Pim van Riezen wrote:

>On Mon, 28 May 2001, Peter Nosko wrote:
>>pn] I was thinking it took a long time to create the root.lrp during the
>>backup, but wasn't paying enough attention to say so for sure.  I checked
>>the boot partition, and the root.lrp file is 4,176,896 bytes.  I tried to
>>pkzip it so I could get it to my red hat box, but it only compressed by 3%.
>>pn] Is this file worth anything to anybody?
>Are you sure it wasn't just disk-rot? Happens to me all the time, even if
>I use floppy disks for something else, and especially if I use older ones.
>The symptons you describe look the same. Like someone sneezed on your FAT.
I did screw up a few things, so probably it isn't  disk-rot this time.


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