I'm sorry, I can't figure out MWE for this, because it seems specific for
my score now. I tried replicating it by having empty dynamics/piano
material, but in the new score it doesn't seem to generate extra space...
So first, the issue: by adding two dynamics contexts (one between the piano
staffs, one below, for pedaling), the hidden staffs seem to generate extra
vertical space. First page: http://i.imgur.com/goOiYCW.png ; Second page:
http://i.imgur.com/KDX4IQF.png . When I disable both dynamics lines, it
looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/0QSUDE8.png . Note how just having
dynamics makes the gap betweeen  trumpet so huge.. one not really good
workaround I found is to use \override
VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = #-0.2 on the
middle dynamics, but it applies to the whole score, can't be set
temporarily, and dynamics are not spaced correctly later on. So, here is
the code for those two pages (again sorry, couldn't replicate it by having
piano staff+dynamics with multi rests; also uncomment %\override
VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = #-0.2 to see the
'workaround' difference).

\version "2.19.51"

%\include "mtf-cadence.ily"
\language "deutsch"
\paper {
  %system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #8
  %systems-per-page = 5
  %bottom-margin = 0
  indent = 22
  print-first-page-number = ##t
  first-page-number = ##t
  print-page-number = ##t
\header {
  title = \markup { \vspace #6 "PREMIERE PIECE" }
  subtitle = \markup { \vspace #2 \tiny "POUR TROMPETTE ET PIANO" }
  composer = \markup { \vspace #1 "J. Deprez" }
  tagline = ##f
global = {
  \key b \major
  \time 3/4


trumpetBb = \relative c'' {
  \transposition b
  % Music follows here.
  \once \override Score.MetronomeMark.font-size = #-2
  \tempo  4=108
  c4~  c8 g16 g c8 d |
  g f16 g e4 \tuplet 3/2 { d8 e c } |
  g'2 r4 |
  c,4~\p c8 g16 g c8 d |
  g f16 g e4 \tuplet 3/2 { d8 e c } |
  fis(->-\markup { \italic "cresc." } g~ g4) r8 c, |
  dis->( e~ e4) r8 h |
  c--([ dis)] e--([ fis)] g--([ e)] |
  c4\f\<~ c8 g16 g c8 g |
  c4\ff\<~ c8 g16 g c8 g |
  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #t)
  \time 3/4
  c2.*2/20 \fff \stopStaff
  s2.*18/20 |
  \once \override Score.MetronomeMark.font-size = #-2
  \tempo "Tempo" 4=108
  c4\f~ c8 g16 g c8[ d] |
  g f16( g) e4 r8 c |
  f e16( f) d8[( c] h c) |
  d2 g,4 |
  c4~ c8 g16 g c8[ d] |
  g f16( g) e4 c |
  a f' a,8( c) |
  h--( c d2) |


up = \relative c'' {

  % Music follows here.
 \once \override Score.KeySignature.X-offset = #-4
  \relative {
  \shape #'((0 . 3) (10 . 3) (-10 . 3) (0 . 3)) PhrasingSlur
  des,32\([ es ges as b!]
  \stemUp des[ es ges as b]
  \stemDown des[ es ges as b]
  \stemUp des[ es ges as b]
  \stemDown \ottava #1 des[ es ges as b]
  \stemUp <des es>
  \stemDown b[ as ges es des]
  \stemUp \ottava #0 b[ as ges es des]
  \stemDown b[ as ges es des]
  \stemUp b[ as ges es des]
  \stemDown b[ as ges es des]\) |
  \bar "|" \break |
  \cadenzaOff }
  \autochange es'
  \relative {
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #12
  \override Score.Accidental.transparent = ##t
  \shape #'((0 . -4) (0 . 1) (-1 . 1) (0 . 0)) Slur
  b,,([ f' b] \stemUp f'[ <a d> g])
  \shape #'((0 . -2) (2 . 0) (-2 . 0) (0 . 0)) Slur
  \stemDown f([ b d] \stemUp f[ <a d> g])
  \shape #'((0 . -4) (1 . 1) (-2 . 1) (0 . -1)) Slur
  \stemDown f([ b d] \stemUp f[ <a d> g])
  \ottava #1
  \stemDown  f([ b d] f[ <a d> g])
  \cadenzaOff }
  \bar "|" \break
  \ottava #0
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #13
   b'4~ \stemUp b8 f16 f \stemUp \once \slurUp b8( c) |
  \override Score.Accidental.transparent = ##f
  \stemNeutral f e16( f) d4~ \stemUp d8 b |
  \stemDown es d16( es) c4~ \stemUp c8 b |
  \shape #'((0 . -1) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) Slur
  a4(~ \stemUp a8 b16 h c4) |
  b4~ \stemUp b8 f16 f \stemUp \once \slurUp b8( c) |
  f2~f8. e32( f) |
  f2~ f8( e16  f) |
  f2.\fermata |
  \tempo "Marcato" 4=108
  <b,, d f b>4. <f f'>16 q <b b'>8 <c c'> |
  <f a f'> <e a e'>16 <f a f'> <d a' d>4. <f a f'>8 |
  <es g es'> <d g d'>16 <es g es'> <c g' c>4. \once \stemUp<b b'>8 |
  \tuplet 3/2 4 {
    <a a'>8 <b b'> <h h'> <c c'> <d d'> <es es'> <f f'> <g g'> <a a'> } |
  <b d f b>4. <f, f'>16 q <b b'>8 <c c'> |
  <f as des f>4. <e as des e>16 <f as des f> q8 <e as des e>16 <f as des f>
  <f a f'>4. <e a e'>16 <f a f'> q8 <e a e'>16 <f a f'> |
  <f a f'>4. <e a e'>16 <f a f'> q8 <e a e'>16 <f a f'> | \break
  <b f d b>2 <f, b d f>4 |
  <a d f a>2 <f a d f>4 |
  <g c es g>2 <b es g b>4 |
  \tuplet 3/2 4 {
    <a a'>8 <b b'> <h h'> <c c'> <d d'> <es es'> <f, f'> <g g'> <a a'>} |
  \ottava #1 <b'' f d b>2-> \ottava #0 <f,, b d f> 4 |
  <a d f a>2 <f a d f>4 |
  <es' g es'>8 <d g d'>16 <es g es'> <c g' c>8 <b b'> <g es' g>4 |
  <a es' a>4 q8 <b es b'> <c es c'>4 | \break


down = \relative c' {

\tuplet 3/2 4 {
    \shape #'((0 . 2) (0 . 5) (-1 . 0) (-0.2 . -0.5)) Slur
    b,,8( f' b d f b \stemDown \change Staff = "up" d f b) |
    \shape #'((0 . 1.5) (1 . 5) (-4 . 0) (-0.4 . -0.6)) Slur
    \change Staff = "down" d,,,( a' d f a d  \change Staff = "up" f a d) |
    \shape #'((0 . 2) (0 . 5) (-2 . 1) (0 . -0.2)) Slur
    \change Staff = "down" c,,,( g' es' g c es \change Staff = "up" g c es)
    \shape #'((0 . -1) (1 . 2) (-1 . 1) (0 . 0.2)) Slur
    \change Staff = "down" f,,,( c' a' \change Staff = "up" c es g a d c) |
  \override Score.Accidental.transparent = ##f
  \change Staff = "down"
  \tuplet 3/2 4 {
    \shape #'((0 . 2) (0 . 5) (-1 . 0) (-0.2 . -0.5)) Slur
    \override Score.TupletNumber.transparent = ##t
    \override Score.TupletBracket.transparent =##t
    b,,,8( f' b d f b \stemDown \change Staff = "up" d f b) |
    \shape #'((0 . -1) (0 . -1) (-3 . 0) (-0.4 . -0.6)) Slur
    \change Staff = "down" des,,,( as' f' as des f  \change Staff = "up" as
des f) |
    \shape #'((0 . -2) (-0.5 . 2.5) (-1 . -0.5) (-0.3 . -0.5)) Slur
    \change Staff = "down" f,,,( c' a' \change Staff = "up" c es g b d f) |
    \change Staff = "down"
    r c,, a' \change Staff = "up" es' a c f a c |
  \change Staff = "down"
  <b,,,, b'>8( <b' d f> <d f b>2) |
  <d, d'>4( <d' f a>8 <f a d> <a d f>4) |
   \once \slurDown
   \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0) (-0 . 0) (3 . 2)) Slur
   <c,, c'>4.(  \autoBeamOff <es' g c>8
       \crossStaff {
       \change Staff = "up"
       %\override Stem.length = #20
       %\override Stem.cross-staff = ##t
       <c' es>
     \new Voice {
       \change Staff = "down"
       g8[ \change Staff = "up" <c es g>]
   \change Staff = "down"
   <f,, f'>2( \stemNeutral <f' a es'>8 <f,, f'>) |
   \stemDown \slurNeutral
    <b b'>8( <b' d f> <d f b>2) |
    <des, des'>8( <des' f as> <f as des>4 <as des f>) |
    \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0) (-0 . 0) (0 . -0.2)) Slur
    <f, f'>8( <f' a c> <f a es'>4 <a c es a>) |
    \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0) (-0 . 0) (0 . -0.2)) Slur
    <f, f'>8( <f' a c> <f a es'>4 <a c es a>) |
    <b,, b'>4( <f'' b d>2) |
    <d, d'>4( <f' a d>2) |
    <c, c'>4( <g'' c es>2) |
    <f, f'>4( <f' a es'> <f,, f'>) | \break
    <b f' b> <f'' b d>2 |
    <d, d'>4 <f' a d>2 |
    <c, c'>4 <g'' c es> <c,, c'> |
    <f, f'> <f'' a es'>4. <f,, f'>8 | \break


pedal = {
    s2 s16 s32

dynamics = {

     \once \override DynamicText.Y-offset = #-5
     R1 r16 r32
     \once \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-2.5
     s8_\markup { \italic "rall." } s16 |
     s4. s4\>-\markup { \halign #-1 \italic "rall." } s16 s32 s32\!
     s2.\ff s2.
     \override TextScript.Y-offset = #0
     s2.-\markup { \italic "cresc." }
     s4 \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #2 s4-\markup { \italic
"rall." } s4
     s2.\mf s2.*2
     \once \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-0.5
     s2.-\markup { \italic "cresc." }
     \once \override DynamicText.Y-offset = #0.3

trumpetBbPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Trumpet in Bb"
  midiInstrument = "trumpet"
  \magnifyStaff #3/4

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
  \new Staff = "up" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } \up
  \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \with {
    %\override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding =
  \new Staff = "down" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } { \clef bass \down }
 \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal


\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
    \consists #Span_stem_engraver
\context {
    \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
  \context {
   \context {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
  \midi { }

Krzysztof Gutowski
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