I've been terribly remiss about this.  I need to thank
Aurelia for the lovely green and gold bobbinlace
ornament she sent me.  We didn't put up a tree this
year (hubby and I will be in Las Vegas for Christmas)
so the ornament has been gracing my cube at work.
It'll join my other lace ornaments at home in January.

And as I see from the list, she's already sent a scan
of the ornament, which is almost as great a gift :D 
It takes me forever to get pictures off the camera and
onto the web.  I'm glad you will all be able to see
it, it's quite pretty.  Thanks again, Aurelia!

Chris - and to all a happy holiday of your choosing!!

"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for." -- Benazir 

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