Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Gephardt Wants Rep. Burton Fired
>           WASHINGTON (AP) -- The firing of a top Republican
>           investigator into 1996 campaign fund-raising
>           irregularities is not sufficient, and the chairman of
>           the House committee conducting the probe should end his
>           role as well, House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt said
>           today.
>           Gephardt, D-Mo., said Democrats would try to force the
>           House to vote next week on a resolution ordering Rep.
>           Dan Burton, R-Ind., chairman of the House Government
>           Reform and Oversight Committee, to step aside as the
>           chief of the investigation. Democrats would likely lose
>           such a vote in the Republican-controlled House, but it
>           would call continued attention to the controversy over
>           the tapes and transcripts Burton has released of
>           jailhouse conversations involving Webster Hubbell, a
>           friend of President Clinton.
>           In a letter to House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.,
>           Gephardt also renewed his call for the speaker to
>           remove himself from the deliberations, citing recent
>           reported statements that Gephardt said show Gingrich is
>           biased. He made a similar demand last week.
>           ``In both Mr. Gingrich's case and in Mr. Burton's case,
>           I believe they have disqualified themselves from being
>           able to carry out a fair, objective, impartial
>           investigation of the facts that they're supposed to be
>           investigating,'' Gephardt told reporters.
>           Gephardt cited a report in today editions of The
>           Washington Post in which Gingrich reportedly told
>           Republicans that when discussing the fund-raising
>           probe, ``forget the word 'scandals' and start using the
>           word 'crimes.'''
>           ``Your statements, which prematurely reach conclusions
>           in this matter, diminish your constitutional role as
>           speaker,'' Gephardt wrote to Gingrich.
>           In the wake of the tape furor, Burton attempted to win
>           back the confidence of fellow Republicans by
>           apologizing to them in a letter Wednesday.
>           ``I want to apologize to you if this matter has caused
>           you any embarrassment,'' Burton wrote. He admitted ``a
>           mistake was made'' in omitting from the Hubbell
>           transcripts material that was favorable to the former
>           associate attorney general and to his former law
>           partner, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
>           Burton risks losing jurisdiction over a portion of the
>           inquiry because Democrats have blocked an effort to
>           give immunity from prosecution to four witnesses whose
>           testimony the chairman has sought.
>           The fallout over the tapes quickly claimed one victim,
>           the House committee's chief investigator, David Bossie,
>           who supervised the transcript release. He was fired
>           Wednesday on orders of Speaker Newt Gingrich, but
>           allowed to write a letter of resignation.
>           Unrepentant, Bossie blamed the uproar on Democrats
>           subjecting Burton ``to never-ending and unjustified
>           attacks'' and stonewalling by the White House.
>           ``I want to emphasize that no one on the staff ever
>           intentionally left anything out'' of the transcripts,
>           Bossie said.
>           GOP sources said Burton fought to retain Bossie, but
>           Gingrich demanded to know Tuesday night why he hadn't
>           been fired. Burton then told the speaker that Bossie
>           would resign.
>           The House Republican sources, speaking on condition of
>           anonymity, said Burton had sided with Bossie, a
>           longtime Clinton antagonist, in a furious internal
>           committee dispute last week over whether to release
>           Hubbell's conversations. Bossie was in favor of the
>           release. Committee chief counsel Richard D. Bennett was
>           not, arguing that nothing in the recordings would aide
>           the investigation.
>           After releasing the selective transcripts last Thursday
>           of Hubbell's 1996 prison conversations with his wife,
>           Suzy, Burton the next day began making the actual
>           recordings public. Release of the tapes made it
>           possible to compare Burton's transcripts with the
>           conversations -- and in several key instances, they
>           didn't match.
>           Omitted from the transcripts were Hubbell's comments
>           that there was no wrongdoing by Mrs. Clinton in a
>           Whitewater land deal and that he did not take jobs from
>           presidential friends in order to buy his silence to
>           protect the Clintons.
>           Hubbell, who knew his jailhouse calls to his lawyer,
>           wife and friends would be recorded under federal
>           corrections policy, was incarcerated for bilking more
>           than $400,000 from his former law firm and clients. He
>           was indicted last week for tax evasion.
>           Several GOP sources said the issue of the Hubbell tapes
>           had come up at a closed-door meeting of the GOP rank
>           and file Wednesday.
>           One source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, quoted
>           Gingrich as saying everyone was embarrassed over the
>           handling of the tapes and he was certain Burton was
>           embarrassed as well.
>           At that point, Burton spoke up, saying he wasn't
>           embarrassed.
>           ``Well, you should be embarrassed,'' Gingrich retorted,
>           the source said.

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