Painting it BLACK--Friends on the Web

As you may know, Mr. Conrad Black oversees the world's third largest
and fastest growing newspaper empire--Hollinger International--
including London's Daily Telegraph, the Jerusalem Post, the Chicago
Sun-Times, and Southam Inc (which controls 60% of the English daily
newspapers in Canada). Mr. Black recently launched a new national
Canadian newspaper, called the National Post. Some people are
concerned, however, that--even though he is expanding rapidly--there
are too many people who do not have access to Mr. Black's insights and
view of the world. A private citizens group, "The Friends of Conrad
Black," has been formed to enable the Blacks' opinions the widest
possible circulation.

The first project of "The Friends of Conrad Black" is a new world wide
web site,, which goes online today. First, let us
say that we are all inexpressibly proud to be envious of Mr. Black and
his lovely wife Barbara Amiel-Black--indeed who wouldn't be consumed
with envy considering their prodigious political potency and
polymorphous periphrastic preeminence.

The Blacks' writings age like fine wine, so we want to ensure that
their words are available for public marination and admiration for a
long time to come. This site,, not only includes
some of Canada's first literary couple's perspicacious persiflage, but
it is indexed by keywords from "Authoritarian" to "Wealthy." Thus, the
public can quickly search for pearls of wisdom or can browse leisurely
through some of the Blacks' favourite topics such as "Envy" and

The picture of Mr. and Mrs. Black that emerges from these web pages is
of deeply complex individuals who are not afraid of personal
contradictions. For example, Mr. Black declares that "I do not like
boastful or overly materialistic people," yet he is comfortable with
giving himself multimillion dollar "special dividends" and
congratulating himself on his strategic prowess, "We were now
MacArthur setting out from Guadalcanal, with an amphibious assault

One cannot help but share their deep admiration of the world's
greatest living statesmen, including Ronald Reagan ("a 28 per cent top
personal income tax rate qualified him in my estimation for Mount
Rushmore") and Margaret Thatcher ("one of her most fervent desires is
to do to the word `compassion' what she says she has done in Britain
to the word `planning'"). But many will be surprised at Mr. Black's
view of the ex-Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney ("Mulroney's
speech was a model-parliament tired pastiche of sophomoric cliches.")
He does, however, qualify his assessment by admitting that "I am not
convinced that such an envious, whingeing people as Canada...really
deserved so fundamentally well-intentioned a political chameleon as
Brian Mulroney."

In addition to its serious contribution to Canada's public debate,
people can find information about some of the Black's favourite
entertainments on, such as the television
programmes "I Love Lucre" and "The Three Corporate Stooges" as well as
the film "King Kongrad." has been designed to provide many hours of
enlightenment and enjoyment. Thanks to a partnership between "The
Friends of Conrad Black" and Guerrilla Media, it is being provided as
a free public service for everyone, especially those few disadvantaged
citizens of the world who do not have access to Mr. Black's news and
views on their doorstep.

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