What a marvellous web site you have just made, Brian. Very many thanks.  I
have just had a very quick browse, and will spend a lot of time, another day,
working my way though it all.

Best wishes for the /surgery, and I hope it is very successful, and that you
make a quick recovery.

Goodness!! The knowledge you have accumulated  about Lacemaking – and you
are not even trying to make it!!!!!! 😊
I loved the story in The romance of thee Lace pillow, about the little boy at
the Elstow school who got so fed up with his lacemaking that he took his
pillow out of school and dropped it down the Well.!!!  😊

Fantastic, - so thank you Very, Very much.

Alex – what is your new book about?

Carolina, thank you for that lovely animated card on your web site.

Happy New Year to eve4ryone. I hope 2019 is a good year for you.

Regards from Liz. In hot, humid, Melbourne, Oz.  ( we had a scorcher yesterday
– 40 C or 100F)

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