Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 12/06/05
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    Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 14:49:17 -0600
    From: American Common Defense Review <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: American Common Defense Review <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      To: President Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*FROM: Don Hamrick
**TO: President Bush*
*INFO: Senior Inspector Robeson US Marshals Service , Washington DC
INFO: Deputy Marshal Campos, Washington DC
INFO: FBI Washington DC *
I will presume that you have read the Washington Post news report below
before reading my commentary here.
If the DoD's *Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA)*, a military agency,
is authorized to investigate "crimes within the United States such as
"treason" and if that authority was carried out in a fair manner without
influence of politics or the incliniation of ignoring acts of crimes or acts
of treason committed by or alleged against employees of the U.S. Government
including President Bush, Supreme Court Justices, and judges of the federal
In a country such as the United States where justice is supposed to be blind
and where we are supposed to be governed by the Rule of Law by fair and
honest judges the people of the United States would think that those who are
employed by the U.S. Government would also have to obey the laws of this
country as well as the laws of the States of the Union they find themselves
residing or traveling in. This is not the case.
What is happening now on a daily basis is the transformation of what is
supposed to be our guarantee of a Republican form of Government according to
the U.S. Constitution to a government controled by a military regime under
President Bush. This is being accomplished by President Bush through his
refusal to shore up the border with Mexico allowing members of al Qaeda and
other terrorist to enter this country among the millions of illegal aliens.
Among those illegal aliens are murderous gangs like MS-13. All of these
undesirables have taken root, set up there own networks and are now poised
to attack us at every level, from attacking individuals, open society, and
even the federal government.
This situation begs the suspicion that President Bush is deliberately
creating the dire circumstances that he needs in order to bring in the
military to enforce civilian laws. He is indeed transforming our free nation
into a dictatorial military regime! DoD Policies are already in place that
we can use to turn the tables in restoring the guarantee of a Republican
form of government and restoring the balance of power under the Tenth
What I am suggesting is that the FBI, the DoD and CIFA,  the Council of
National Defense (50 U.S.C. §
the BATF&E, The Senate's Office of Legislative Counsel (2 U.S.C §
the House of Representatives' Office of Legislative Counsel (2 U.S.C.
the House of Representatives' Office of Law Revision Counsel (2
in accordance with 2 U.S.C. §
*Legislative review by standing committees of the Senate and the House of
Representatives; *the Homeland Security Council (6
 and 6 U.S.C. §
to construct a path back to a restored balance of power under the Tenth
Amendment where the People have a role in the Common Defence (Preamble to
the Constutiton) instead of being a People of Interest in the eyes of the
U.S. Government as is now happening.
The following DoD Instruction provides one path to such a restoration of the
balance of power under the Tenth Amendment and subsequently to the
restoration of freedom! The following DoD Instruction directly applies to
President Bush for his "harboring and concealing persons" (illegal aliens,
terrorists and gang members of foreign origin like MS-13).
I would like to see the laws of the United States and DoD Instructions used
against members of the U.S. Government where needed to restore freedom and
the balance of power lest we find ourselves under a dictatorial military
*Dod Instruction 5240.4 Reporting of Counterintelligence and Criminal
Violations* <http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf2/i52404p.pdf>* *
*Reference (b) Chapter 37 of Title 18, United States Code: Espionage and
*18 U.S.C. § 792. Harboring or Concealing Persons*
*Whoever harbors or conceals any person who he knows, or has reasonable
grounds to believe or suspect, has committed, or is about to commit, an
offense under sections 793 or 794 of this title, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
18 U.S.C. § 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information*
*18 U.S.C. § 794. Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign
*3.1. A significant incident includes any of the following:*
*3.1.2. Criminal cases involving:*
* Any criminal case, regardless of the allegation, which has
received, is expected to receive, or which if disclosed could reasonably be
expected to receive SIGNIFICANT media coverage.*
*It is DoD policy that significant counterintelligence activities, criminal
cases, and instances of espionage shall be reported expeditiously through
established channels to the Secretary of Defense.*
*Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity
*Fears of Post-9/11 Terrorism Spur Proposals for New Powers
*By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 27, 2005; A06
The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and
analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies,
adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic
security activities in the post-9/11 world.
The moves have taken place on several fronts. The White House is considering
expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the
Field Activity, or CIFA*, which was created three years ago. *The proposal,
made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA from an office that
coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including protecting military
facilities from attack -- to one that also has authority to investigate
crimes within the United States such as treason, foreign or terrorist
sabotage or even economic espionage.*
The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would *create an
intelligence exception to the Privacy Act*, allowing the FBI and
others to *share
information gathered about U.S. citizens* with the Pentagon, CIA and other
intelligence agencies, *as long as the data is deemed to be related to
foreign intelligence*. Backers say the measure is needed to strengthen
investigations into terrorism or weapons of mass destruction.
The proposals, and other Pentagon steps aimed at improving its ability to
analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside the United States,
have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and a few members of
Congress, who say the Defense Department's push into domestic collection is
proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.
*"We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America*.
This is a huge leap without even a [congressional] hearing," Sen. Ron Wyden
(D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a
recent interview.
Wyden has since persuaded lawmakers to change the legislation, attached to
the fiscal 2006 intelligence authorization bill, to address some of his
concerns, but he still believes hearings should be held. Among the changes
was the elimination of a provision to let Defense Intelligence Agency
officers hide the fact that they work for the government when they approach
people who are possible sources of intelligence in the United States.
Modifications also were made in the provision allowing the FBI to share
information with the Pentagon and CIA, requiring the approval of the
director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte, for that to occur,
and requiring the Pentagon to make reports to Congress on the subject. Wyden
said the legislation "now strikes a much fairer balance by protecting
critical rights for our country's citizens and advancing intelligence
operations to meet our security needs."
Kate Martin, director of the Center for National Security Studies, said the
data-sharing amendment would still give the Pentagon much greater access to
the FBI's massive collection of data, including information on citizens not
connected to terrorism or espionage.
The measure, she said, "removes one of the few existing privacy protections
against the creation of secret dossiers on Americans by government
intelligence agencies." She said the Pentagon's "intelligence agencies are
quietly expanding their domestic presence without any public debate."
Lt. Col. Chris Conway, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said that the most
senior Defense Department intelligence officials are aware of the
sensitivities related to their expanded domestic activities. At the same
time, he said, the Pentagon has to have the intelligence necessary to
protect its facilities and personnel at home and abroad.
"In the age of terrorism," Conway said, "the U.S. military and its
facilities are targets, and we have to be prepared within our authorities to
defend them before something happens."
Among the steps already taken by the Pentagon that enhanced its domestic
capabilities was the establishment after 9/11 of Northern Command, or
Northcom, in Colorado Springs, to provide military forces to help in
reacting to terrorist threats in the continental United States. Today,
Northcom's intelligence centers in Colorado and Texas fuse reports from
CIFA, the FBI and other U.S. agencies, and are staffed by 290 intelligence
analysts. That is more than the roughly 200 analysts working for the State
Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, and far more than those at
the Department of Homeland Security.
In addition, each of the military services has begun its own post-9/11
collection of domestic intelligence, primarily aimed at gathering data on
potential terrorist threats to bases and other military facilities at home
and abroad. For example, Eagle Eyes is a program set up by the Air Force
Office of Special Investigations, which "enlists the eyes and ears of Air
Force members and citizens in the war on terror," according to the program's
Web site.
The Marine Corps has expanded its domestic intelligence operations and
developed internal policies in 2004 to govern oversight of the "collection,
retention and dissemination of information concerning U.S. persons,"
according to a Marine Corps order approved on April 30, 2004.
The order recognizes that in the post-9/11 era, the Marine Corps
Intelligence Activity will be "increasingly required to perform domestic
missions," and as a result, "there will be increased instances whereby
Marine intelligence activities may come across information regarding U.S.
persons." Among domestic targets listed are people in the United States who
it "is reasonably believed threaten the physical security of Defense
Department employees, installations, operations or official visitors."
Perhaps the prime illustration of the Pentagon's intelligence growth is
CIFA, which remains one of its least publicized intelligence agencies.
Neither the size of its staff, said to be more than 1,000, nor its budget is
public, said Conway, the Pentagon spokesman. The CIFA brochure says the
agency's mission is to "transform" the way counterintelligence is done
"fully utilizing 21st century tools and resources."
One CIFA activity, threat assessments, involves using "leading edge
information technologies and data harvesting," according to a February 2004
Pentagon budget document. This involves "exploiting commercial data" with
the help of outside contractors including White Oak Technologies Inc. of
Silver Spring, and MZM Inc., a Washington-based research organization,
according to the Pentagon document.
For CIFA, counterintelligence involves not just collecting data but also
"conducting activities to protect DoD and the nation against espionage,
other intelligence activities, sabotage, assassinations, and terrorist
activities," its brochure states.
CIFA's abilities would increase considerably under the proposal being
reviewed by the White House, which was made by a presidential commission on
intelligence chaired by retired appellate court judge Laurence H. Silberman
and former senator Charles S. Robb (D-Va.). The commission urged that CIFA
be given authority to carry out domestic criminal investigations and
clandestine operations against potential threats inside the United States.
The Silberman-Robb panel found that because the separate military services
concentrated on investigations within their areas, "no entity views
non-service-specific and department-wide investigations as its primary
responsibility." A 2003 Defense Department directive kept CIFA from engaging
in law enforcement activities such as "the investigation, apprehension, or
detention of individuals suspected or convicted of criminal offenses against
the laws of the United States."
The commission's proposal would change that, giving CIFA "new
counterespionage and law enforcement authorities," covering treason,
espionage, foreign or terrorist sabotage, and even economic espionage. That
step, the panel said, could be taken by presidential order and Pentagon
directive without congressional approval.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the CIFA expansion "is being
studied at the DoD [Defense Department] level," adding that intelligence
director Negroponte would have a say in the matter. A Pentagon spokesman
said, "The [CIFA] matter is before the Hill committees."
Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, said in a recent interview that CIFA has performed well in the
past and today has no domestic intelligence collection activities. He was
not aware of moves to enhance its authority.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has not had formal hearings on
CIFA or other domestic intelligence programs, but its staff has been briefed
on some of the steps the Pentagon has already taken. "If a member asks the
chairman" -- Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) -- for hearings, "I am sure he would
respond," said Bill Duhnke, the panel's staff director.
Staff writer Dan Eggen contributed to this report.

Disclaimer: Information shared in the We The People Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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