H Gents;

with the merge of newinitrd-6x into master we do have a simplified logic to 
load modules:

either during boot from modules.sqfs and /etc/modules or from an init script 
as shorewall does for example.

As long as I've not overlooked something important, I believe there is no need 
for moddb.lrp any longer.
So it's time to clean up the code.

So it's useless to load from moddb, save to moddb.lrp etc etc.

I've modified the configs to build an image to remove traces of moddb, the same 
for leaf.cfg and root.linuxrc. Also removed the the option to save to moddb 
from lrcfg, changed lrcfg.backup.

At last I changed hwdetect to neglect moddb, and to do not use 
/var/lib/lrpkg/*.depmod any  longer - there is no need to copy modules to 
/lib/modules any more.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


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