Miklos Vajna wrote:
>           + mentors are needed … 2 weeks from now
>           + volunteers to mentor using jitsi / IRC can help too (Christian)
>           + in theory had hackfest-ng but short notice (Thorsten)
>             + was too late :(
>           + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Paris2019
From the wiki topics page
(https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Paris2019#Topics) we
seem to have needs for mentors in the following areas:

- Chart (mostly UI)
- PyUno
- Impress slideshow (for tdf#104654)
- Windows theming (for tdf#125443)
- Writer core
- Calc cell rendering & drawing layer (for tdf#31205)

Furthermore, code pointers for the following bugs would be lovely:
- tdf#77744 (trendline formula non-copyability)
- tdf#125443 (Windows frame window border color)
- tdf#48292 (Writer table cell color lost on sort)


-- Thorsten

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