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New PowerPC design unveiled
By Jim Davis
May 7, 1998, 9:55 a.m. PT

    Motorola unveiled a new technology for boosting the performance of PowerPC chips, 
taking the venerable chip architecture in new directions.

    As reported yesterday, the Schaumburg, Illinois-based company added what 
[STOCKBLOCK MOT LEFT] is partly an answer to Intel's much-hyped MMX multimedia 
instruction set. The "AltiVec" technology will be incorporated in some commercial 
PowerPC chips starting in late 1998, according to the company. 

    But the technology also goes far beyond MMX, addressing a range of markets that 
MMX doesn't such as networking and telephony. Interestingly, the chip is being rolled 
out at Networld+Interop which is primarily a networking conference.

    AltiVec adds fatter pipes and a "data engine" inside the chip for manipulating 
large quantities of data. Potential applications include speech processing and 
networking routers, which manage Internet traffic.

    "This is really a big ray of hope for the PowerPC people. The perception is that 
the PowerPC is fading with the Mac, and that their number is up, but that's not really 
case,"  said Jim Turley, senior analyst with MicroDesign Resources. "They are 
succeeding, but not in the glamorous, high profile places people hear about," he added.

    Apple Computer, which took part in the development of the technology, is expected 
by analysts to eventually use the new technology in its Macintosh computers to aid in 
image and video processing. Apple could detail its use of the technology as soon as 
its developer conference later this month.

    Apple could not be reached for comment.

    Other chips such as Sun Microsystems' Sparc and Digital's Alpha already have  
similar technologies, analysts note. Intel's MMX technology is perhaps the most widely 
known because of that company's marketing efforts.

    "AltiVec can gobble a lot more data at a time than any others," Turley said, 
comparing its potential favorably with Intel's MMX. "Particularly crippled is MMX 
because they grafted [multimedia extensions] onto a processor never meant for it."

    AltiVec is two new technologies, one hardware, the other software.  On the 
hardware side, it adds a new "execution unit" inside the PowerPC processor that is 
built to efficiently process certain kinds of data.  All mainstream processors already 
come with execution units call "integer" and "floating point" designed to efficiently 
process other kinds of data.

    The new "vector unit" operates concurrently with the existing floating point and 
integer units found in typical desktop PC processors. 


    On the software side, the chip will be able to use a total of 162 new instructions 
for manipulating data.  This is of critical importance but with one major catch: 
Developers must write programs that use the instructions, and changes need to be made 
to the operating system to accommodate the instructions, said Turley. 

    In stark technical terms, PowerPC chips with this technology will be able to 
process 16 times the number of data "chunks" for each clock cycle compared to previous 

    "Think of the chip as having a doorway in and out of the chip that's 32 bits wide, 
but the hallways are 128 bits wide," Turley offers. "Once data is moved out of [main 
memory] and into the chip, they can really swing lots of data around and do special 
number crunching, more so than other chips."

    For instance, a single chip with AltiVec technology could run 30 28.8-kbps modems 
in a remote access server (the kind a Internet service provider uses). This compares 
to a high-performance digital signal processor (DSP), which can run 8 modems, says 
Will Swearingen, product marketing manager for Motorola.

    Motorola said the chip will initially be targeted at high-end networking and 
desktop computing applications, but will later find its way into lower-cost designs. 
The chip will be produced in sample quantities during the second half of 1998, with 
volume production slated for the first half of 1999.  


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