
Democracy Now - Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Interview with Bradley Manning's Attorney, David Coombs

"He Wanted To Help America": First Extended Interview After 35-Year Sentence

Just after Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday
- and before Manning's announcement of a gender transition earlier today -
independent journalist Alexa O'Brien sat down with Manning's attorney, David
Coombs, for his first interview about the case. O'Brien was one of only a
handful of journalists to cover the entire Manning trial and was the first
to make transcripts of the proceedings publicly available. We air the
interview in a Democracy Now! exclusive. Coombs talks about the government's
use of classified evidence, Manning's reaction to the sentence and how much
of the court record was hidden from the public. "I can't believe that was
actually the sentence he received," Coombs tells O'Brien. "Anyone who sat
through the hearing and heard all the evidence, even in the closed sessions,
there is not evidence there where you would think 35 years would be the
appropriate sentence. I wonder now if there had actually been damaged or if
he had really intended to harm the United States or wanted to obtain
personal gain from selling classified information, just what the sentence
would have been. Because this was a person who had true intentions. He
wanted to help America. He wanted to get people to think about what was
going on in Iraq. He didn't have an evil motive in what he did."
AMY GOODMAN: Now, today, in breaking news, Manning released another
statement to the public announcing plans to live as a woman under the name
Chelsea Manning. Just after the sentencing on Wednesday, before this latest
announcement, independent journalist Alexa O'Brien sat down with Manning's
attorney, David Coombs, for Coombs' first interview about the case. Alexa
O'Brien was one of only a handful of journalists to cover the entire Manning
trial, there every single day. She was the first to make transcripts of the
proceedings publicly available. We'll spend the rest of the hour airing this
exclusive interview.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Mr. Coombs, Bradley Manning was convicted of 20 offenses and
just sentenced to 35 years. What is your reaction?
DAVID COOMBS: Well, I look at the sentence, and I can't believe that that
was actually the sentence he received. Anyone who sat through the hearing,
heard all the evidence, even in the closed sessions, there is not evidence
there where you would think 35 years would be the appropriate sentence. I
wonder now, if there had actually been damage, or if he had really intended
to harm the United States, or if he wanted to obtain personal gain from
selling classified information, just what the sentence would have been,
because this was a person who had true intentions. He wanted to help
America. He wanted to get people to think about what was going on in Iraq.
And he didn't have an evil motive in what he did. You heard from the
sentencing his background, his story. And yet, that was the sentence he
ALEXA O'BRIEN: And how is Bradley Manning?
DAVID COOMBS: Interestingly, he was the person who had probably the most
cheerful mood afterwards. There were a lot of people who were very upset. He
said, "Hey, it's OK. It's all right. I know you did everything you could for
me. Don't cry. Be happy. It's fine. This is just a stage of my life. I'm
moving forward. I will recover from this." So it was odd that I wasn't the
person who was trying to comfort him. It was just-just the opposite.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: My sense-I don't know Bradley Manning, but my sense is that
he has grown up through his court-martial process. He is actually quite a
strong character in the courtroom. And he is-and I've described him as being
incredibly earnest. I really think, you know, it's the best way I can
describe the sort of sense of sincerity that I get from hearing him testify.
What's your sense of Bradley Manning? How have you seen him grow through
this process? Or-
DAVID COOMBS: Oh, he definitely has matured. When I first met him three
years ago, it was a young man who-still very idealistic, but, you know, when
he had to explain certain things of what his thought process was, he had
sometimes trouble articulating how he was feeling. It was clear he had these
feelings, and it was clear he was sincere, but he couldn't really talk about
it. He also wasn't a person who really knew how to connect with others,
because he was so used to being judged. So, even though very caring, he
would have difficulty whenever you got onto a personal level with them. I
think over the years, the three years that I represented him, I've seen all
those barriers break down. He is not just a client, he is a friend. And to
see him mature over the last three years gives me great hope for him in the
future. And that's really why I believed an appropriate sentence would have
been one that got him back to society sooner rather than later, because he
has so much to offer. He is really somebody who in life didn't have a lot of
opportunities, didn't have a lot going for him, and in spite of that, he
turned out to be the type of person that he is, somebody who puts people
first, who cares about people-even when these people don't care about him.
And that's the amazing thing when you see what he does. His conduct really
does back up his beliefs.
AMY GOODMAN: Bradley Manning's attorney David Coombs, being interviewed by
journalist Alexa O'Brien. We'll be back in 30 seconds.
AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to this exclusive interview with Bradley Manning's
attorney, David Coombs, just after the verdict was read, conducted by
independent journalist Alexa O'Brien.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Let's talk about what 35 years means, the sentence, because a
lot of people are talking about mitigating factors like, for example, the
Clemency and Parole Board. In realistic terms, what does a 35-year sentence
look like to you?
DAVID COOMBS: Well, he'll have several opportunities to lessen that time.
Because it's more than 30 years, he'll be eligible for parole after 10. And
so, that will be the first time they'll look at him for parole. And then
every year thereafter he'll get a look. From my perspective, he would be an
excellent candidate for parole, because he's not a risk of recidivism. He's
not going to have access to classified information, clearly. His crime was
not violent. It was not for personal gain. He has no anti-person-antisocial
personality problems. So, this is a person who could be put in society today
and be fine. So, my hope is that at the 10-year mark, which he gets
time-credit for the time that he's served, so really that's seven years from
now, roughly-that he would be somebody who is paroled. Every year
thereafter, if he's not granted parole, then he has another hearing.
Although that's not my specialty, I'm going to make it my specialty, and
I'll be there in 10 years.
DAVID COOMBS: Or, actually, seven.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Yeah. And this would be part of time off for good behavior?
Is that what you're talking about? Or separate from parole?
DAVID COOMBS: Separate from that. So when he goes into confinement, he will
get two dates. They will figure out his maximum release date and his minimum
release date. So the 35 number really doesn't mean that's the number you
serve. You'll get two different dates. And he'll find that out within the
first week that he's there. He'll convey that to me. I'll make sure that
that's accurate. And then I can give some more information as to the
possible release dates for him.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: I really want to talk to you about this case, because this
case has been obscured from the public, from closed sessions, not having a
public access to court documents. And before we get into sort of aspects of
the case, I want to ask you how has the way the government has prosecuted
this case or Manning's conviction been unprecedented.
DAVID COOMBS: Well, I think that, for starters, you go with an offense of
aiding the enemy, and that offense really is unprecedented. When you look at
how that was used in the past and how the government tried to use it in this
case, they had to go back to an 1800s case to even make an argument, a
colorable argument, as to why you would go after somebody who gave
information to a journalist and say that they aided the enemy. That is an
unprecedented aspect of this case. Not only there, but in every other
charging decision that they made, they pushed the envelope of, and even
strained, any realistic reading of what the law is. And yet, they seemed to
not have a problem with that. It was almost a win-at-all-costs mentality.
And I think that ultimately will be something on appeal that will get
reviewed, and perhaps at that point Brad will get some relief, even on
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Now, Manning wasn't convicted of aiding the enemy. Do you
think that the fact that it stood up as long as it did in the prosecution
sets any kind of precedent?
DAVID COOMBS: I do. I mean, I think, if I were a journalist, or, for that
matter, somebody who is a concerned citizen who has access to information,
is considering being a whistleblower, I think this sends a chilling message.
And that message is one in which, even when your theory is you had no intent
to get this information to the enemy, it was not your belief, there's no
evidence to show that you would have actual knowledge-and that was the key
aspect there-that the enemy would receive this information, and yet you're
going to be charged with this, it's going to survive motions to dismiss,
even after the government's presentation of the evidence, which then it
became clear they had no evidence. It survived a 917 motion, which is a
motion to dismiss based upon a failure of proof. That, to me, was amazing. I
could not believe that the offense survived that long. And it does send a
chilling effect and chilling message to anyone who may think about releasing
information for the betterment of America, or any journalist who might think
about receiving that information, because it's not a far step to go from the
person who gave it to the person that received it, the journalist. And I
think, recently, with Glenn Greenwald's significant other being stopped-I
think if Glenn was with him, he would have been stopped, as well-I think
that is an indicator that just because you're a journalist, the government
is not going to turn a blind eye to the fact that you're part of that
ALEXA O'BRIEN: I want to talk to you about the espionage charges, because a
lot of the press focused on aiding the enemy, because it was such a grave
charge, but here we have Manning convicted on six espionage offenses, or
Espionage Act offenses. Manning was convicted on probable harm at trial, and
it wasn't really until the sentencing phase that we got to really discuss if
there was any damage at all. So, I wanted to ask you just sort of
point-blankly: Did these disclosures damage national security?
DAVID COOMBS: Not from my perspective, no. And that's the other difficult
aspect of this case. We would expect to see some damage that they could
articulate, given the amount of information. Understanding the type of
information-and that information usually would not have something in there
that would be harmful, given that most of its dated. It's looking backwards
instead of forwards. The one exception might be the diplomatic cables. So, I
fully anticipated seeing something that even I, from my perspective, would
have to say, "Yes, that is damage," and that's going to affect his sentence.
But we didn't see that, and didn't see that in the open session, did not see
that in the closed session. And so, because of that, that's another reason
why I have difficulty accepting the outcome in this case.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: How would you characterize the evidence that the government
presented at sentencing, the aggravation evidence? How would you describe-
DAVID COOMBS: Speculative. I'd say it's pure speculation. They got
individuals to come up who were so-called subject matter experts in their
field to essentially espouse their personal opinion as to some potential
harm in the future. When asked to give concrete, you know, specific
examples, something where we could say, OK, this person was hurt, or this
person was harmed, or, God forbid, this person was killed, none of that came
out from any of these witnesses. And because of that, that really kind of
changed our position on what we wanted to try to do in our sentencing case.
Initially, we were thinking on offering the damage assessments from the
respective agencies. And our thought process behind that was, when you read
the damage assessments, you get a sense of some potential harm at a
particular time, but the long-term harm, when they're looking at this from
the damage assessment standpoint, is even in there speculative. And they
start to say there's a potential for this, but it's remote, or it's
unlikely. And so we initially thought those damage assessments would be
vital in order to impeach the witnesses that the government would call. At
the end of the day, we saw that the witnesses that they called gave even
worse testimony than what was in the damage assessments, from the standpoint
of harming. And so, what looked initially to be our-one of our better
mitigating circumstances, the damage assessments, actually would have been
harmful, so we decided not to offer that. And I fully expected that the
government then would offer the damage assessments, because it actually did
a better job of capturing speculative damage in a more convincing manner
than their witnesses did.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: I want to talk to you about the closed sessions. I mean, you
know, I've sort of graphed out all the critical evidence as it relates to
certain elements, for the espionage charges, for aiding the enemy, and into
sentencing. And most of the critical evidence in this trial is classified.
And, you know, we got into the sentencing phase, and the public sort of
wanted to know: You know, was there any damage? And most of these sessions
were closed, especially in the sentencing phase. So I want to talk to you
about how the prosecutors may have used classification. Do you think that
they used classification to hide their case from public scrutiny?
DAVID COOMBS: I don't think so. And that might be a surprising answer. I
don't think they used classification to hid their case from the public. I
think they used classification to try to convince the public that there was
something in there that was harmful, so harmful that you, the public, could
not hear it. But reality, there wasn't.
Classification in this case was really used to hide information from the
defense. The fact that it was a classified evidence case really hurt our
ability to discover information that in any other case I would be able to
have access to. When you have to rely upon the government-and this is the
government counsel-to look through evidence and determine what information
should the defense receive in their preparation of their defense, you have a
problem. I had a security clearance. I had the ability to see any of the
information. I should have had equal access to everything the government
looked at. And then I could make an intelligent argument at that point why I
needed certain classified information. Instead, I had to rely upon a trial
counsel, whose job obviously is not to look after the best interests of Pfc.
Manning, to look through information and say, "No, you don't need to know
this; this is not going to be helpful to your defense." I am certain that
there was classified information that would have been helpful to the defense
that we did not receive.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Throughout the beginning of the discovery process, in the
motions part of the trial, you know, there was an attempt by defense to get
communications between Russell Travers, who was a senior official at the
National Counterterrorism Center, who was picked essentially to be the
National Security Staff's senior adviser for information access and
security-and the White House Press Secretary called the investigation of
WikiLeaks and Manning administration-wide. So, I really want to talk to you
about this case in a larger context. And have you found any evidence that
the investigation or the prosecution of Manning or WikiLeaks was being
coordinated by the National Security Council or the White House?
DAVID COOMBS: I haven't, but I would have no doubt that multiple agencies,
certainly Department of State, FBI and other agencies of the alphabet
soup-type example, would have some involvement in this case. It was clear
that every day we had a group of people behind the prosecution, that just
sat there. Occasionally they would pass notes to the trial counsel.
Obviously I don't know what was on those notes. During some of the breaks, I
would walk up and introduce myself, say, "Hi, I'm David Coombs. How are you?
And what do you do for a living?" And they would never answer that question.
So, from my perspective, clearly there were outside influences. And it would
explain why the government did take the position that it did of essentially
win at all cost. They never deviated from pushing the envelope, where I
would think a trial counsel who's really kind of concerned about not only
getting a just outcome, but having that outcome stand up on appeal, take
certain steps to eliminate appellate issues. In this case, the government
was never concerned about any of those.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Let's talk about what-what you just said in terms of you said
that there were definitely other interests around this prosecution. Can
you-can you tell me what you think those are, or what purpose the trial
counsel's case or objective was in this military prosecution beyond
punishing Bradley Manning or deterring other people from following in his
DAVID COOMBS: Sure. I think you don't really have to look any further than
the 2008 ACIC, the Army counterintelligence report, to get the answer to
that. It was important that once the government found a whistleblower,
somebody who was leaking information to a journalist, to make an example of
them. It was important that that example be a very loud message to show that
you couldn't have the belief of safe disclosures, even to an organization
like WikiLeaks. And that goal was to destroy that mentality of I can give
stuff in an anonymous fashion that I think is beneficial for the world to
know without risk to myself. Manning's case is the case that tries to
destroy that belief in order to essentially deter any other person from ever
following in his footsteps.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Do you still believe that the way in which the government has
prosecuted this case, in addition to deterring whistleblowers and destroying
any kind of sense of trust between a media organization and a
whistleblower-do you think that the way in which the military prosecuted
this was to actually plea your client out?
DAVID COOMBS: I don't know if it was necessarily to plead my client out. You
would expect, if that were the goal, that you would have a reasonable
government on the opposite side offering a reasonable outcome to the case.
When I first came on to this case back in 2010, I knew many of the key
players from the government side. And at that point, rather foolishly, I had
the optimistic belief that I could obtain a very favorable outcome for
Bradley. Reality, though, set in pretty quickly after that. They were not
interested in pleading the case, certainly not when they made the offers to
us of what they would support. Those offers were so far out in the
stratosphere that even today's outcome looks outstanding compared to what
they were offering us. So, from my perspective, I don't believe they ever
wanted to plead this case. I believe they wanted to make an example of Pfc.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: How important was it to defend Bradley Manning against the
Garani airstrike video, which was a video of a May 2009 airstrike or cluster
bomb bombing in the Farah province of Afghanistan? Manning was found not
guilty of this charge. The government came forward with trying to assert a
November transmission date.
DAVID COOMBS: That was-it was pivotal to our defense that the judge did not
believe that Pfc. Manning was working for WikiLeaks, because he wasn't. It
was pivotal for our defense that the judge did not believe that he started
to do his leaks in November of 2009, because he didn't. The government
wanted to show that he started at that timeframe for their argument that
within two weeks of coming to Iraq he turned his back on his soldiers, his
fellow soldiers, and went to work for WikiLeaks. That could not be further
from the truth.
The reality of the situation was, nothing happened in November. He did find
out about WikiLeaks, like a lot of other people, when they released the 9/11
pager messages, and he paid attention to WikiLeaks at that point. He did go
on to IRC chats and spoke with other people both working for and with
WikiLeaks and other people who were just interested in WikiLeaks. And he
found fellow like-minded people there that could talk about issues of not
only computers and programming, but also important issues that are important
for the world to be discussing. And that's the December time frame.
So, in January is the first time that he actually discloses anything, and
that's the SIGACTs, the significant activity reports. From our perspective,
it was pivotal that the judge believe that, because had the judge believed
that he went to work for WikiLeaks in November 2009, I think the chances of
being found guilty of aiding the enemy would have been significantly higher.
AMY GOODMAN: Bradley Manning's attorney, David Coombs, being interviewed by
journalist Alexa O'Brien. We'll be back with the conclusion of the interview
in 30 seconds.
AMY GOODMAN: We return now to the conclusion of the first interview with
Bradley Manning's attorney, David Coombs, done after the judge sentenced
Manning to 35 years in jail. The interview was conducted by independent
journalist Alexa O'Brien.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: What issues are going to come up on appeal, as you see them?
What are the sort of major mistakes of fact or legal understanding that are
going to come up on appeal?
DAVID COOMBS: I think the biggest one is speedy trial. The fact that we
demanded speedy trial relatively early on in the case and yet still had to
wait well over a year to get Pfc. Manning to his day in court, I think will
be one of the bigger issues.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: And Manning was held longer than any accused awaiting
DAVID COOMBS: To my knowledge, yes. And, you know, when you look at the
speedy trial issue, the government avoided that problem by just simply going
to their-the first-level commander and asking for him to just say, "I'm
going to exclude this time. This time will not count against you for any
future speedy trial issues," and did that time and time again. And when you
think about that, if that's all it takes to wipe the slate clean for the
clock, the speedy trial clock, then there is no speedy trial clock. And in
this instance, that's all the government really had, and yet it was
condoned. So I think speedy trial will be a huge issue.
I think the unlawful pretrial punishment will be a big issue. I think the
judge's rulings on the 1030 offense, the exceeding authorized access on a
computer, will be a huge issue. Her last-minute allowing the government to
change the larceny offenses, the 641 offenses-
ALEXA O'BRIEN: To change the charge sheet.
DAVID COOMBS: To change the charge sheet-
ALEXA O'BRIEN: After the closing of it.
DAVID COOMBS: -to change the nature of the offense, to change what was
charged, after the close of evidence, will be a huge appellate issue. So
there are several issues that I think will give the potential for relief on
ALEXA O'BRIEN: What's your sense-I mean, in the middle of this trial or
towards the end of it, Colonel Denise Lind, the military-the presiding
military judge, was promoted to the Army Court of Criminal Appeals, which
will be the court of appeals that this case will go to. What's your sense of
DAVID COOMBS: Well, it is a promotion from the standpoint of going from a
trial level to the appellate level, although it's not atypical. So, I'll say
that in the past judges have gone from the trial level to the appellate
level, and then they go even back down to the trial level. So, she wasn't
promoted from the standpoint of rank. I don't think it had really any
bearing on the case. She certainly won't be the appellate judge listening to
the case. So I'm hopeful that the other judges that are on the Army Court of
Criminal Appeals will look at the issues and see what we litigated and
hopefully come to a different conclusion.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Was Manning scapegoated for any kind of leadership or policy
failures within either his 2nd Brigade Combat Team or within the Department
of Defense or even the U.S. government?
DAVID COOMBS: I don't know about scapegoated, but he was a-and in my
opinion, when I argued, also in sentencing, he was a victim of a very poor
chain of command. One of the things that you would expect from a chain of
command, especially from the non-commissioned officer side, is that they
take care of soldiers. That is the very first thing that any NCO learns, and
that's the first thing that they think of every given day that they get up,
put the uniform on: How do I take care of my soldiers? In this case, Pfc.
Manning was not taken care of by his unit. Had they taken care of him, they
would have realized that he was struggling with something, struggling with
issues, and they would have addressed those issues. I'm not to say-and
that's not to say that this wouldn't have happened still, but it's
certainly, if he had a caring command, if he had an NCO leadership that
looked out for him, they would have recognized, at least in December of
2009, that there were some issues with what-his behavior and what he was
struggling with.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: I want to talk to you about your client. Your client has-you
know, in the court record, has had personal issues that they have struggled
with that are a part of this case. They've also had gender identity issues
or-that have come up at the sort of the climax of the sentencing case. And
Bradley Manning came forward and offered an apology to the presiding
military judge. Could you give the public a context for all of those issues
and how you saw they fit into the case, and your concerns as a defense
attorney as to how you were going to handle those issues?
DAVID COOMBS: Sure. I mean, I think to minimize Brad and say he is one thing
and only one thing is not to do justice to him and how complex he is as a
person. I think, from the defense's perspective, we had to look at the
entire picture of why he did certain things. And it was clear-and you can
see that from the Lamo chats-why he would leak certain information,
believing that this information was important for the public to know,
believing that it might spark reforms, it might spark debate, it might make
a difference in the world. Those are firmly held beliefs that we embraced,
obviously, as part of his defense. But you wouldn't do justice to what he
was going through without recognizing that he had those beliefs at the same
time that he was struggling with a very, very personal issue that was really
at the center and core of who he was and who he hoped to be. And he was in a
position now of dealing with that in a deployed environment, where he
couldn't reach out for help, where he couldn't turn to the next person and
say, "Hey, I'm struggling with this issue. Can you help me?" because if he
did that, he would no longer be in the military. So, early on, we had to
address that issue. And even though it was uncomfortable for him, and even
though at the time he didn't want it to come to the forefront, I told him
that we needed to embrace that part, because that was part of the narrative,
that was part of what was happening, and that was the truth, and we needed
to bring it out.
But at the same time, we also really wanted to make sure that people knew
that we weren't offering that as an excuse. We weren't saying that because
of the struggles, he chose to leak this information; because of his personal
issues, that that led him to share information with WikiLeaks. The two are
not related. But because they happened at the same time, it's important to
understand that, because that provides context. And certainly, as we all
know, when you're under a lot of stress, and when you're under a lot of
pressure, and when you're dealing with personal issues, that does affect
your judgment. That does affect how you might internalize things. And so I
think it had an impact on him. It didn't cause him to do his actions. But it
was important, from the defense's perspective, that the military judge got
that full picture. And our hope was, if she got that full picture, she would
understand that who she was sentencing was a good young man, a moral young
man, a man with probably one of the stronger moral compasses of what is
right and wrong. And he has that compass in spite of his childhood, in spite
of his upbringing, in spite of how other people treat him. And this is the
type of person that you have in front of you.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: How did other people treat him?
DAVID COOMBS: Well, you have people treating him as essentially a pariah, as
an outcast. They recognized from the beginning he doesn't fit the typical
mold. And so he has very little friends. And one of the aspects that came
out, through some of the people who would talk about him, was even those
people who were rude to him, even those people who belittled him, made fun
of him, he was still kind to, he was still respectful to. So, you see a
person like him, and you think, you know, if only he had somebody who was a
strong leader, if only he had somebody that he could go to and talk to,
things might have been different.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Do you think things might have been different meaning that
these would not be released as they were released?
DAVID COOMBS: I don't know. I mean, I think even if Brad didn't have these
issues, I think when he deployed and he started to see the things he was
seeing, and when he started to read about the things that were being done, I
think, from a moral standpoint, he would have had that problem and still
would have had that issue. And I think that's where we get to the apology,
where he says, "Look, you know, I could have done other things." I think if
he had a strong leadership, he would have explored other options. He would
have explored what the mainstream would say you would need to do: go through
your traditional channels, through your elected leaders, through your
internal inspector general who would investigate anything that you believed
was unethical or illegal. He would have at least explored those. I don't
know if he would have gotten any relief going through that, and so
ultimately he might have done the same thing. But it would have maybe
delayed his actions.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: What was the most damage done in this case?
DAVID COOMBS: I-personally, I think the most damage done in this case was
the sentence that my client received. If you're talking about damage from a
standpoint of what he released, embarrassment. Embarrassment was the most
damage. It's not-when you look at the SIGACTs, when you look at the other
charge documents, all that stuff is, as I said before, something that looks
to past acts. It's kind of an historical record. I don't believe any of that
gave away anything that was sensitive.
The diplomatic cables, on the other hand, I think the damage there was an
embarrassment of having other people see that we don't always do the right
thing for the right reasons as the United States, which might come as a
surprise to some people. You would think that when we deal with other
countries, when we deal with people who are less fortunate than our country,
that we're doing so in a way that helps everybody, that's in everyone's best
interest. But that's not always the case. And, in fact, frequently we do
things that are in our own national interests, and sometimes that is to the
detriment of people who are struggling to have what we have here in
America-a democracy, a free and open press. And that's a little
disheartening when you see that. And I think that's probably the biggest
damage, because if people actually look to these documents, they will see
that we don't always do what we should do, and we are not always the country
that we should strive to be.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: What drove Manning to release these documents?
DAVID COOMBS: I think what he was seeing, and the amount of time that he had
to deal with this. If you're in a deployed environment, which I have been
several times, you have nothing else but your job, and perhaps going to the
gym to work out, to eat, to sleep, then you go back to your job. And for
him, I think what probably caused this to accelerate was that's all he had
to think about. And because of his moral compass, because of what he was
hoping to achieve when he went there-you look back at the Laura McNamara
chats, the now-back then she was called Zachary Antolak-you look at those
chats, and you see a young man hoping that when he gets there, he can make a
difference, he could hopefully save lives, hopefully get people back safely.
How disheartening it must have been when he got there to see that that
really wasn't always the mission. And we didn't always just kill bad people.
Sometimes we just killed people because they were in the wrong place. And no
one asks questions. And no one investigated to see did we do something
wrong. And when we did do something wrong, we didn't come forward with that
information. We didn't readily admit the mistake, say we're sorry, and show
how we're going to prevent this from happening again in the future. We owe
that to American public. We owe that to the publics that we go to protect
and to help them build a good country. And yet we didn't do that. And so,
for Brad to see that, I think that probably is what accelerated his belief
that the public needed to see this information.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: This is my last question for you. You have said in the past
that a court-martial is the best, most fairest courtroom for Bradley
Manning. Has this trial, in your experience through it, changed your
perspective on the military justice system?
DAVID COOMBS: It hasn't changed my perspective on the justice system, but
what it has done is it has brought to the forefront-for me, at
least-problems with our justice system, things that need to change. And the
first thing that needs to change is Rule for Court-Martial 806. That's the
rule that prevents cameras from coming into the courtroom. We need to change
that rule. We need to have cameras in the courtroom. We need to have the
media have access to see what happens at every moment inside the courtroom.
Hopefully this could be aired on C-SPAN or some other network where the
average public person could tune in and see what is going on in a
court-martial. And the reason why I think that's important is, majority of
the things that happened in this trial I don't think would have happened if
you had the eyes of the public firmly fixed on it. And in this case
especially, if you had cameras in the courtroom, you would have had more
media. You would have had journalists there. You would have had Nancy Grace,
I'm sure, would have been live from Fort Meade every day talking about this
case. It would have been on the front page of newspapers.
And people would then see for themselves what I know, and that is there is a
good young man who received 35 years, and he didn't need to receive 35
years. There's a good young man who did what he thought was morally right,
and for the right reasons, and he was sentenced the way we would sentence
somebody who committed murder, the way we would sentence somebody who
molested a child. That's the sentence he received. So, yes, I still believe
military justice is fair. I still am very proud to be a member of the
military. But I can recognize where there are problems. And cameras in the
courtroom, we need to have that. We need to change that aspect of the
And then, secondly, classified evidence cases-the rules are not balanced.
The government has too much power over what is discoverable, over what will
be shared, over how things are given to the court and not to the defense.
Those rules need to change. Also in this case, you get a situation where I'm
asking for witnesses that are clearly relevant. I'm asking for people to
come testify that would be beneficial to my client, and yet I have to go
through the government to ask for that. I have to get their permission. And
when they deny it, then I have to go seek relief from the judge. That's
wrong. We shouldn't have that aspect of the system. We should have equal
access to witnesses, the ability to bring them in without having a trial
counsel say yes.
ALEXA O'BRIEN: Did Bradley Manning receive a fair trial?
DAVID COOMBS: I think Bradley Manning received a trial in which people will
look at it and say, "I don't think so." And that's really the question that
people should be asking now: Did he receive a fair trial? In my perspective
from his legal representation, I would like to think he received a fair
trial. But I have to admit, when you look at this and you see the outcome
and you see what came out, it would be hard for somebody to say that this
was fair. And at the end of the day, whether or not it's fair, perception is
what matters. And the perception is, no, he didn't receive a fair trial. And
that should be problematic for people. That should be problematic for our
military, and hopefully that will be problematic for the president of the
United States, and he'll do something about it.
AMY GOODMAN: Bradley Manning's attorney, David Coombs, being interviewed by
independent journalist Alexa O'Brien, in his first interview after the Army
private was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking more than 700,000
classified files and videos to WikiLeaks. Manning was also dishonorably
discharged. You can go to democracynow.org to watch the full interview, of
which this was an excerpt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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