On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 12:16:21AM +0100, Nicolas Noble wrote:
> Somebody asked me a question, and I wasn't able to answer. So I ask it to
> you. Is it possible to do something like this in lftp
> `ls kde* |grep -v i18n |awk '!/devel/{print "mget "$1}'`
> ie giving an quite complex expression, where the result will be a bunch of
> commands feeded to the lftp's command line?
> Well, I don't think the backquote is implemented in lftp, I am wrong? And

It is not implemented. You can do what you want with a temporary file:

        ls kde* |grep -v i18n |awk '!/devel/{print "mget "$1}' > tmp-file
        source tmp-file


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