Re: [Libertarian] Assinine Protest

2005-10-02 Thread Greg Southworth
Maybe this isn't the end of it. Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 10/2/05 10:42:48 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: This was an assinine protest. well there were certainly some nice looking

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Planetary Bill Of Rights?

2005-10-01 Thread Greg Southworth
The issue of secession is difficult. First, what does it really mean and is it really necessary? Perhaps, something short of secession is possible as in an autonomous region. What about the rights of minorities in these areas? (I remember reading about the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s

Re: [Libertarian] A Katrina Plan

2005-09-13 Thread Greg Southworth
revolutionary ideas, you can turn a disaster into your most important legacy. Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:While the attached is not a specifically libertarian proposal, there are things in here that libertarians will like, and I suppose a few that might be problematic. It does

Re: [Libertarian] Re: The Great Myth of Overpopulation

2005-09-12 Thread Greg Southworth
You are correct in that the issue of overpopulation is relative to the circumstance. If technology is able to assure reasonable access to the means of a livelihood in a way that is not harmful to others, then the problem of overpopulation is not so much of a problem. The issue of sustainablity

Re: [Libertarian] Re: The Great Myth of Overpopulation

2005-09-12 Thread Greg Southworth
and bankers and the government that is artifically creating scarcity and thus jacking up the price of land, housing, farms etc.--- In, Mary Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Greg Southworth: You cannot postulate the existence of overpopulation-- you cannot say

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Overpopulation, the Overpopulation Myth

2005-09-08 Thread Greg Southworth
the building industry. People who can find new fuels.Who is working on those problems? Not I. Not anyone in his right mind. You'd be sued ninety-five ways from sunday if you did. --and be blamed for being rich and exploitative and selfish as well. Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Who are your heroes?

2005-09-05 Thread Greg Southworth
in nature, plus it would be a good idea to deflate the egos of politicans enough to let them know they are the hired help.--- In, Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do know there has been a great deal of discussion over social credit proposals and other

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Katrina shows War in Iraq a Great Positive for America, American Troops

2005-09-04 Thread Greg Southworth
My honest hope would be that many libertarians would choice different places to promote libertarian solutions to our society, The LP, Republicans, Democrats, independent organizations, etc. I would start to be frightened if someone like a Pat Robertson or a James Dobson started to call

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Neal Boortz: Houston you are in trouble (Katrina dissaster)

2005-09-04 Thread Greg Southworth
Then I recommend you go. Greg Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd rather live in the worst part of Beirut, than the best part of Texas. --- In, Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As a Texan, by transplant, I do not share the view that these people are trouble

Re: [Libertarian] (Fwd) Katrina Relief

2005-09-04 Thread Greg Southworth
Great selection. I plan to review the list and do what I can. Greg Mary Lou Seymour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For those of you who like to see your charity donations used at the local level with very little admin costs, but didn't know any local NO charities, Here's a list of grassroots

Re: [Libertarian] Neal Boortz: Houston you are in trouble (Katrina dissaster)

2005-09-02 Thread Greg Southworth
Here is a great opportunity for churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples to step up to the plate and practice serious compassion. Greg Eric Dondero Rittberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: HOUSTON -- YOU HAVE A PROBLEM Right now there are hundreds of busses on the highway transporting refugees

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Overpopulation

2005-09-01 Thread Greg Southworth
The overpopulation thing is one of those problems which depends on how you approach it. There were predictions in the late 1970s that said we would all, or most of us, would be starving to death by now. While irresponsible breeding can be a problem, the bigger issue is how do distribution

Re: SPAM-LOW: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-26 Thread Greg Southworth
For some reason, Americans do not want to vote for third parties. It does seem to matter what they have to say--they have been all over the political map--but only candidacies involving very well known candidates with very positive images seem to even show up as a blip on the radar screen. I am

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-22 Thread Greg Southworth
I agree that the best bet appears to be the Republican Party. I wish those who wish to work within the Democratic Party the best. Interestingly, there may be a window of opportunity with the Dems now due to the generally dismal performance outside the Northeast, the West Coast and Upper

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-22 Thread Greg Southworth
with the Peacenik approach is that the whole word thinks we are a bunch of woosies who are not willing to fight for our lives and our country. Result, our enemies spill over our borders and destroy us from within. --- In, Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Libertarian] For women seeking women

2005-08-18 Thread Greg Southworth
Thanks, Melissa. My wife would probably frown on it, but I understand single folks want to find that important other in their lives. Good luck! Greg Melissa Lakewood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Libertarian friendly: Post your intelligent personals. ( moderated - no spam ) Suggestions for how to

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-16 Thread Greg Southworth
Libertarians are not fully respected in the Republican Party--I heard a Republican pundit refer to libertarians as the flakey wing of the party. True, Republicans at this point are no where near smaller government and we should call them on it every time: Borrow and Spend (Republicans)is

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-15 Thread Greg Southworth
Neither has a sterling record. Republicans have at least addressed the idea of limited government. Once upon a time, they actually believed in limited government. But when asked how they would address real problems such as pollution, crime, race relations, etc...they gave us pollution is good

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-15 Thread Greg Southworth
either that or just give up on political altogether. --- In, Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Neither has a sterling record. Republicans have at least addressed the idea of limited government. Once upon a time, they actually believed in limited government

Re: [Libertarian] Re: from bush with love

2005-08-12 Thread Greg Southworth
I am afraid it is going to require a rebuilding of the party from the inside out. Both parties are unacceptable as they now stand. Sort of like the alcoholic who says: But I only drink on weekends! In order to do that you need to have a political strategy to make it happen at national, state,

Re: [Libertarian] CAFTA Passes: Dirty Tricks and Devastating Consequences

2005-08-04 Thread Greg Southworth
The only problem I have with that bit of information is that it resembles some of the old John Birch Society conspiracy theory tidbits. Throw in a few references to the Rockefellers and Jewish bankers and you have it! Greg Rocky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Infowars

Re: [Libertarian] Fwd: HOW TRUE THIS IS!!

2005-08-04 Thread Greg Southworth
Gamble On 8/4/05, Greg Southworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I always thought Pee Wee Herman was no good. Greg Rocky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: HISTORY TEST Please pause a moment, reflect, and take the following multiple choice test. The events are actual cuts from past history

Re: [Libertarian] Coffee: The New Health Food? ;-)

2005-08-02 Thread Greg Southworth
Interesting. I have often thought that libertarians should favor and encourage the formation of an independant medical research foundation that looks at evidence-based medicine, a kind of UL for medicine. That might help in the PR yo-yo of chocolate-causes-cancer, chocolate-cures-cancer.

Re: [Libertarian] Re: ReligiousBigotry: Coming to a Country Near You

2005-07-28 Thread Greg Southworth
The stuggle all religions ultimately face is separating culture form the essence of the religion. Example: Christianity is seen by many in the West as an example of narrow-minded, bigoted, and rigid views of people and the roles they should play in society. Go to parts of Asia and Christianity

Re: [Libertarian] Koran vs. Bible

2005-07-19 Thread Greg Southworth
Ah true. I misspoke. Greg Sam Sloan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 07:02 PM 7/18/2005 -0700, Greg Southworth wrote: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw himself as taking dictation from on high. He, then, was writing the Koran as dictated to him by an angel. Greg One correction. Muhammad did

Re: [Libertarian] Koran vs. Bible

2005-07-18 Thread Greg Southworth
. Your history of the compilation of the New Testament is correct. On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:58 am, Greg Southworth wrote: Also know that the Bible was not even started until about 40+ years after the Crucifixion. Jesus (Rabbi Yeshua bin Yoseph) wrote nothing we know of. He was thought

Re: [Libertarian] Koran vs. Bible

2005-07-17 Thread Greg Southworth
Also know that the Bible was not even started until about 40+ years after the Crucifixion. Jesus (Rabbi Yeshua bin Yoseph) wrote nothing we know of. He was thought to be a leader of a group of Jewish mystics called Essenes who were on the outs with the Jewish establishment. Some think they were