[Libertarian] Thomas comes closest in Ashcroft v. Raich

2005-06-07 Thread Jon Roland
http://constitutionalism.blogspot.com/2005/06/thomas-comes-closest-in-ashcroft-v.html The decision in Ashcroft v. Raich (restyled Gonzalez v. Raich since Alberto Gonzalez succeeded John Ashcroft as U.S. Attorney General) is a setback for constitutional fidelity. Of all the members of the U.S.

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Ron Paul For Supreme Court Justice?

2005-07-05 Thread Jon Roland
I have read most of what the Founders wrote, and none of them discussed abortion. It was almost unknown in the colonies, where every pregnancy was welcome, even the bastards of unmarried people. The situation was different in Europe, where abortion was fairly common. It is estimated by some

Re: [Libertarian] NO to a right wing Supreme Court

2005-07-06 Thread Jon Roland
Here is the message I sent: The Senate should reject anyone who is not dedicated to compliance with the Constitution as originally understood. That excludes progressives, conservatives, and centrists. Indeed, it excludes every judge in the United States. Only a few lawyers and legal scholars

Re: [Libertarian] Supreme Court Justice?

2005-07-06 Thread Jon Roland
The lead article is misleading in an important way: It suggests that the judiciary is the instigator of the claimed monopoly on constitutional interpretation, but it is not. The courts don't make any such claim, and many of the Supreme Court justices are constantly urging people generally, and

Re: [Libertarian] Al Qaeda Effectiveness

2005-07-08 Thread Jon Roland
See my articles at http://constitutionalism.blogspot.com . My theory, based on reading the Islamic imperialists' own web sites, which anyone can do, is that their strategic aims involve the following: 1. Getting the entire planet to convert to Islam by the year 2100, and reduce entire world

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Al Qaeda Effectiveness

2005-07-08 Thread Jon Roland
Sunday I will be getting training for a concealed-carry permit. Not sure of evening plans, but have to take a friend to work at about 10:00 PM. -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions for donors are

[Libertarian] Courtroom humor

2005-07-08 Thread Jon Roland
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place. __

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Thoughts on London and Islam

2005-07-08 Thread Jon Roland
People can read Islamic and other writings online at http://www.constitution.org/scriptur.htm There is no really good alternative to reading primary sources. -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions

[Libertarian] Re: FW: Att. John Wolfgram Responds to Rep. Ron Paul

2005-07-11 Thread Jon Roland
It is unclear who is writing what in these interspersed paragraphs. How about labeling each paragraph so we can tell who authored it. -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions for donors are at

[Libertarian] Re: Rep. Ron Paul on not depending on the courts for constitutional compliance

2005-07-12 Thread Jon Roland
http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul259.html Many conservatives, such as Lino Graglia, are now taking the position that judicial activism (see http://law.hku.hk/lawof/UploadFile/1030.htm ) is a court overturning an act of a legislative branch. In other words, not deferring to the legislative (and

[Libertarian] Recent additions at constitution.org

2005-07-13 Thread Jon Roland
Recent additions in chronological order of publication: http://www.constitution.org/coke/coke.htm Selected Works of Edward Coke (~1628) — Commentary on English common and statutory law, including the Institutes and the Reports. http://www.constitution.org/cmt/jpa1703/jpa1703.htm The Subject's

[Libertarian] Getting News Coverage

2005-07-17 Thread Jon Roland
As someone who has successfully gotten press coverage for several organizations and movements, I offer a key element that most newcomers tend to overlook, and that all the successful PR professionals do: Develop personal relationships with key media personnel. You can stage demonstrations, and put

[Libertarian] Watch progressives plot to subvert the Constitution

2005-08-02 Thread Jon Roland
C-SPAN2 Tuesday August 2, 2005, 6:00 PM ET. Interpreting the Constitution. Panel at the national convention of the American Constitution Society in Washington, DC. Not to be confused with the Constitution Society, which is an organization of originalists. This is a repeat. You may also want to

[Libertarian] Is Codification of the Law Expedient?

2005-08-07 Thread Jon Roland
In 1888 a lawyer, William B. Hornblower, gave a speech on whether New York should adopt a statutory codification of common-law precedent. In the course of his argument, online at http://www.constitution.org/cmt/hornblower/cod_law.htm he made a number of points about constitutional law and the

[Libertarian] A Lawyer's View of the Justice System

2005-08-12 Thread Jon Roland
A Lawyer's View of the Justice System by Joseph H. Delaney The following, written by a practicing lawyer, is excerpted under the doctrine of fair use, from an article entitled So, You Want to Write a Law Story?, in the July/August, 1999, issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Vol. CXVIX No. 7

[Libertarian] Fw: Convictions Without Juries - WJB responds

2005-08-12 Thread Jon Roland
Originally posted: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 01:15:05 -0500 --Forwarded from Walter J. Burien-- STATE JUDGES (Retirement Pensions) New Jersey Judges = $5,000,000.00 after 1 year tenure. (1989's figures) Arizona Judges = Approximately $3,000,000.00 after 18 Months tenure (1994's figures) Federal

[Libertarian] Judicial misconduct sites

2005-08-12 Thread Jon Roland
http://www.redressinc.org/JudicialMisconduct.html http://www.hofstra.edu/PDF/law_lawrev_Gray_vol32no4.pdf http://www.caught.net/caught/weisb.htm http://www.roddriver.com/riissues_000414.html http://www.civicusa.org/animalrightsterrorists/id1.html http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32935.pdf

[Libertarian] Fw: [Lis-LEAF] Blogger jailed for exposing info on blog

2005-08-15 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Subject: [Lis-LEAF] Blogger jailed for exposing info on blog Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 11:15:09 -0500 From: R. J. Tavel, J.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Learning Electronically About Freedom mailing service [EMAIL PROTECTED] GET ALL THE BREAKING LEGAL NEWS ALL THE

[Libertarian] Mesh Networks

2005-08-18 Thread Jon Roland
This is a concept I urged beginning about 1996 and called a WIPNet: Wireless Internet of Portable Nodes + et. http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/09/issue/editor.asp?trk=nl http://www.constitution.org/wipnet/wipnet.htm It has important uses for emergency communications. -- Jon

[Libertarian] Activity Report of the Constitution Society

2005-08-24 Thread Jon Roland
Activity Report of the Constitution Society Jon Roland 2005/08/24 During April and May, 2005, I toured the East Coast, meeting many people and organizations, attending conferences, and gathering old documents from various archives, to be added to the website. Most of those documents have

[Libertarian] Finding better questions

2005-08-26 Thread Jon Roland
http://www.pynthan.com/vri/questorm.htm Questorming Outline of the Method Copyright © 1985 Jon Roland. All rights reserved Questorming is a variant of brainstorming, the technique developed at MIT in the 1950s for getting a group of participants to come up with more creative solutions

[Libertarian] Fair Tax and Libertarians

2005-08-26 Thread Jon Roland
The proposed Fair Tax would be constitutional, unlike the income tax, and the constitutionalists among us should support it for that reason. However, it does have some flaws, which should be pointed out. First, it is only on tangible trade objects, not on services, and this is now mostly a

[Libertarian] Fw: 4th Circuit holds for gvt in Padilla

2005-09-09 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Subject: RE: Emergencies, constitutions, Milligan and Padilla Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:20:38 -0500 From: Douglas Laycock [EMAIL PROTECTED] Padilla appears to mean that the government could arrest any one of us tomorrow, allege that we had been on a battlefield

[Libertarian] Fw: Constitution Day Talk

2005-09-09 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Subject: Constitution Day Talk Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 17:25:30 -0400 From: Institute of Bill of Rights Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: IBRL [EMAIL PROTECTED] The College of William Mary has designated September 16, 2005, for observance of Constitution Day and

Re: [Libertarian] RE:re: Overpopulation

2005-09-10 Thread Jon Roland
Bob Dunbar wrote: Jon...bad math1 sq mile = 27 878 400 sq feet 265 000 (sq mile) = 7.387776 × (10 to the 12th) sq feet If EARTH had 7.38 billion (10 to 9th) there would be abt 1000 sq feet/person..(actual population is abt 6.3b and actual using your stats is 1160 sq ft/person Correct.

[Libertarian] Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood

2005-09-10 Thread Jon Roland
http://www.statesman.com/search/content/auto/epaper/editions/today/news_342278fe0324917e000f.html Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood Band of neighbors survived Hurricane Katrina, then fought off looters. By Bob Dart WASHINGTON BUREAU Saturday, September 10, 2005 NEW

[Libertarian] Fw: Court upholds detention of U.S. Citizens WITHOUT A TRIAL ! ! !

2005-09-11 Thread Jon Roland
I'm forwarding this to test the suspicion it is being censored by Yahoogroups spam filters. Original Message Subject: [tuffmilitia.com] Court upholds detention of U.S. Citizens WITHOUT A TRIAL ! ! ! Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 14:30:58 -0700 (PDT) From: John Perna [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Fw: Court upholds detention of U.S. Citizens WITHOUT A TRIAL ! ! !

2005-09-11 Thread Jon Roland
Yes, I know Padilla's lawyers stipulated, but in my view, unwisely, and even so, the Court had the duty to presume nonauthority, not authority, despite the stipulation, to so act even for enemy combatants. -- Jon Our efforts

[Libertarian] Re: What's wrong with John Roberts?

2005-09-17 Thread Jon Roland
The judicial nomination hearings are certainly political theater, but like any kind of theater, it is mostly about money. It is the way that the contending parties scare their constituents into donating more money. So the question is not so much what is wrong with John Roberts as what is wrong

Re: [Libertarian] Condi vs. Hillary Commander-in-Chief

2005-09-27 Thread Jon Roland
If anyone caught the new ABC-TC series tonight about a woman, played by Geena Davis, who ascends to the presidency, there is an obvious similarity to Condi Rice. The Mackenzie Allen character is white, married, and served two terms in the House of Representatives, but she was also a university

[Libertarian] Fw: How the Constitution was studied elsewhere

2005-10-05 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Subject: How the Constitution was studied elsewhere Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:29:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Andy Key [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Center for Constitutional Studies October 2005 Was September a Plus or a Minus for the Constitution in Your State? The

[Libertarian] Re: Miers resigns! Good or bad for libertarians?

2005-10-27 Thread Jon Roland
Most of the reports, if we can credit them, indicate she is clueless about the Constitution, and Roberts was a tough act to follow. His knowledgeability set a high bar for future nominees. This suits me. The people I would like to see nominated could handle themselves well in interviews and

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Miers resigns! Good or bad for libertarians?

2005-10-27 Thread Jon Roland
hrearden_hr wrote: How many have you corresponded with? After eliminating those who are too old, or not interested in serving as a judge, or who are legal historians rather than lawyers, we are down to about 20, of which I have corresponded with 17. Six are donors. I think Judge Janis Rogers

[Libertarian] Fw: Alito, libertarianism, and conservatism

2005-10-31 Thread Jon Roland
From a list for constitutional law professors. Original Message Subject: Alito, libertarianism, and conservatism Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 16:50:02 -0500 From: Ilya Somin To: conlawprof conlawprof@lists.ucla.edu The discussion of the disparate parts of the conservative coalition

Re: [Libertarian] clarification of Schenck v. U.S.

2005-11-01 Thread Jon Roland
jada6859 wrote: I will try to explain to my class tomorrow what their textbook so woefully leaves blank. Familiar story. Which textbook? A lot of them had to revise their contents after I reviewed them a couple of years ago. If it's one of those I reviewed it should be doing better than

[Libertarian] Jefferson quotes on the judiciary

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Roland
At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave

[Libertarian] Proposal for a quo warranto review jury

2005-11-20 Thread Jon Roland
reviewed the issues of law raised in this case, Petitioner-in-intervention Jon Roland submits to the Court that existing available remedies are inadequate for situations in which a judge violates the law, especially if where the Judge does so according to a pattern supported by local authority

[Libertarian] Bush says the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'

2005-12-10 Thread Jon Roland
Comments? *Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'* *Capital Hill Blue/DOUG THOMPSON | December 9 2005 http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml* Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President

Re: [Libertarian] Bush says the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'

2005-12-11 Thread Jon Roland
I just tried http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml and its there. Maybe it was just a glitch. -- Jon Constitution Society 7793 Burnet Road #37, Austin, TX 78757 512/374-9585 www.constitution.org

[Libertarian] Bill of Rights Day Dec. 15

2005-12-15 Thread Jon Roland
On this day in 1791 the First Ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, called the bill of Rights, became effective, and the day has ever since been celebrated. You can help celebrate by visiting our Documentary History of the Bill of Rights page at http://www.constitution.org/dhbr.htm and

[Libertarian] Public affairs programs neglect constitutionality questions

2005-12-24 Thread Jon Roland
This is a general criticism of most public affairs programming that examines official acts, especially legislation, without first focusing on whether it is constitutional, and offering argument for and against it being constitutional. To neglect to do so leaves the viewer the mistaken impression

Re: [Libertarian] Public affairs programs neglect constitutionality questions

2005-12-25 Thread Jon Roland
geofgibson wrote: the fact that we have so many lawyers, society is become so litigious, and so few laws and executive orders are challenged on a Constitutional basis, at least suggests that they are, for the most part, in accord with the Constitution. The presumption of constitutionality,

[Libertarian] Injustice on ABC

2005-12-29 Thread Jon Roland
Injustice is the name of a new series on ABC, supposedly based on real life cases, where the principal characters work to defend the wrongfully accused and find the actual perpetrators. Sounds like a takeoff on Perry Mason, but ABC provides forums for its shows where we can get on and post stories

Re: [Libertarian] MORALITY: Public, Private Personal

2006-01-01 Thread Jon Roland
Terry L Parker wrote: The definition PUBLIC morality: that which is right/wrong for all persons. Doesn't work. See Machiavelli /The Prince/ http://www.constitution.org/mac/prince00.htm and /Discourses/ http://www.constitution.org/mac/disclivy_.htm Almost nothing except perhaps survival is

[Libertarian] Quo warranto action suggested by judge

2006-01-01 Thread Jon Roland
*Judge rules Hamilton City Council can proceed with meeting* /By PERRY PEARSON - Ravalli Republic/ The Bitterroot Human Rights Alliance and former Hamilton City Councilor Bob Scott were unsuccessful in stopping a special meeting Friday of the Hamilton City Council where Scott's replacement

[Libertarian] Questions for Samuel Alito

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
The debate over the nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court has brought out that he seems disposed to defer to the actions the executive and legislative branches, and to the states, under the doctrine of the presumption of constitutionality. However, as Justice Kennedy testified

[Libertarian] Presidents, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
The following is an actual transcript of an interview with the president: *INTERVIEWER:* So what in a sense, you're saying is that there are certain situations ... where the president can decide that it's in the best interests of the nation or something, and do something illegal.

[Libertarian] So Much for the President's Assent to the McCain Amendment

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
http://balkin.blogspot.com/2006/01/so-much-for-presidents-assent-to.html *So Much for the President's Assent to the McCain Amendment * Marty Lederman The President signed the Defense Appropriations bill on Friday. In his signing statement

[Libertarian] Fw: Samuel A. Alito, Jr.

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
Most interesting, but I can't read the handwritten note. Perhaps one of the people on this list can, or perhaps you can submit it to your senator and someone on his staff can figure it out. Begin quoted message Jon, please take a look at this PDF file... I think it is very

Re: [Libertarian] PERSONHOOD: Can YOU Articulate a Case for Human Rights?

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
This is why the Supreme Court was essentially correct in /Roe v. Wade/ (although the reasoning in the opinion was faulty) to adopt the position that the Court had to adopt a uniform definition of personhood that would apply to all states, because rights attach to persons, as a matter of law:

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Is the Libertarian Party a solution to corruption?

2006-01-02 Thread Jon Roland
Paul wrote: Minarchy = Libertarianism in action. It's an extremely small government that does only the specific things mentioned in the Constitution and nothing else. It's a government so small you don't notice it in your everyday life. It doesn't regulate business, it's not involved in

[Libertarian] Fw: Constitutional cases or controversies

2006-01-08 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 12:32:24 -0600 From: Larry Becraft [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recently, David Bresnahan wrote an article for New With Views that is posted here: http://www.newswithviews.com/BreakingNews/breaking39.htm Therein, he comments about a very recent

[Libertarian] How to fight propaganda

2006-01-08 Thread Jon Roland
Also see http://www.constitution.org/col/propaganda_army.htm Original Message Subject:[AMOJ_MAIN] Rally Against Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 13:48:27 -0800 From: Tom Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am following

[Libertarian] Federalizing the First Responders to Acts of Terrorism via the Militia Clauses

2006-01-10 Thread Jon Roland
Enjoyed your law review article Federalizing the First Responders to Acts of Terrorism via the Militia Clauses at http://www.law.duke.edu/shell/cite.pl?54+Duke+L.+J.+999 This is to request permission to put a copy on our site, in addition to the link above, as a backup. However, I note

[Libertarian] Conviction reversed as not authorized by commerce clause

2006-01-11 Thread Jon Roland
This case contains some interesting reasoning that may be useful to people who may receive this message, so spread it widely. -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions for donors are at

[Libertarian] Tools for searching US Code and Code of Federal Regulations online

2006-01-13 Thread Jon Roland
An excellent portal website for searching phrases in the USC and CFR is www.whatistaxed.com. I will be adding the same links to http://www.constitution.org/cs_refer.htm and http://www.constitution.org/cs_taxes.htm -- Jon Our

[Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-15 Thread Jon Roland
of his little temper tantrum because he did not get his way. For Liberty and Justice for All, Iloilo M. Jones Executive Director, FIJA and AJI On Jan 15, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Jon Roland wrote: First I heard about any of this. Comment? Original Message Subject: Re: [FIJA

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-16 Thread Jon Roland
Mark Robert wrote: But I thought my signature was the essence of FIJA's message. Don't (didn't) they have a lot of supporting constitutional background there? Sounds like there's some disagreement amongst the informed jury movement. There is in the ways positions are stated. One branch

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
Mark, you are somewhat confused, based on your comments below. The fact is that most jurors today already know about jury nullification. They already know they can vote their conscience in defiance of the instructions of the bench concerning what the law is. The idea has been abundantly

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
Mark Robert wrote: I have not seen any of those shows, so I can not comment. Do you have anything else to support your statement that most jurors today already know the FIJA-type nullification information? When I explain it, hardly anyone already knew. Besides, if that's true, then isn't FIJA

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
Sorry, I can see how you might get confused, but cleaning it up is too much trouble. Just count the chars. Conrad is arguing for jurors not knowing, and I am arguing they actually know but aren't sure and are susceptible to herd pressures that will override what they know unless that is

Re: [FIJA] Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
Interestingly, there is much in what Clay says about the situation of the jury in America today with which I agree. I don't agree with his characterization of the personalities involved, but I have always cultivated the art of getting along with all kinds of people, and helping them get along

[Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
with that swine. Best regards, Iloilo On Jan 17, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Jon Roland wrote: Interestingly, there is much in what Clay says about the situation of the jury in America today with which I agree. I don't agree with his characterization of the personalities involved

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-17 Thread Jon Roland
Mark Robert wrote: I understand your push to argue law before jurors for purposes of assuring and educating them, but I am not sure I understand your skepticism against promoting further publicity of FIJA-type jury nullification. The two are not mutually exclusive. Just using a word,

Re: [Libertarian] Rate the libertarian movement!

2006-01-19 Thread Jon Roland
What are your ratings of libertarian websites and blogs, such as www.constitution.org ? You might also give a rating for the number of times the term libertarian is appearing in the major media in a favorable light. I notice an increase, but of course I am on the lookout for it. -- Jon

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-19 Thread Jon Roland
Mark Robert wrote: Jon, Finally got the spelling of my name right.:) The only difference I see is that you are promoting gov-allowed education of the jury during trial, and I am promoting education of the jury before trial. Actually, I am promoting both, with the intention of using each to

[Libertarian] Why money corrupts politics

2006-01-20 Thread Jon Roland
Money will corrupt politics as long as it can influence the outcome of elections. When the country was founded, voters sought out and paid for the information they would need to make voting decisions. This gave sources of that information an incentive to be complete and accurate, and afforded

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Rate the libertarian movement!

2006-01-21 Thread Jon Roland
Eric Dondero Rittberg wrote: Real America watches TV!! Which is one of the reasons we have Libertarian tv programs here in Austin that are also webcast. However, the internet is gaining ground. Surveys indicate people are spending as much or more time online than watching tv. If present

[Libertarian] Looking for a really useful poll

2006-01-22 Thread Jon Roland
After taking a lot of your polls, answering soft, ambiguous questions that don't present meaningful alternatives or a way to register the importance of anything, I would like to begin to see polls that get into important topics. For example, you might have questions on a long list of

[Libertarian] Fw: Model Code of Judicial Conduct: Public Comment

2006-01-25 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Subject: FW: List serv/hearing notice Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:42:01 -0600 From: Woodson, Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: Woodson, Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The ABA Joint Commission to Evaluate the Model Code of Judicial Conduct

Re: [Libertarian] Fw: Re: Does FIJA Still Exist?

2006-01-26 Thread Jon Roland
mark robert wrote: Let me know when your bumper-stickers are ready. They have been for a long time. It's just the page for just our bumperstickers that is under construction. You can find most of ours mixed with others at

[Libertarian] Priorities for jury reform efforts

2006-01-29 Thread Jon Roland
From the FIJA list. Original Message Subject: Re: [FIJA] Re: : Model Code of Judicial Conduct: Public Comment Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:24:23 -0600 From: Jon Roland [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: Constitution Society To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] References

[Libertarian] Surviving Justice

2006-02-04 Thread Jon Roland
Just caught the presentation on C-SPAN2 of the segment on the book, /Surviving Justice/, edited by Dave Eggers and Lola Vollen, about some cases of miscarriage of justice. We commend you for your website and associated websites http://www.voiceofwitness.com/index.html

Re: [Libertarian] new name for this

2006-02-06 Thread Jon Roland
mark robert wrote: I'm looking for a negative term for those who characteristically emphasizes security and protection and safety over rights and freedom and happiness. Cowards. -- Our efforts depend on donations from people

[Libertarian] Bradley v. Fisher

2006-02-07 Thread Jon Roland
This is the 1872 U.S. Supreme Court case that established nearly absolute judicial immunity in the United States, and that is cited by judges in answer to claims that they have exceeded their jurisdiction or violate the law. -- Jon

[Libertarian] Re: Fourteenth Amendment Citizenship explained, by Mark Ferran www.billstclair.com/ferran

2006-02-07 Thread Jon Roland
- *From:* Jon Roland mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *Sent:* Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:45 AM *Subject:* [Lex_Rex] Re: [AMOJ_MAIN] Fourteenth Amendment Citizenship explained, by Mark Ferran www.billstclair.com/ferran http

Re: [Libertarian] Re: There Should Be No Civil Rights

2006-02-12 Thread Jon Roland
The evidence is that the 16th was not ratified, but there are problems with the 14th as well. First, the duress. Second, some arguably unconstitutional state legislatures that ratified it. Third, the rescissions of some of the state legislatures before the three-fourths point was reached. If

[Libertarian] There is No Fourteenth Amendment!

2006-02-12 Thread Jon Roland
For those of us who find much to admire in the 14th Amendment, it is painful to have to report that it was not ratified, but the constitutional scholar has to follow the truth wherever it leads, and report what he finds, no matter how much it might hurt. The following article summarizes the

[Libertarian] Re: There is No Fourteenth Amendment!

2006-02-13 Thread Jon Roland
Indeed, I am planning to do something like that, but wanted to get the ball rolling. There are plenty of state and U.S. precedents that presume the ratification of the 14th. It is easy to find them, so it is not necessary for me to dump a load of cites on readers. An interesting historical

[Libertarian] Internal Revenue Code as of Jan. 1, 2002

2006-02-14 Thread Jon Roland
Just added to our site at http://www.constitution.org/tax/us-ic/irc/irc_jan2002.pdf . This is a searchable PDF, but its 3186 pages are 13.7 MB, making it a slow download if you don't have broadband. Now you can study it yourself to determine what liability for taxes you may (or may not)

Re: [Libertarian] LP mascot - Eagle

2006-02-19 Thread Jon Roland
Both the eagle and the roadrunner are declining species. I suggest a human being -- with a gun in his hands. -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions for donors are at

[Libertarian] Re: The Wasted Vote Argument - ANSWERED

2006-02-20 Thread Jon Roland
A better, simpler way to put it is, your vote is extremely unlikely to affect the outcome of an election. All it can do is /influence policy/. And a vote for one of the two main candidates will be lost in the mass of voters, while a vote for a minor candidate, especially if he gets enough to

Re: [Libertarian] Re: initiation of force

2006-02-26 Thread Jon Roland
The discussion is misframed. Violence can be righteous as well as unrighteous, just as well as unjust. It is not violence, but unjust violence that is properly opposed. By focusing on violence instead of on justice, the discussion is diverted from its proper course. The two guiding stars are

[Libertarian] Federalism symposium @ St. John's, 3/3/2006

2006-02-27 Thread Jon Roland
Symposium at St. John's this Friday, March 3, 2006. Click here for the symposium brochure http://www.stjohns.edu/media/3/892d4756f52a4b4396e04a77fe5cbdfc.pdf in PDF form. Symposium papers will be published this spring in a 20^th anniversary issue of the /St. John's// Journal of Legal

[Libertarian] Spending power does not authorize disaster relief

2006-02-28 Thread Jon Roland
The more direct URL is http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/lhr/23.2/gillman.html Original Message Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:25:09 -0800 From: Howard Gillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: conlawprof@lists.ucla.edu For a recent debate on the historical understanding of the

[Libertarian] Spending power does not authorize disaster relief

2006-02-28 Thread Jon Roland
Original Message Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:25:09 -0800 From: Howard Gillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: conlawprof@lists.ucla.edu For a recent debate on the historical understanding of the taxing/spending power, as applied to the New Deal, see the exchange between Michele Landis

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] The Futility of Lawyer Bashing

2006-03-05 Thread Jon Roland
Excellent summary of the threat to the right to trial by jury that deserves to be read and acted on by others. It should be expanded into a law review article, or if that has already been done, the article should be made available online and cited by its web URL. Unfortunately, this posting is

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] The Futility of Lawyer Bashing

2006-03-05 Thread Jon Roland
I was referring to the corpus of your messages to this and other fora, not just to one message. But, yes Clay, this message did contain personal attacks, and your failure to perceive that is part of your problem. An organization is just several individuals, whose activities are the sum of the

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] The Futility of Lawyer Bashing

2006-03-05 Thread Jon Roland
. But that is NOT the mission of FIJA, has never been, and the board sees no reason to dilute our efforts, nor do I. Absolutely nothing prohibits Clay Conrad or you, Jon Roland, from taking his vision, or yours, and starting an organization to accomplish the ends you both seem to find

[Libertarian] Despotism of an Oligarchy

2006-03-05 Thread Jon Roland
A friend reminded me of this letter from Thomas Jefferson, which we have online at http://www.constitution.org/tj/jeff15.txt It indicates he agreed with the finding in /Marbury v. Madison/ that the federal courts do not have the authority to issue writs of /mandamus/ to executive officials.

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] Jury reform: Respect for authority or sense of inadequacy?

2006-03-11 Thread Jon Roland
The distinction I made when renaming this thread on why jurors tend to defer to authority was between the respect of effective, that is, comparatively adequate, people for those they recognize, with some rational basis, as even more effective, those with superior virtue, the excellent, and the

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] Jury reform: Respect for authority or sense of inadequacy?

2006-03-12 Thread Jon Roland
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 3/11/2006 5:16:34 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: That means introducing to the jury an innovation that at least one of them is likely to adopt. What are the alternatives for such innovations? Many have

[Libertarian] Re: [FIJA] Re: What is the Key Message???

2006-03-12 Thread Jon Roland
jurygeek wrote: JN is primarily a criminal doctrine. As a matter of fact, in 18th century legal dictionaries, the criminal jury was defined as a judge of fact and law, and the civil jury defined as a judge of fact only. That was mainly because there was little if any enactment law involved

[Libertarian] Jack Kevorkian writes book on Ninth Amendment

2006-03-14 Thread Jon Roland
See http://www.glimmeriqs.com/ Might be worth a look. -- Jon Constitution Society 7793 Burnet Road #37, Austin, TX 78757 512/374-9585 www.constitution.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Libertarian] Man Freed on Tax Charges October 15, 1993

2006-03-18 Thread Jon Roland
United States of America v. Lloyd Long filed in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee and was decided on October 15, 1993. Tennessee Man Freed on Tax Charges In an amazing court case involving the income tax, a Chattanooga jury agreed with the argument by the defendant that the

[Libertarian] David Deschesne writings

2006-03-19 Thread Jon Roland
per issue on a bi-weekly basis. Enjoy! David Deschesne Editor/Publisher FORT FAIRFIELD JOURNAL P.O. Box 1310 Presque Isle, Maine 04769 (207) 764-4210 www.mainemediaresources.com/ffj.htm http://www.mainemediaresources.com/ffj.htm - Original Message - *From:* Jon Roland mailto

[Libertarian] V for Vendetta

2006-03-21 Thread Jon Roland
Saw the movie this evening. I recommend it. It is ultimately a character study of those who commit tyranny and those who resist it. In the end V comes to realize he has become a monster in fighting monsters, but he adopts a solution that confronts us all with our relation to tyranny and the

Re: [Libertarian] Re: Drug warriors (was: Saddam al-Qaida link ...)

2006-03-26 Thread Jon Roland
and not advancing their career prospects. So by all means call them murderers, but just don't make the mistake they do of not being reflective of what you are doing and the full consequences of it to everyone. Geof Gibson wrote: --- In Libertarian@yahoogroups.com, Jon Roland [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Libertarian] seeking Jon Roland

2006-03-30 Thread Jon Roland
I am here. Why would you suspect otherwise? :-) -- Jon Our efforts depend on donations from people like you. Directions for donors are at http://www.constitution.org/whatucando.htm Constitution Society 7793 Burnet Road

Re: [Libertarian] Envision UNIVERSAL Libertarianism!

2006-04-01 Thread Jon Roland
And If men were angels, no government would be necessary. (James Madison, Federalist 51, Feb. 6, 1788) You are calling for nothing less than a general change in human nature, with no one omitted from the change. The people who would accept your argument are the ones who don't need it, and are

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