You're joking!!!!

If you start in the centre of London, say Trafalgar Square, you can drive for an hour and still be in Central London.

If you take the M25 as being the perimeter of London, you are doing well if you can get from the M25 to places like Brighton, Canterbury, Cambridge or Oxford in an hour - and there's a heck of a lot more of England further afield. London-Berwick 350 miles, London-Carlisle 300 miles, London-Penzance 285 miles, try doing any of those journeys in two hours.

The distances between towns might be less in England than in Texas, but that's exactly the problem - we don't have miles and miles of open road. The motorways are often clogged up through sheer weight of traffic and that has its knock-on effect on the smaller roads. My 16 mile journey to work takes 45 minutes on a good run, often as much as an hour.


On 1 Jun 2008, at 18:54, Dora Smith wrote:

Also, the distances are much shorter in England than here. You can actually drive from Scotland to London in a few hours. I think half of England is within an hour's drive of London. Certainly two hours. In otherwords, you can drive halfway across England in the same time I can drive from one end of Austin to the other, and you could certainly drive across England in less time than I can drive from Austin to Houston.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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