Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 11/10/05
WE THE PEOPLE SCOOP - TO EXPOSE!                                    **
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OPINION RELEASE: Murdering judges

 Subject: Murdering judges

_Americans  murdering their judges, and the American crisis of judicial
In the headlines are the appalling news stories of Americans carrying out
murderous attacks on judges and their families. In a matter of days, one judge
was shot and killed in his own courtroom, while another judge had family
members  brutally murdered in their home.
Can this be true?  Is it common?  _Look._

Americans murdering their judges, and the American crisis of judicial corruption
In the headlines are the appalling news stories of Americans carrying out murderous attacks on judges and their families. In a matter of days, one judge was shot and killed in his own courtroom, while another judge had family members brutally murdered in their home.
continued . . .
Can this be true?  Is it common?  Look.
Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
We the People Scoop
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Americans) into one SUPER THIRD PARTY!
This group has a single line platform: "To defend our (Natural)
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