> So why not just call it ArachneSeven or ArachneProject?

I used Arachne7 as a short version.

> I recommend that you keep it off the Yahoo directory

Done from the start. Though parts of the group migth be exposed as soon as
the result is in exhibition. For example photographs and the calander, to
follow the project when it travels around the world for exhibition. For
example when my group in Gouda celebrates its 25 aniversary in 2010.

> y'all decide whether the
> yahoo route is a good one or not, set something up (if not;  Jo's
> already set up a yahoo one, if it turns out to be *the* choice) and ...

If no-one objects and comes with something else...

> ... tell us when it's open, and how to join it (and let's hope I can

The group is open exept that no-one yet offered me a introduction message
for the home page. I guess it should contain some non-disclosure agreement.
I also want some co-moderators for several reasons of which I mention some:
1) I don't wan't to be the boss. 2) Some groups get orphanised when somehow
the account of the one and only moderator gets corrupted. 3) I only dial in
on the web once or twice per Dutch evening (one hour before GMT), and during
holidays (Dutch seem to have a lot) also someone must be available, just in
case. 4) It would be good to have some moderators from various corners of
the world. 5) I didn't save all the messages so I won't recognise most email
adresses whether they are truly Arachne-members or spammers. 6) I might be
too 'puter-literate to see the problems that others might have. But I don't
expect problems.

Though they can do more, the main task of a moderator is during startup.
You'll get notification messages for new members, after verification simply
hit "reply" and "send" to accept, or forward to an address specified in the
notification to reject. I'll give the moderator all rights (so they even can
throw me out ;-)

To join go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Arachne7 sign-in or sign-up and
hit the join button. Just read the instructions at the site and the emails
you get during joining.

Jo Falkink.

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