Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 12/05/05
WE THE PEOPLE SCOOP - TO EXPOSE!                                    **
**  Visit the website: http://www.stanley2002.org                   **
**  OR Our NEW Offshore Host at www.wtpconstitutionalactivism.org   **
**  Like the Scoop? Forward it to everyone you know!                **
**                                                                  **
**  SPECIAL NOTICE: Many of our readers know that the scooplist has **
**  been down for just over a month. We just closed down the        **
**  previous host site, that was forced to be taken down by the     **
**  Powers That Be (PTB) that do not what to see this kind of info  **
**  coming out. Hence, we have moved our newsletter and will mirror **
**  recreate the Stanley2002.org website to offshore servers where  **
**  it cannot be tampered with.  The new is at:                     **
**  http://wtpconstitutionalactivism.org                            **
I, (We), the undersigned, wish to form a new UNIFIED COMBINED NEW  SUPER THIRD PARTY
that will "defend our God given (natural),  unalienable, constitutionally protected
and guaranteed rights here in America".
I, (We), believe this country has been overthrown from within and the POLICE STATE OF
AMERICA must be replaced in a peaceful political  manner.  I, (We), do not believe the
two parties that have been running this country this past 150 years, will return America
back to Constitutional rule of law.  I, (We) do not have confidence that the fractured
existing third parties will be able to attain a majority in this country to return America
back to Constitutional rule of law.  I, (We) believe that the American people have rights
to freedom and liberty, and the inherent, unalienable, natural rights of man do not come
from government, but from a higher power. The Constitution of this land was to put chains
on the government and to protect and defend those rights of "We The People".  The government
at all levels and all branches, has violated the Constitution, losing it's authority to
govern.  They must be  replaced at all cost.
60 percent of America IS NOT Republican or Democrat.  I, (We) are the majority of this country.
By signing this petition, I agree to become a part of the NEW SUPER THIRD PARTY that will defend
and protect the rights enumerated in the Constitution, the first 10 Bill of Rights, made a part
of the Constitution in 1789.  These rights are 100 percent guaranteed and protected by "We The People",
and government at all levels has destroyed these rights through illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional
legislation, judicial decree, and  government bureaucracy.  These RIGHTS are the SUPREME LAW OF THE
LAND and "We The People" will return this country back once more to these supreme laws. The Constitution
and Bill of Rights are printed at the website http://www.wtpconstitutionalactivism.org  That is the
proposed platform for the new SUPER THIRD PARTY and nothing else.  I agree to defend the Constitution
as written and "all ten" of the  Bill of Rights as part of the Constitution.
I, (We), are calling for the third parties that will defend the constitution as written above, to unite
and form this UNIFIED  CONSOLIDATED NEW SUPER THIRD PARTY.  By signing this petition, I agree to become
a part of the Revolutionary Coalition which is calling for this unification.  This is the only stated
purpose of  the Revolutionary Coalition.  Once this new party is formed I agree to end my relationship
with the Revolutionary Coalition and "join" the new third party to help restore America back to
Constitutional rule of law through peaceful political action, by removing the Democrats and Republicans
from power for creating a fascist, socialist, communist, democracy, instead of the republic based upon
constitutional rule of law that our forefathers formed as a national birthright and heritage, for
generations to come. 
The website of the Revolutionary Coalition is http://TheRevolutionaryCoalition.org and to join the forum
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  All information to be kept
confidential and turned over to the UNIFIED COMBINED NEW SUPER THIRD PARTY upon the forming of the new party,
so that each individual can be contacted when the new party is formed.  No information gathered will be used
for any other purpose.  Thank you for calling for, and joining the Second American Revolution. You have just
become a part  of history.  Stand tall with honor and integrity and Stand Up For America.
Name & email address & Address, City, State and Zip Code Phone Signature above name
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 To each of our volunteer petition gatherers: Please make copies of this petition, to disseminate
 to other volunteers for signature gathering.  Once you have 10 signatures, please fax to 303-329-0498
 and then mail the original to 6280 E. 39th Ave Denver, CO 80207. Once we have hundreds of thousands of
 signatures, the third parties that will agree to defend the constitution, "will come to the negotiating
 table" and we will unite with them to form a UNIFIED CONSOLIDATED NEW SUPER THIRD PARTY.
 I certify that these signatures are honorably attained.
 Volunteer petition gatherer's name, address, phone and e-mail
Disclaimer: Information shared in the Stanley Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
We the People Scoop
http://www.stanley2002.org (Down currently but will also be recreated offshore)
Listen to: Standing Up for America Radio Show with Rick Stanley
Every Sunday, 6pm MST for 1 hour
On Truth Radio Network
to listen, click here: http://www.truthradio.com
Sponsored by:
Stanley Fasteners and Shop Supply http://www.stanleyfasteners.com
Also check out The Revolutionary Coalition!
This group is working to unite all third parties that defend the
constitution, independents, and non-voters (making up 60% of
Americans) into one SUPER THIRD PARTY!
This group has a single line platform: "To defend our (Natural)
God-given, unalienable, Constitutionally protected and guaranteed
Subscribe by sending email to:
Also see our main website at:

To subscribe to the We the People Constitutional Activism Scoop,
send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you wish to unsubscribe from We the People Constitutional Activism Scoop,
send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
All other changes for personal attention, such as changing your email address, send to

Be aware that you may be receiving mail forwarded from a group,
in which case you may have to visit http://groups.yahoo.com to unsubscribe.
Please also note that mail sent to our "reply to:" address,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is usually ignored....



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