The card and ornament from Trish Fisher has arrived safely, it's a hanging ornament with lots of beautifully made leaves inside a hand-crafted wire circle; not the usual bangle. And as a surprise extra there is a pink and blue patchwork coaster which is beautifully stitched. I think you call it a single cathedral window. Thank you Trish.

I will keep a scan of both of these so that I will remember who they are from! I have some other quilted coasters from Japan and a couple of other hand crafted items from various exchanges which I'll add to the webpage in due course. I still have a few more advent calendar pages to do first though!

Trish - I haven't included you directly in this email as the message I sent to you on Tuesday 2nd December saying that I'd posted my card to you didn't go through. The error message says
 Connection timed out with
 Message could not be delivered for 5 days
 Message will be deleted from queue.

I just hope the real card fares better.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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