Sent from Jeff Cohen:  

Petition with 100,000 Signers Urging Nobel Peace Prize for Bradley Manning
Scheduled for Presentation to Nobel Committee Office in Oslo on Monday,
August 12th, 2013


A petition with 100,000 signers urging a Nobel Peace Prize for whistleblower
Bradley Manning will be presented to the Norwegian Nobel Committee office in
Oslo on August 12th, a U.S.-based activist group announced.


Norman Solomon, co-founder of  <>,
will bring the petition to the office of the Nobel Committee, where a
representative of the committee is scheduled to receive it. Solomon wrote
the article "Manning Deserves Nobel Peace Prize," which
for-public-accuracy-editorials-debates/2601569/> appeared in USA Today last


A former winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, has
formally nominated Manning for the honor, saying "I can think of no one more
deserving." She
peace-prize-candidate> wrote last month that disclosures from Manning
"helped end the Iraq War, and may have helped prevent further conflicts


The  <> petition -- urging the Nobel Committee to
award the Peace Prize to Manning -- has been signed by Americans in every
state. While the vast majority of signers are U.S. citizens, the petition
has also been signed by people in scores of other countries. It includes
tens of thousands of individual comments from signers, all of which will be
presented to the Nobel Committee as part of the petition.


"We'll be asking the Nobel Committee to read those comments because they
embody cogent and heartfelt support for Bradley Manning from all over the
world," Solomon said. The comments are online as part of the petition at:
<> .


En route to Oslo with the petition, Solomon is scheduled to speak at a
tatchell> public meeting in London the evening of August 9th. Other speakers
include Tariq Ali and Peter Tatchell.


"Consent of the governed is meaningful only to the extent that it is
informed consent," Solomon wrote in USA Today. "Bradley Manning let
Americans, and many others around the world, know what their governments
were really doing. The disclosures caused problems for leaders in many
nations who much preferred to operate behind an opaque curtain. . Only a
knowledgeable citizenry can come to grips with actual policies that
perpetuate war when shielded from public scrutiny."


Solomon added: "It's easy to insist that Bradley Manning must face the
consequences of his actions. But we badly need whistleblowers like Manning
because U.S. government leaders do not face the consequences of their
actions, including perpetual warfare abroad and assaults on civil liberties
at home. No government should have the power to keep waging war while using
secrecy to cloak policies that cannot stand the light of day."


Solomon will be in London on August 9 and 10, and in Oslo on August 11 and




For Further Information or to Arrange an Interview Contact:


*  Sam Husseini:   <mailto:202-421-6858> 202-421-6858 - 


*  Norman Solomon:  <mailto:415-488-3606> 415-488-3606 - Voice Mail & Text - 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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