Ryan Newton wrote:
> It seems like Larceny doesn't flush output on exit from an R6RS script?

That's news to me, but it sounds plausible.  I'll
look into it.

> I need "process", and can get to it under normal larceny with (require
> 'unix).  But I can't figure out how to get to it from within an R6
> library.

I don't know of any way to get to it from R6RS mode
(so we should invent a way), but this will get to
it from ERR5RS mode:

    % larceny -err5rs -- -e "(require 'unix)"

    (import (rnrs) (primitives process))

The reason that hack doesn't work in R6RS mode is
that R6RS programs are responsible for interpreting
the command-line arguments as they see fit, so the
-e argument doesn't work.

> This is a small change, but it seems that larceny doesn't yet
> search .larceny.sls.  Perhaps I could implement this change...

That's ticket #517, which is one of many critical
tickets that have piled up during this semester.
The semester is now over.  As of Friday, resolving
those tickets will be my first priority.


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