>From Jeff Paterson: j...@jeffpaterson.net

Hi folks, please help share this campaign with your friends, neighbors, and
fellow church goers! - Jeff Paterson of Courage To Resist

The Full Page Ad in The New York Times

Add your Name alongside Alice Walker, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Graham

Russell Brand, Joan Baez & Tom Morello in our full page ad in The New York

The Bradley Manning Support Network will publish a full-page ad in the

"newspaper of record" featuring a bold "WE ARE BRADLEY MANNING"
with a field of names in the background-hopefully, yours included. 

The deadline for adding your name is Tuesday, July 23rd, 3:00 PM EST. 

The ad will run as soon as Thursday, July 25th.

By making a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more today, you will ensure
that your name is included.  Smaller donations are very much appreciated,
but donor names may or may not appear in the ad. Any person may donate and
remain anonymous as well.

Add Your Name and Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution to This Ad:

For More Information:

$39,545 of $52,000 Raised - 5 Days To Go
Updated July 18, 12:05am EST / Deadline July 23, 3pm EST

If you have any problems donating online, please contact us at:

This ad effort was deemed to be a high priority by
<http://www.bradleymanning.org/featured/priorities> a recent survey of
nearly 1,000 backers of the Bradley Manning Support Network.


Text of the full page ad to appear in The New York Times


We stand with WikiLeaks whistle-blower US Army PFC Bradley Manning

We are American military veterans, artists, journalists, educators,
homemakers, lawyers, and citizens. We live in red states and in blue states,
in communities urban and rural. We ask you to consider the facts, and join
us in declaring: 

Enough is enough. Free Bradley Manning now.

In a time of endless war and economic distress, a cloud of government
secrecy has eclipsed our republic. We are told that these secrets are
necessary, that they save American lives, and we are told the growing
National Security state is beyond question. More secrecy does not make us
secure when it allows leaders and politicians to avoid accountability. We've
learned these secrets also conceal crimes: torture, illegal surveillance,
and corruption-all committed in our name.

In a time when we needed the truth, a young U.S. Army private became our
champion for openness and responsibility. An Intelligence Analyst, Bradley
Manning had access to some of America's dirtiest secrets, such as U.S.
support for Iraqi torture, and a video exposing American troops shooting
children, civilians, and journalists from an Apache helicopter over Baghdad.
Bradley Manning acted on his conscience, with selfless courage and
conviction, and gave these secrets to us, the American public.

"I believed that if the general public. had access to the information
contained within the [Iraq and Afghan War Logs] this could spark a domestic
debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as well
as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan," explained PFC Bradley Manning prior
to his May 2010 arrest in Iraq. 

"I wanted the American public to know that not everyone in Iraq and
Afghanistan were targets that needed to be neutralized, but rather people
who were struggling to live in the pressure cooker environment of what we
call asymmetric warfare," PFC Manning added.

Journalists used these documents to uncover many startling truths. We
. how Donald Rumsfeld and General Petraeus built their careers by supporting
torture in Iraq. 
. how deliberate civilian killings by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan
went unpunished, and that thousands of civilian casualties were never
. most Guantanamo detainees were innocent.

For his service on behalf of an informed democracy, Bradley Manning faces
life in prison. Prosecutors accuse him of "Aiding the Enemy" for providing
WikiLeaks with this information, but acknowledged that they would have done
the same if he had given the documents to The New York Times.

Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three years in a row, Bradley Manning is
a whistle-blower in every sense of the term. He exposed secret crimes and
malfeasance for the public good, and took nothing in return. Bradley Manning
has accepted responsibility for releasing these documents and mishandling
classified information. Alone, these charges could send him to prison for 20
years. Yet the Government argues for life in prison, declaring that he
sought to indirectly aid our enemies with a new "open-source" espionage.

No proof that any lives were endangered, or that any person was even harmed,
was presented by the prosecution. 

A new whistle-blower, Edward Snowden, has stepped forward since Bradley
Manning's trial began last month. He revealed that a vast, unwarranted, and
fundamentally unconstitutional program of Internet and phone surveillance on
every U.S. citizen is being conducted by the National Security Agency.
Edward Snowden fled his home explaining that he feared the type of extreme
punishment that Bradley Manning has already endured in military pre-trial

We put forward this letter to advance the public debate, as Bradley Manning
intended-to further transparency and accountability in government. We
dedicate ourselves to following Bradley Manning's example to expose the
truth, even when inconvenient to do so. To promote openness in our
government, so that it can be evaluated and improved. To believe,
passionately, in the power of real democracy.

We await military judge Colonel Denise Lind's ruling as to what sentence
Bradley Manning will receive in her Fort Meade, Maryland courtroom a few
days from now. As PFC Manning has been imprisoned for over three years, and
subjected to brutal conditions at Marine Base Quantico, Virginia for nine of
those months, the only remotely reasonable sentence would be time-served.

We call on Major General Jeffery Buchanan to use his ability as Convening
Authority of these proceedings to reduce any sentence handed down by Judge
Lind in order to free Bradley Manning without delay.

Finally, we call on President Barack Obama to pardon Bradley Manning. This
young soldier does not deserve to spend one more day in prison for informing
the public of our government's policies. Bradley Manning believed you, Mr.
President, when you came into office promising the most transparent
administration in history, and that you would protect whistle-blowers. Now
would be a good time to start upholding that pledged transparency, beginning
with PFC Manning.

We will not relent until this American hero is free.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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