Re: [L-I] Chemical/Nuclear Warfare in Bosnia: Eyewitness To Hell

2001-01-15 Thread Partha Bhattacharya
Tika Jankovic is a Yugoslav engineer now living in California. From 1996 to 1998 he conducted on-site investigations of the health effects of NATO's bombing and occupation of the Bosnian Serb Republic or Republika Srpska (pronounced Serpska). I spoke to Mr. Jankovic this morning. He

[L-I] A stich in time saves nine (Moderator's Note).

2001-01-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby
Mr Bilenkin has been removed from Leninist International. Any responses to his defenses of the disenfranchisement of Blacks in Florida and elsewhere would be pointless. We know he's wrong, that should be enough. Co-Moderator --- Macdonald Stainsby

Re: [L-I] Russia: CPRF Leader Interviewed - Russia TV

2001-01-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby
For the system to work properly, it required an opposition that was incapable in principle of taking office. Zyuganov's party coped with this role to perfection. In this sense it has always been one of the system's fundamental political elements. The KPRF has also been assigned another task,

[L-I] Socio-geographic breakup of current consciousness in Tucumán, Argentina

2001-01-15 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky
Comrades and friends, I do not believe in opinion surveys very much, having earned some money by preparing them for local and imperialist bourgeois for a couple of years. But the report I am forwarding below (it is in Spanish, sorry) provides an interesting breakup by age, gender, socio-economic

[L-I] Fw: (ftaa-l) Plan Colombia, FTAA and Black Communities in the process of

2001-01-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby
Part of this mail contains something I've been meaning to pose as a question to our comrades, such as Nestor or Anthony, as to why Panamas return to Colombia has never been a demand of the left? It seems to be (if stated properly) part of the Bolivarian equation... Macdonald - Original

[L-I] [WW] Toronto: Adjuncts teaching assistants make gains

2001-01-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Jan. 18, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - TORONTO: ADJUNCTS TEACHING ASSISTANTS MAKE GAINS By G. Dunkel Adjunct faculty members and graduate and teaching assistants at York University

Re: [L-I] anti- Nazi struggle

2001-01-15 Thread Johannes Schneider
Here is the latest from fighting back racists in Germany. The incident happened Friday night. Today is it front page news in all Munich papers. The prompt reaction from the Turkish youth was only possible because the neigbourhood has a relative high percentage of immigrants (I guess about 30%).