrants signed in five years), and delegates include numerous
others who are intent on using body counts as stepping stones to positions
of greater power.

In solidarity with the many progressive forces who will be expressing their
outrage on many issues during this whole convention, we are dedicating
August 1, 2000, as a special day to expose these executioners. When the
national spotlight is on Philadelphia, let us also expose this city -- with
a death row larger than 37 states and nearly 90% people of color -- as the
"Capital of Capital Punishment," presided over by "America's Deadliest
D.A." - Lynne Abraham.

The death penalty is the spearhead of a bi-partisan agenda that has led to
an explosion in prison building and the incarceration of 2 million people
in the U.S. The death penalty has always been the special friend of
inordinate wealth and power, and is used overwhelmingly against people of
color, almost exclusively on the poor, frequently executing people who are
innocent, and in targeting political dissidents. The executioners view any
limitations on their power and any demands for due process and fairness as
obstacles to be eliminated.

These Republican executioners have been highly successful in pursuing this
violent agenda with the cooperation of their Democratic Party colleagues,
most notably in the implementation of the Effective Death Penalty Act of
1996 which ties the hands of the Federal Courts in reversing death sentence
cases on appeal. It is under these severe new limitations that the case of
Mumia Abu-Jamal, sentenced to death in a Philadelphia court by a judge who
has presided over more death sentences than any other sitting judge, heads
into Federal Court in Philadelphia this summer.

When this Executioner's Ball is at the center of the international stage,
join us in crashing the party and denouncing the deadly deeds of the hosts
and the guests of honor!

Join with us in Philadelphia, in our unity and diversity, to make Tuesday,
August 1, a day of city-wide communication, outreach, protest, audacity and
action against the death penalty in the United States and against the
execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal!

Conveners: [list in formation] Academics for Mumia Abu-Jamal; Campaign to
End the Death Penalty; Herman Ferguson; Jack Heyman, International
Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 Executive Board member;
International Action Center; International Concerned Family & Friends of
Mumia Abu-Jamal; Bob Mandel, Executive Board, Oakland Education
Association; Robert Meeropol; MOVE; National Coalition to Abolish the Death
Penalty; Pennsylvania Abolitionists; Refuse & Resist!; Solidarity; Western
PA Committee to Free Mumia; Rev. S. Michael Yasutake, Executive Director,
Interfaith Prisoners of Conscience Project

[Organizations listed with individuals may be for identification only]


Box 38196
100 64 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46-739 98 01 59
- Wednesday, 28 June 2000 -



During the 1990's many Swedish nazi spaces were closed down by active
anti-fascists - both through militant actions and public opinion campaigns.
Some of the more spectacular "shut downs" occurred in Stockholm in the
successful "Nazi free Södermalm" campaign. The lack of nazi gathering
places has seriously undermined their attempts to hold the Swedish nazi
movement together.

However, one of the sore spots in every Scandinavian anti-fascist's eyes
has long been the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Nazis have been an unusually
strong force to reckon with there and the different leftist factions have
previously not been able to collaborate in order to achieve any lasting
results. Attempts at militant confrontation have even sometimes lead to
dismal defeats for anti-fascists in this city of 550 000.

But this is no longer the case. A successful campaign and
cross-organisational networking has finally brought down the last nazi
bunker in Sweden, the infamous boutique "Midgård". Several large
demonstrations of up to two thousand participants held last winter finally
opened up the eyes of local politicians to the problem. Political pressure
was then applied on the owner of the space who has finally decided to oust
the nazis. On 30 September 2000 Midgård is history. The chance of them
finding a new space to rent in the city is equal to zero.

GBG 2001

Gothenburg, is not nazi free, but their days are now numbered! 350 days
left to the EU Top meeting in Gothenburg, June 2001! Amsterdam, Cologne,
Gothenburg... we'll see you on the barricades!

Antifascistisk Aktion-Stockholm

Mot sexism, rasism, kapitalism och homofobi.


PO Box 3355
Dublin 7, Ireland
- Thursday, 29 June 2000 -



* * *

Irish Times
Thursday, 29th June 2000

Right Wing Dowager Dies

London - Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood, who has been described as 'probably
the most right wing person in England', has died at the age of 87. The
veteran anti-immigration campaigner died at a nursing home in Hounslow,
West London this morning at about 5am.

Last year she was diagnosed as suffering from cancer and Alzheimer's
disease. Controversial Lady Birdwood last hit the headlines with her Neo
Nazi beliefs two years ago when she came close to being prosecuted for
distributing racist material. Proceedings were halted as she was found to
have an unreliable short term memory.

Although professing that 'I don't hate anybody', it was the
multiculturalism which she saw on her own doorstep in Acton West London
that she used as evidence of Britons being crowded out by ethnic minorities.

* * *

Other info on Birdwood

Lady Jane Birdwood was an avid follower and friend of Oswald Mosley, the
leader of England's pro-Hitler movement prior to World War II. An
aristocrat through marriage, Birdwood, had a long history of involvement
with fascist groups, and operated two extreme-right organizations herself.
She also ran for public office on the openly fascist British National Party
ticket. She distributed literature claiming that Jews drink Christian
blood, have no right to be in England, and ought to be expelled. Birdwood
was arrested and convicted twice of spreading white racism and
anti-semitism; at the second trial she was found guilty on ten counts of
distributing and possessing thousands of anti-semitic leaflets. In the
1970's she was a frequent speaker on NF platforms and provided a link
between fascist organisations and smaller local anti-immigration campaigns
and fringe groups on the Tory Right [she was a Tory member and prominent in
the Monday Club faction]. She was also General Secretary of the British
League of Rights, a spokesperson for which once said in an interview "I
want to see a Fourth Reich and we all want the blacks and the Jews out of
this country".

Good Riddance!


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