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The terrible and widespread killing in Syria will become even more terrible and 
more widespread if the U.S. military (or a coalition of allies) launches an 

Under the Constitution, Congress is responsible for declaring war -- yet 
routinely it leaves the decision to the President.

 In less than a minute, you can send an urgent email to your senators and 
representative (with a "cc" to President Obama) urging them to oppose a U.S. 
military attack on Syria. Click here.

The choice is not between doing nothing and bombing the Syrian people. Bob 
Dreyfuss, contributing editor at The Nation, urges "an all-out effort to 
achieve a ceasefire in the Syrian civil war. It's late in the game but it can 
be done. The first step would be for Washington to put intense pressure on 
Saudi Arabia, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, and Turkey, to halt the flow 
of weapons to the Syrian rebels, while simultaneously getting Russia and Iran 
to do the same. A concerted, worldwide diplomatic effort along those lines 
could work, but there's zero evidence that President Obama has even thought of 

 Click here to give the idea to the President and to Congress.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire said this week: "Contrary to some 
foreign governments’ current policies of arming the rebels and pushing for 
military intervention, the people of Syria are calling out for peace and 
reconciliation and a political solution to the crisis, which continues to be 
inflamed by outside forces with thousands of foreign fighters funded and 
supported by outside countries for their own political ends."[3]

Click here to tell those who would bomb people in our names that we strongly 
oppose such actions. 

Very important: To help amplify voices for peace at this crucial time, please 
forward this message to like-minded friends.

-- The team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, 
Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, 
Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen 
Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.

 This work is only possible with your financial support. Please donate.

 Institute for Public Accuracy: An Illegal War Forced on Syria That Benefits 
 Bob Dreyfuss, The Nation: No War With Syria
 Mairead Maguire: Syria: No Armaments to Rebels


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