Hello everyone

I forwarded Ewa's message to my friend Barbara who also moved to Cyprus a couple of years ago and here's her reply:

I have just switched on the computer to send you an e-mail regarding Sandra when I had one from you. 
It has been quite a shock to us all here in Cyprus as it was only a fortnight ago that we were all sitting on Sandra's patio making lace and having a cup of tea.  Last week she could not go to the lace club at Limassol as she was feeling unwell with a stomach bug as she thought, and took to her bed.   While she was unwell she also broke her arm as she leaned on it in bed, things just went from bad to worse.  After  having that sorted out she was taken ill again and subsequently ended up in the Blue Cross Hospital where she actually died of a massive heart attack.
 Her son and his girlfriend were staying with her on holiday at the time and they have had the job of sorting everything out.  Her other son also came over on Wednesday for support and I have heard this morning that they are having the funeral in England.  There will be a Service here later in the year, as she had made so many friends here in Cyprus not only through lace but many other activities she got herself involved in.
We are going to carry on at Club and pick up on the people that Sandra was teaching ourselves, so the lace will carry on!
I hope you and the family are all well.  We are fine here as the weather hots up, and I think more sitting and making lace will be the best activity.
I will be in touch further with more news, lets hope its better next time.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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