Steve Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dear researchers,

This has been an interesting week for Ufology. Two stories appeared in the
UK national press. The first, featured in the Daily Mail and the Daily
Express, and quite clearly a fake, related to the supposed operation of a
UFO at between and 24,000mph over the Atlantic Ocean. 

Despite the fact that the story is known to be a hoax generated by a
former Ministry of Defence official with a grudge against his former
employer all too many UFO researchers were willing to get excited about
this bogus nonsense and claim a cover-up. I wonder what this says for
modern Ufology? 

Even where we were expected to believe that a Dutch Air Force jet was sent
to intercept an object travelling 15 times faster than the fighters'
highest speed people still believed the lie. 

Although three radar experts I talked to (two ex-RAF) made it quite clear
that the latest radars could NOT determine the shape of an unknown at
anything approaching these speeds I was told by ill-informed Ufologists
that they knew better than those with technical expertise.... 

The second story was featured in the News of the World last Sunday and
related to UFO video footage supposedly showing triangular aircraft over
Suffolk. The article, written by two journalistic hacks, was a nonsense.
It included the comment that UK researcher Nick Redfern had been given
'unprecedented access' to files at the public Records Office. Although
Nick is reported to have been allowed access to the PRO basement during
the making of a film for the BBC he has no more or less access than any UK
national to files made available under the provisions of the 30 Year

No mention was made of any independent evaluation of the so-called 'UFO'
footage and the man who took the footage, David Spoor, is convinced that
he has made contact with extra-terrestrials. I know all about the events
surrounding the filming of the footage and it is not without controversy,
I can tell you. No doubt Mr. Spoor feels that there is an ET presence but
what I should like to know is how he, or even Graham Birdsall, can make
the knowledge claim that what was filmed were "ET spacecraft". 

This is simply not provable and in any case the answer, IF it relates to
triangles I (and this is just not proven either) is very simple and
sensible people already know what this is: 

A joint UK-US team has been testing secret military craft both over the
Irish and North Seas for several years. In FACT, sightings of dart-shaped
and/or triangular aircraft (possibly based upon Terrence Nonweilers'
ground-breaking waverider theories) go back to the late 1960s. 

Not that Ufologists would know this for they have searching for ET whilst
the secret technologies have continued to be developed..... 

Notice how my, and the research of my colleagues, is entirely IGNORED and
in fact STIFLED. One example of this is Nick Redfern and Irene Botts'
efforts to get me banned from speaking at both local group meetings and
National conferences. The latest and most disgusting example of this came
just two days ago when Redfern got me barred from speaking at the
forthcoming Cornwall UFO Conference. 

What are they so scared of? Having their bogus claims exposed for what
they are? 

Having spoken both to the author of the Daily Mail article and journalists
at the News of the World I am not surprised to learn that they are only
interested in alien stories and not objective, factual or fully-referenced
research. No wonder I am ruled out even though the story of the
development of triangular aircraft from small 12ft versions through to
very large boomerang/flying wing aircraft can be traced back to the 1930s! 

In addition, we are almost in a position to be able to prove that the
large triangle seen in our skies are of entirely terrestrial origin and
based upon a range of lighter-than-air and stealth technologies. They are
silent, able to fly at very low speeds and these have been under
development since 1966/7 in the USA and were flown from the late 1970s
onwards. They were almost certainly responsible for the Hudson Valley UFO
flap in the 1980s. Clearly the alien trash put out by the UFO community
allowed the CIA and their Air Force counterparts to operate this secret
version of the B2 stealth bomber over the heads of an unsuspecting
public.....this has continued, in the USA, in Belgium, around the world. 

Note that UK government asset Nick Pope 'came out' and started talking
about alien triangles at almost the same time that a new wave of
triangular UFO sightings were reported. I understand that he didn't even
write his first book and that it was ghost-written by a man from Sussex!
Given the debacle relating to either Peter Wright or David Shayler and
their revelations involving UK intelligence secrets one wonders how Pope
was able to put out 'his' book and get away with a promotion. His
ignorance relating to the many agreements between the US and UK in terms
of secret aircraft flights is almost incredible not to mention the fact
that he 'forgets' that from 1956/7 UK (and other Air Force pilots) pilots
trained at Groom Lake/Area 51...This tiny piece of factual information
might explain the appearance of advanced aircraft off UK shores but no, we
are told that these are 'alien'....... 

(When will Nick admit that he believed that he had been 'abducted' BEFORE
taking his job with Secretariat AS2a and that his claims to have become
interested in UFOs only AFTER being exposed to the 'evidence' must
therefore be open to serious question?)

Note how any research (much of it based upon primary sources and which is
not anecdotal in the main) on the subject of secret military aircraft is
not allowed to be discussed within UFO research circles. 

Until now, that is...... 

My new report entitled "Flying Saucers - Secret History!" goes along way
towards demonstrating that flying saucers are/were man-made. It has been
very well-received, featured on several talk radio and local TV programmes
and is taking the UFO community by storm. 

Free email versions are available to those interested........ 

At a time when proponents of the earth lights theories (which I am
interested in) are starting to get their message over, we are making even
better progress by constantly pressuring the media and UFO publications on
these issues. The only response from 'concerned Ufologists' has been to
smear me and to attempt to have me banned from Conferences! 

Rather ironic really, given that most Ufologists claim to be concerned
about issues of democracy and free speech....... 

The secret technologies message is also very popular with the general
public, if the responses from my well-attended Lancashire UFO Society
lectures is anything to go by. In addition, a recent US talk radio show
programme featuring my research was one of the most popular ever. And I'll
tell you why. 

People do not believe these alien fantasies. They may believe in 'life out
there' (as do I) but where is the link with structured craft - saucers and
triangles?? There is NO LINK beyond the most tentative speculation that
the researcher can provide...... 

As to close encounters/abductions one can only conclude that a small part
of this is the result of mind control-type experiments that we know,
through declassified documents, were/are a reality. There may well be
something happening to 'experiences' but I suspect that this has nothing
to do with ET visitation. 

So, there we are, some questions and some possible answers. As per usual,
people will do their best not to understand what I am saying but if you
want details of radio intercepts of secret military aircraft, information
about sightings of similar aircraft at UK RAF bases and out to sea during
major military exercises then I am happy to provide it. 

Before I sign off I should just like to point out, again, that I do NOT
believe that UFOs are all secret military aircraft. Neither do I believe
that they operate from Warton British Aerospace near Preston! They fly
from several UK locations and possibly one in Germany, not to mention
islands in the Pacific, Diego Garcia and the USA!!! 

Yours for the truth,

Tim Matthews, 
Lancashire UFO Society/British UFO Studies Centre. 

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