Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 11/7/05
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Dear All:
    The email people send me is certainly not an accurate representation of the
population as a whole. However, increasingly, I have noticed what appears to be
a clear trend along these lines: 1) The hearts of some people are hardening,
namely, they express they have reached "their wall" [my terminology] with govt
officials' usurpations of power that many describe as being "insufferable'"
[again, my characterization,] 2) They are waiting for the rebellion to break
out so they can start to shoot!; 3) They state they are "preparing," [e.g.,
getting themselves and their firearms cleaned and ready; 4) I periodically
learn of reports of judges being murdered; 5) It does seem that the numbers of
judges being murdered has spiked somewhat dramatically, even though the numbers
remain low. [It is tragic on many levels that anyone is murdered. It remains
unclear what motivates those who murder judges. It might have nothing to do
with "the Liberty/return to constitutionalism movement;" 6) The free fall
toward Tyranny continues, unabated; 7) Govt officials seem to be increasingly
making treasonous public pronouncements. Example: SanFran's Mayor, I am told,
recently said he championed and would vote for the proposed SanFran ordinance
to ban handguns in the city's limits and require confiscation of same w/o
payment of their market value to their owners, even though he believed the
ordinance would be tossed out as being unconstitutional. Example: Joe Bannister
was prosecuted for exercising his First Amendment right to free speech. I
watched the video tape of what he said that was Exhibit No. 1 for the Fed Govt.
I am a former prosecutor. In my judgment, the evidence on that tape that Joe
committed a crime was ZERO. Example: Irwin Schiff's judge brazenly committed so
many egregious errors I do not want to waste my time itemizing them, yet, he now
rots in jail. Example: Rick Stanley has 6 years in the Colorado peneteniary
hanging over his head plus a hefty fine, etc., because he dared to peacefully
exercise his rights. Fortunately, I have read the state appellate brief his
Colorado atty prepared for him. It is excellent. If the CO judges follow the
law, odds are extraordinarily high, in my judgment, Rick's conviction will be
reversed. Even if that happens, Govt Officials forced him through the ringer
and they flattened him as much as they could. Rick's appellate atty made a
mighty convincing case that his trial judge, a retired CO Supreme Court judge,
contrary to state law, did not take the required oath of office and, therefore,
did not have jurisdiction to even hear the case, and, to make matters worse for
that fudge, when Rick called him on it, that fudge gave a disengenuous
response. Example:  In my case at an air show at an airport, a law enforcement
officer testified that he was trained, and believed, that since I refused a
consent search request my mere refusal automatically gave him probable cause to
search! [which is 100% contrary to the real law,] but the prosecutor and the
trial fudge sanctioned what that mislead, mistrained, undersupersived flaming
moronic idiot said, under oath. Example: The brute who arrested me, in his
official report, documented that he told me, in reference to himself, that he
could be the U.S. Constitution if I wanted him to be! Think about that
embecillic, contempuous, arrogance! Example: My  trial fudge scolded me for
daring to steadfastly and uncompromsingly assert my rights and not cower, he
praised these two cops, and he even opined that the US Constitution is "not a
suicide pact"! Huh? Where did that come from? I never said it was. Why did he
go there.
    While the above seems to be a trend, Sheeple continue to be Sheeple instead
of Citizens.
    Could it be that some Citizens are finding their spine, their "line"? Is
their a civil war in our future?
    -- Peter Mancus
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Dear All:
    The email people send me is certainly not an accurate representation of the population as a whole. However, increasingly, I have noticed what appears to be a clear trend along these lines: 1) The hearts of some people are hardening, namely, they express they have reached "their wall" [my terminology] with govt officials' usurpations of power that many describe as being "insufferable'" [again, my characterization,] 2) They are waiting for the rebellion to break out so they can start to shoot!; 3) They state they are "preparing," [e.g., getting themselves and their firearms cleaned and ready; 4) I periodically learn of reports of judges being murdered; 5) It does seem that the numbers of judges being murdered has spiked somewhat dramatically, even though the numbers remain low. [It is tragic on many levels that anyone is murdered. It remains unclear what motivates those who murder judges. It might have nothing to do with "the Liberty/return to constitutionalism movement;" 6) The free fall toward Tyranny continues, unabated; 7) Govt officials seem to be increasingly making treasonous public pronouncements. Example: SanFran's Mayor, I am told, recently said he championed and would vote for the proposed SanFran ordinance to ban handguns in the city's limits and require confiscation of same w/o payment of their market value to their owners, even though he believed the ordinance would be tossed out as being unconstitutional. Example: Joe Bannister was prosecuted for exercising his First Amendment right to free speech. I watched the video tape of what he said that was Exhibit No. 1 for the Fed Govt. I am a former prosecutor. In my judgment, the evidence on that tape that Joe committed a crime was ZERO. Example: Irwin Schiff's judge brazenly committed so many egregious errors I do not want to waste my time itemizing them, yet, he now rots in jail. Example: Rick Stanley has 6 years in the Colorado peneteniary hanging over his head plus a hefty fine, etc., because he dared to peacefully exercise his rights. Fortunately, I have read the state appellate brief his Colorado atty prepared for him. It is excellent. If the CO judges follow the law, odds are extraordinarily high, in my judgment, Rick's conviction will be reversed. Even if that happens, Govt Officials forced him through the ringer and they flattened him as much as they could. Rick's appellate atty made a mighty convincing case that his trial judge, a retired CO Supreme Court judge, contrary to state law, did not take the required oath of office and, therefore, did not have jurisdiction to even hear the case, and, to make matters worse for that fudge, when Rick called him on it, that fudge gave a disengenuous response. Example:  In my case at an air show at an airport, a law enforcement officer testified that he was trained, and believed, that since I refused a consent search request my mere refusal automatically gave him probable cause to search! [which is 100% contrary to the real law,] but the prosecutor and the trial fudge sanctioned what that mislead, mistrained, undersupersived flaming moronic idiot said, under oath. Example: The brute who arrested me, in his official report, documented that he told me, in reference to himself, that he could be the U.S. Constitution if I wanted him to be! Think about that embecillic, contempuous, arrogance! Example: My  trial fudge scolded me for daring to steadfastly and uncompromsingly assert my rights and not cower, he praised these two cops, and he even opined that the US Constitution is "not a suicide pact"! Huh? Where did that come from? I never said it was. Why did he go there.
    While the above seems to be a trend, Sheeple continue to be Sheeple instead of Citizens.
    Could it be that some Citizens are finding their spine, their "line"? Is their a civil war in our future?
    -- Peter Mancus
Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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We the People Scoop
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