Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 12/03/05
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Carl F. Worden

I am terribly saddened by the guilty plea and subsequent tearful public
confession of California Republican Representative  "Duke" Cunningham to
charges of abject corruption in accepting bribes from several defense
contractors for favorable contract awards.  Representative Cunningham was a
member of the House Appropriations subcommittee that controls defense dollars
awarded to competing defense contractors, and as such, he would be a target of
those who might seek his favors illegally over those of other defense
contractors who play by the rules.  It is reported that a number of other
elected congressional officials are also under investigation in connection with
the Cunningham corruption case, and I reasonably expect to hear of more
indictments to come in this case.
By now, most of my readers know I am a financial consultant by profession, and
my specialty is in employee benefits.  As such, I am often involved in
negotiations with employee unions to provide voluntary supplemental insurance
benefits to their membership.
A few years ago, I approached a firemen's union in San Jose, California, for the
purpose of providing accident disability and cancer coverage to their
membership.  Firemen get hurt far more often than police officers in their line
of duty, and firemen are also noted for coming down with cancer, during, but
usually after they retire from service.  This is because they come into contact
with all kinds of nasty stuff burning as they perform their duties, and
California is a state that recognizes the problem to the extent that the state
awards Worker's Compensation benefits to firemen during and after retirement if
the individual comes down with cancer.  The problem is so rampant that at last
report, 60% of all firemen eventually die of cancer -- and that figure does not
include the number who survive it.
I looked at all the plans for accident and cancer coverage offered by all the
many insurance carriers admitted to California, and found one insurer that
would offer both plans that provided the highest possible benefits in relation
to cost.  I am an insurance broker because I refuse to be a "captive" agent,
able to offer only what a primary insurance company has available.  As such, I
can "cherry-pick" from the best offerings out there, unlike captive and
semi-captive agents who represent companies like Aflac and Combined Insurance.
So there I am, sitting in front of the managers and leaders of this firemen's
union, and the top guy asks me to "kick-back" 15% of my commissions if they
allow me to sell my insurance via payroll deduction to the various firemen in a
number of agencies in the Santa Clara Valley -- often referred to as the Silicon
Valley.  I said there was no problem in doing that if the union had an insurance
license.  Nobody can collect insurance commissions unless they are a licensed
insurance agent in California, so my condition was both legal and reasonable.
Since employee unions are registered with the IRS as non-profit, such an
arrangement would be quite illegal.  To cut to the chase, I didn't get the
I am proud of my stand, with reservations.  Some other dirt-bag broker will come
along offering a lesser product, and will agree to pay the kick-back, and who
gets screwed?  The union members, of course, and they didn't even get to know
what I was prepared to provide them.
Which brings us back to the sad tale of Vietnam fighter pilot ace Congressman
Randy "Duke" Cunningham.  Here's a guy who served in the armed forces and
relied on the very best weaponry and equipment the United States Government
could provide, and the little bastard sold his soul for 2.4 million in various
gifts and cash to sell out the best interests of our men and women in uniform.
 Who knows what the other defense contractors had to offer?  Did they offer
better body armor than the "competition" who gave Cunningham a Rolls Royce?  I
don't know under what circumstances Cunningham got the Rolls, but it really
doesn't matter.  How badly did Cunningham betray those who serve now?  This
betrayal of trust borders on outright treason on Cunningham's part, and I
sincerely hope the judge gives the man the harshest sentence allowable under
federal law.
James Madison wrote words on this subject, particularly related to the
environment of war.  He was rebuking the 3rd Congress for considering giving
their authority to declare war to the president.  If you recall, that is
exactly what happened when Congress voted to give President Bush the authority
to invade Iraq.  Congress has no authority under the Constitution to give their
authority to declare war to the president, but that is exactly what they did,
and that is why all this rubbish about how Congress was "lied into war"
misleads us away from the original felony.  The very fact Congress voted to
give Bush their authority to declare war is the original sin in this fiasco,
and any representative who voted to do so, lied to or not about WMD, Nukes and
whatever, Democrat or Republican, is a traitor to his/her oath.
Here are Madison's words to the 3rd Congress, which thankfully did not do that
which our current Congress did.
The Most Dreaded Enemy of Liberty by James Madison, August 1793
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded,
because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of
armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are
the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In
war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence
in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means
of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people.
. . . [There is also an] inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of
fraud, growing out of a state of war, and . . . degeneracy of manners and of
morals. . . . No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual
warfare. . . .
[It should be well understood] that the powers proposed to be surrendered [by
the Third Congress] to the Executive were those which the Constitution has most
jealously appropriated to the Legislature. . . .
The Constitution expressly and exclusively vests in the Legislature the power of
declaring a state of war . . . the power of raising armies . . . the power of
creating offices. . . .
A delegation of such powers [to the President] would have struck, not only at
the fabric of our Constitution, but at the foundation of all well organized and
well checked governments.
The separation of the power of declaring war from that of conducting it, is
wisely contrived to exclude the danger of its being declared for the sake of
its being conducted.
The separation of the power of raising armies from the power of commanding them,
is intended to prevent the raising of armies for the sake of commanding them.
The separation of the power of creating offices from that of filling them, is an
essential guard against the temptation to create offices for the sake of
gratifying favorites or multiplying dependents.
James Madison was the fourth president of the United States. This is from
Letters and Other Writings of James Madison.
"And the opportunities of fraud" -- did you see that part?   "Degeneracy of
manners and of morals" -- did you read that too?  As Solomon wrote in
Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun.  Our Founding Fathers knew
very well what men do in a time of war.  Just today it was reported that a
ranking American military officer in Iraq got busted for taking bribes from
contractors to rebuild Iraq.  For every one caught, you can count on probably
50+ who are never detected.  Who knows what happened to all that cash and gold
confiscated from Saddam after our invasion?  If you ask, nobody seems to know.
It's like it all vanished into thin air.
Our government is seriously corrupt, and has been made more so by this
unconstitutional and illegal war.
And that concludes my thoughts for today.
Carl F. Worden
Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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