Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 12/13/05
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OPINION RELEASE: Did our President Really say that ?!
STANLEY NOTE:  President Bush is president of the government that has overthrown
the American constitution.  He is not "my president". No president in my
lifetime has been "my president".  My oath is to defend and uphold the
constitution, not the government that has overthrown it.  I do not defend
treason.  I attack it.

This  time Mr. President, you will have to explain yourself. And NO Mr.
President,  there won't be a witch hunt this time to know who leaked your
statements to Doug  Thompson. It was their duty as loyal Americans.
By Pastor Chuck  Baldwin
December 13,  2005
_NewsWithViews.com_ (http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin271.htm)
Internet news site _Capitol Hill  Blue_ (http://www.capitolhillblue.com/)
founder Doug Thompson wrote in his column on December 9 that in a private
meeting with congressional leaders, President G.W. Bush was urged to take
in implementing his new Patriot Act because it would potentially  "alienate
conservatives." According to Thompson, the president retorted by  saying, "I
don't give a g-d-, I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do  it my way!"
During  that same meeting, Thompson quotes an aide as telling Mr. Bush,
"There is a  valid case that the provisions in this law [the Patriot Act]
the  Constitution." Thompson quotes the President as screaming back, "Stop
throwing  the Constitution in my face. It's just a g-d- piece of paper!"
Thompson said he talked with three people who were  present for that meeting
and that they all confirmed that President Bush called  the Constitution a
"g-d- piece of paper."
Please  understand, Thompson is a career journalist. To my knowledge, his
news site only  produces credible news. For the sake of this column, therefore,
let's deal with  the possibility that what Doug Thompson wrote was truthfully
told him by people  who were in attendance at that meeting. (No, Thompson did
not name those  persons.)
Before  going further, let's acknowledge that Doug Thompson is not a fan of
President  Bush. In fact, he is an outspoken critic of the President. But then
again, it  seems to me that he is an outspoken critic of most politicians. In
my opinion,  that's not all bad. But that's not the point. All that matters is
the  truthfulness of the report. If it's not true, Thompson must bear
However, what if it is true? What if President Bush  actually said the things
Thompson said he said? In that case, every American  must bear
If  President Bush said the things Thompson accuses him of saying, it is
monumentally important! It reveals a side of G.W. Bush that has been heretofore
hidden from the public, a side of the President that should cause all true
Christians and all lovers of liberty deep consternation!
If  G.W. Bush said the things he is quoted as saying, it means that our
President is  not only the worst kind of liar but also a very clear and present
threat to  freedom!
Remember that President Bush twice put his hand on a  Holy Bible and took an
oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of  the United States.
Such an oath carries with it the most sacred of intentions  and the most
serious of consequences.
It is  one thing for a president to proceed upon the conviction that his
actions are  constitutionally justified even though he is criticized for those
convictions;  it is another thing altogether for a president to feel in his
and to  verbalize with his lips that the very document which he swore and
oath to uphold  is nothing more than a "g-d- piece of paper."
Americans must understand that the only reason (humanly  speaking) that this
country has been able to maintain a 200 plus year legacy of  liberty and
individual freedom is due to our respectful adherence (at least in  principle)
the U.S. Constitution. To quote Supreme Court Justice Antonin  Scalia, "I don't
have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to  prove that
it's better than anything else." Amen.
The  Constitution is better than anything else! It is the most magnificent
governing  document ever written by man! Along with our Christian heritage and
common  English language, the Constitution has formed the glue which has held
our  republic together. Rightly did Daniel Webster say, "The hand that destroys
the  Constitution rends our Union asunder forever."
If  President Bush truly believes the Constitution is "just a g-d- piece of
paper,"  he is capable of any attack against it.
Yet,  there is another revelation contained in President Bush's remarks, if
they be  true: his repeated blasphemy of God's name.
It has  been long known that G.W. Bush is a prolific swearer. That much we
know is true.  One former congressman told me of hearing Bush repeatedly use the
"f " word.  Most Christians would not want their children using that or any
other swear  word, but probably don't mind too much (sadly) that their
president, even one  who professes to be a Christian, would use profanity. But
about repeatedly  using God's name in vain? Is that insignificant?
To  many people, swearing is nothing more than everyday communication.
However,  using God's name in vain is more than vulgar talking: it is
The  Holy Scriptures are very clear on this point. The Third Commandment is
emphatic:  "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the
Lord will not  hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." Furthermore,
Psalms 139:20  states, "Thine enemies take thy name in vain."
We  need to get something settled: George W. Bush (or any other U.S.
President or  Congressman) is not above the Constitution or the Word of God! And
we are  at it, let's settle something else: those conservative Christians who
would  allow G.W. Bush (or anyone else) to trample our Constitution and our
Biblical  values have become idolaters in their own hearts by giving to man
(any man) the  kind of preeminence that only the Bible and the U.S. Constitution
Did President Bush really say the  things Doug Thompson quotes him as saying?
I sincerely hope not. And if he did  not, Mr. Thompson certainly owes his
readers and the President an apology.  However, if it proves to be true, will
conservative Christians admit that  everything they were led to believe about
G.W. Bush was a lie, because indeed it  would be?!
© 2005  Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

By Geoff  Metcalf
December 13,  2005
_NewsWithViews.com_ (http://www.newswithviews.com/metcalf/metcalf163.htm)
“You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for  anything…”
Aaron  Tippet and Buddy Brock wrote a song titled ‘You’ve Got To Stand for
Something’.  The warning to the lyric notes “or you’ll fall for anything.”
I  often say, “It’s not a question of WHO is right or wrong but WHAT is
right or  wrong that matters.”
Different people have difference guidelines for  determining what is ‘right’
In  this polarized/acrimonious/perpetual contact sport between left and
right,  liberal and conservative, democrat and republican, (demonstrated by Ann
Coulters  and Al Frankens), so much emphasis is put on sizzle, we rarely get to
sink our  teeth into the steak.
It was  disconcerting to read Doug Thompson’s _recent  rant_
(http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml)  in  Capitol
Hill Blue in
which he claims President Bush diminished and marginalized  the Constitution.
Thompson reportedly talked to three people who were in a  meeting in which the
President of the United States called the Constitution just  “a goddamned
piece of paper.”
No,  Mr. President, blasphemy notwithstanding, the Constitution is much more.
The  constitution is the essence of what America is, and for many, a
yardstick for  measuring what is right.
From  military recruits to congress critters to Supreme Court justices to the
 President of the United States, all take an oath in which they solemnly
swear to  “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."
It is  beyond hypocritical for someone to swear, “to preserve and protect the
 constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic” and subsequently
focuses  on undermining, mitigating, or abrogating the very document to which
they have  sworn protection…in effect becoming a domestic enemy.
Debate  continues if those so engaged are guilty of fraud, perjury or
Since  9/11 there has been a lot of ‘talk’ about patriotism. It has been
implied that  to resist what the administration wants to do is ‘unpatriotic’.
What was it Mark  Twain said about “Patriotism is usually the refuge of the
scoundrel.”? I don’t  think/hope Twain meant everyone who embraces patriotism is
a scoundrel but it  becomes a challenge to differentiate between true patriots
and politicians  intent on using it as a tool to further a personal
(unconstitutional)  agenda.
By the  way, any effort to undermine the Constitution from beneath a mantel
of  ‘patriotism’ is oxymoronic.
Teddy  Roosevelt said, "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
mean to  stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to
the degree  in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to
support him  insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not
to oppose  him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails
in his duty  to stand by the country."
I  admire President Bush for a variety of reasons…however; I am not a GOP
sycophant  who will defend the indefensible because of a myopic ‘us verses them’
group  think.
According to ‘Capitol Hill Blue’ when confronted with  facts that
contradicted his preconceived opinions, Bush said, “I’m the President  and the
Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
When  an aide (as reported by Thompson) said, “Mr. President, there is a
valid case  that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.” Bush
up and  screamed, “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a
goddamned  piece of paper!”
No,  Mr. President we won’t stop throwing the Constitution in your face. You
put your  hand on a Bible and swore to defend that ‘piece of paper’.
The  reason famous conservatives like Phyllis Schafly and Bob Barr have
joined with  the American Civil Liberties Union to oppose overly ambitious plans
for renewing  the USA Patriot Act is THEY stand for something…and won’t fall
for anything  dictated by an imperious ‘Do it MY way’ leader.
The  USA Patriot Act is a sticky wicket and smarter folks than me are tasked
with  solving the challenges.
    *   Is  the Patriot Act a valuable tool for intel operators fighting the
war on  terror?
* You  damnbetcha!
    *   Is it  potentially dangerous?
*  Absolutely!
    *   Does  it represent a significant threat to God given, inalienable
Constitutional  rights?
*  Duh?!?
    *   Ben  Franklin said, “They who would give up an essential liberty for
temporary  security, deserve neither liberty or security.”
* The Patriot Act personifies that  admonition.
The  signers of the Declaration of Independence closed the document by
affirming,  “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we
mutually pledge  to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”
The  Declaration, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are more, much
more than  mere ‘piece(s) of paper.’
© 2005 Geoff Metcalf  - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: Information shared in the We The People Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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