>From the Electronic Disturbance Theater


Friday, December 18, 1998

FROM 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM
(Washington D.C. TIME)

FROM 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM


We oppose the U.S. military attack on Iraq and believe that
the timing of this assault is designed to detract attention
from President Clinton's impending impeachment hearing
in Congress.

We do not accept the logic of the White House and the Pentagon
that Iraq poses a national security threat. If any country is guilty
of harboring weapons of mass destruction it is the United States.

We know that the U.S. government views the Middle East as a
strategic area because, in part, it is an oil rich region. And we
know the United States consistently uses the veil of "national
security" as a means to pursue and justify its agenda of global
economic domination.

We support the skeptical and angry views of the Russian,
Chinese, and Iraqi ambassadors to the United Nations Security
Council who strongly voiced their opposition to U.S. and U.K.
aggression against Iraq.

We are saddened by the images on CNN of the innocent
people who were injured in the first hours of the aerial
bombardment. Moreover, we are aware that these victims are
just a few of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have
either died or suffered greatly since the first Gulf War in
1991 and under U.S. backed sanctions that have existed
since then.

We support the lifting of sanctions against Iraq. We support
the efforts of international human rights organizations,
groups  like Friendship Across Frontiers, and other sectors of
international civil society who have been
working for years to help the Iraqi people.

We do not support Saddam Hussein but we believe
it is not our right as Americans to go beyond merely having
opinion. It is up to the Iraqi people,
and others in the Arab world, to remove Saddam Hussein
from office, if that is their desire and will.

We believe the age of imperialism should come to an end.
It is quite telling that the imperial power of the 19th century,
Great Britain, and the imperial power of the 20th century,
the United States, have joined forces alone as we enter the
21st century.

In one instance, we agree with a characterization of the
United States, made by Iraqi leaders. The history of U.S.
military and intelligence intervention, both covert and overt,
in Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and domestically
within sovereign Native American territory, is enough evidence
to support the classification of this country as an Evil

We support all efforts to denounce, oppose, protest, and
resist the joint U.S.-U.K assault on Iraq, both domestically
within the United States and England, in other European
countries, in Middle Eastern countries, and
throughout the world.

We recognize that resistance to the current bombardment
of Iraq, and resistance to all future war, will take place in
two spheres. One is on the ground, in the streets, in offices,
in universities, in factories -  in real spaces. The other is
on the Net, in what the Pentagon now calls "battlespace.”
And we support the development and practice of joint
virtual-real actions of resistance.

We do not believe that only nation-states have the
legitimate authority to engage in war and aggression.
And we see cyberspace as a means for
non-state political actors to enter present and future
arenas of conflict, and to do so across international borders.

We do not know how long the current U.S.-U.K. aerial assault
on Iraq will last. Indications are that it will be short-lived.
It may therefore not be an appropriate or strategic moment
to attempt to inspire, coordinate, and sustain a campaign
of virtual-real actions of resistance.

We do feel, however, compelled to take some action.
And therefore we will use FloodNet, the same tool
we have been using against web sites of the Mexican
government, to now make a symbolic gesture of our
opposition to the current assault on Iraq.

We therefore urge all people of good conscience
who have the clarity of mind to oppose these aerial
assaults to join us in a ongoing, nonviolent,
virtual sit-in on the White House web site.
We urge you to join us in a FloodNet  Action
for Peace in the Middle East.

Friday, December 18, 1998

FROM 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM
(Washington D.C. TIME)

FROM 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM


The Electronic Disturbance Theater

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