Re: Multiple midi outputs

2013-09-12 Thread Ian Hulin
On 12/09/13 07:25, Hilary Snaden wrote:
 Is there a way of generating different midi outputs from a single 
 Lilypond script, similar to using \book with \bookOutputName?
Issue 1354

Cheers Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to force a superfluous CombineTextScript to be printed?

2013-08-20 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Dominic,
Have you tried using \partcombineApart and \partcombineAutomatic?  (See
code below).  See also Notation Reference 1.5.2 - Automatic Part Combining

There are also \partcombineUP and \partcombineDOWN flavours of
\partcombine (same syntax as \partcombine) which force both the parts to
use the specified stem direction when combined.

The code below is still a work-round to get the a2 to print, but you
might want to use this as a template.

The \partcombine call is pretty horrible but this way you get the
\partcombinemumble directives applied to both parts without having to
add them individually to each the music for each instrument.

At the moment you get dynamics above and below the combined stave, but
you could control this with tags on the flutedyn variable so it only
gets used when you're print out the flute part.

Hope this gives you some ideas to work around the restriction without
too much pain (and typing) in your big score.

HTH, Cheers,



\version 2.17.25
\language english

pieceSettings = {
  \key d \major
  \time 6/8
aduetext =  \markup \bold a2

% TODO - split dynamics and \partcombine commands into separate
%   variables flutedyn and flutepartc ?
%   Use tags 'score and 'part so fluteTwo will only print dynamics
%   when printing the part out and not the score.
% OR use this below
%   \flutedyn  % variable with spacers and dynamics
%   {
% \compressFullBarRests
% \partcombine
%  \flutepartc  % variable with spacers and
%   % \partcombinexxx
%  \fluteOne
%  \flutepartc
%  \fluteTwo

flutedynsetc = {
  s4\mf\ s8 s4 s8  | % bar  1
  s2.   | % bar  2
  % unison
s8 s4 s8| % bar  3
  s2.   | % bar  4  
  % MMR in flute parts
  s2.*2 | % bar  5-6
  s4\f^\aduetext s8 s4 s8   | % bar  7
  s2.   | % bar  8
  s2.*2 | % bar  9 - 10
  s4 s8 s4
  \partcombineUnisono s8| % bar 11
  s2.*2 \bar || % bar 12 - 153

fluteOne = \relative c' {
  % apart
  d'4 e8 fs g a | % bar  1
  a4 b8 cs d cs | % bar  2
  % unison
  d4 d8 d4 d8   | % bar  3
  R2.*3 | % bars 4 - 6
  d4 d8 d4 d8   | % bar  7
  d8 cs b cs b cs   | % bar  8
  % apart
  r4 r8 a g fs  | % bar  9
  e8 fs e d cs a| % bar 10
  b8 a g fs e d | % bar 11
  % unison
  cs'8 b8 a g fs e  | % bar 12
  d4 d8 d4 d8   \bar || % bar 13

fluteTwo = \relative c' {
  % apart
  fs4 g8 a b d  | % bar  1
  r4 r8 e fs a  | % bar  2
  % unison
  d4 d8 d4 d8   | % bar  3
  R2.*3 | % bars 4 - 6
  d4 d8 d4 d8   | % bar  7
  d8 cs b cs b cs   | % bar  8
  % apart
  g8 a g fs e d | % bar  9
  cs8 d cs b a fs   | % bar 10
  g8 fs e d cs d| % bar 11
  % unison
  cs'8 b8 a g fs e  | % bar 12
  d4 d8 d4 d8   \bar || % bar 13

\score {
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = Flutes
 printPartCombineTexts = ##t
 soloText  = #Fl. 1
 soloIIText = #Fl. 2}

  \flutedynsetc  % TODO
 % change to \flutedyn and \flutepartc

  \flutedynsetc  % TODO
 % change to \flutedyn and
 % \flutepartc


On 20/08/13 08:53, Dominic wrote:
 Consider the following minimal example:
 /\version 2.17.20
 fluteOne = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { c'8 d e f g2 | R1*8 } }
 fluteTwo = \fluteOne
 \score {
   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = Flutes }
   { \compressFullBarRests \partcombine \fluteOne \fluteTwo }
 If two instruments are playing in unison for a long while, and continue to
 do so even following a multi-measure rest, I want a reminder 'a2' to be
 printed where they resume (i.e. in the 3rd bar of the example). In a large
 orchestral score, it is useful to have reminders even if they are
 technically superfluous, especially when the second one is on a different
 page. I need a function that effectively says Take whatever the previous
 CombineTextScript said, and reprint it at the given location
 I have tried explicitly inserting /partcombineUnisono/ or turning
 /printPartCombineTexts/ off then immediately on again, in an attempt to jolt
 Lilypond into forgetting any prevailing a2 status, but 

Re: An idea for a systematic development of a large score.

2013-05-21 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi wjm and list,
On 17/05/13 02:26, wjm wrote:
 After watching Sarah K Alawami's work on a score recently on this
 user-list, but not having the musical and compositional skills to make
 constructive remarks, and after reading the thread entitled 'stylesheet
 structure', it occurred to me that an approach might be found which
 might make the whole process a little less opaque.


Here is a pointer to some of the templates referenced in the Learning
Manual as Appendix A5:

(development version documentation)

(stable version documentation)

If you want to invest a bit more time, there are a couple of packages
which allow you to set up large score if you invest a bit of time in the
learning curve, both of which I have used.

One is Reinhold Kainhofer's orchestrallily, which is at

There is a pointer to download the file at that address.  Once
downloaded, you may need to run it through convert-ly if running a
version of LilyPond after V2.14.  Reinhold has had to bow out of
actively participating in the LilyPond lists, but I'm sure he'd be OK
answering any queries from people using the package.

The other possibility is Mark Witmer's ly-score package at github - see

Hope this is useful.


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Enhancement request, add a new command to fill the rest of staff with blank space

2013-05-15 Thread Ian Hulin
Dear ghe
I'd like to emphasize David's response about you continuing to user
V2.14.2 in the long-term.
There is absolutely nothing stopping using V2.16.2 on Debian, as far as
I know.  There are several advantages and very few disadvantages to
doing this:
o V2.16.2 is the latest stable release, if you do have a problem, it is
easier for developers to check it out and reproduce it than with a
historic stable release like 2.14.2.  This means that you're more likely
to get a response here or on the bugs list.
o Using V2.16.2 will make it easier to upgrade to future stable releases
of LilyPond.
o There are a load of enhancements in V2.16.2 which make LilyPond easier
to use and program, particularly in conjunction with some of the editors
such as Frescobaldi, LilyPondTool in JEdit, Eclipse, and even (Lord,
help us) Emacs and Vim.
o The V2.16.2 documentation's better and more complete even than the
docs for V2.14.2.

If there are some things that don't work the same way in 2.16.2, they
are most likely covered by using convert-ly.

I'd just like to make a few observations that would help you get more
and maybe quicker responses to you posts.

Please add a subject line to your posts.  I'm breaking my own personal
rule here that I don't generally reply to such posts.  I've just had to
spend extra time hunting down your original post to find out what it's

Maybe you could give us a better indication of who you actually are?
Most of us on the LilyPond lists are reasonably friendly and
house-trained, and it feels more comfortable talking to a human name
than a mailbox alias.

Hope this helps,


Ian Hulin

On 12/05/13 17:01, David Kastrup wrote: writes:

 Alas, I use 2.14.2...


 Because I use Debian, and the version of LilyPond in testing is
 2.14.2. I tried to install the 2.16.0 from Debian experimental, but
 for some reason the overall layout of my scores was changed, for
 worse.  Perhaps I should have tried to fix the problem
 Or report it so that it can be fixed.
 instead of downgrading, but I did not have the time to do so.
 Using 2.14 will not remain feasible for all the future.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: publish music book

2013-05-07 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Jim,
On 22/04/13 20:17, Jim Tisdall wrote:
 I'm preparing a book for publication.
 Lilypond has several methods to combine text and examples. One is
 lilypond-book, but due to the many examples in my chapters, I find
 that is too slow, so I'm deciding on other ways to include the
 graphics.  No problem since everything is made possible, especially
 for a programmer.  Probably some combo of lilypond with make.
 Peace, Jim
One possibility may be to use OpenOffice/LibreOffice with the
OOOLilyPond extension to and then translate that to lilypondbook +

Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to get a book twice with different page-footers?

2013-04-11 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Harm,
Many thanks for the work-round, I'd found this problem too a while ago,
but am only just catching up with this list.

Cheers,  :-) Ian

On 22/03/13 21:27, Thomas Morley wrote:
 Hi Jan-Peter,
 thanks for your reply.
 2013/3/22 Jan-Peter Voigt
 Hello Harm,

 I don't have a solution, but I found, that not-first-page is not defined in
 the global space. You can't access it with $(display not-first-page).
 That's the problem.
 If you (re-)define a procedure #(define (not-first-page layout props arg)
 (interpret-markup layout props arg)) the example compiles.
 So propably there is a way to expose the needed functions/vars to another
 I found a very simple solution:
 Instead of redefining all definitions from /ly/ I
 simply include
 Et voil�:
 \version 2.16.2
 myname = #(ly:parser-output-name parser)
 oddFooterMarkupI =
   \markup \fill-line { XYZ }
 oddFooterMarkupII =
   \markup {
   \on-the-fly #not-first-page
   \fill-line { \with-color #red 123 }
 writeBookTwice =
 #(define-void-function (parser location book)
; process with oddFooterMarkupI
   (ly:book-paper book)
; process with oddFooterMarkupII
   (ly:book-paper book)
   (format ~a-other-footer myname)))
   \book {
 \bookpart { \repeat unfold 2 { c''1 \pageBreak } }
 \bookpart { \repeat unfold 2 { cis''1 \pageBreak } }
 Though, I've to test it with some larger real-life-examples.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: call for italian users: translation of feathered beams and other terms

2013-04-11 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Federico and Davide,

In English we use the Italian work portamento when singers or players
want to scoop between notes.

Aren't doit and fall forms of portamento without a define
start/end note?

Doit (pron do-it) is a portamento up to the notated pitch, Fall is
a portamento down from the notated pitch (hence falling off the note.




On 10/04/13 21:47, Federico Bruni wrote:
 2013/4/10 Davide Liessi
 I can't understand this glossary entry, since there isn't enough 
 context. I don't think it is specifically a musical term, and I
 couldn't find occurrences of direct in NR with a different
 meaning from the usual, literal, common one. Why is direct in the
 glossary? Why is it related to custos?
 no idea, I'll leave it untranslated
 doit fall
 Don't know an Italian term for these; maybe you could translate
 them like they did in German: glissando indeterminato verso
 l'alto/il basso or ... verso l'acuto/il grave.
 I think that it refers to bending. We don't have a term in
 italian. Maybe: piegatura della nota verso l'alto/basso
 ___ lilypond-user
 mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: force bookpart to start on left-hand page?

2013-04-03 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Kieren,
On 10/01/13 18:24, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there a way to force a bookpart to start on a left-hand page?
 (i.e., to leave a blank page if necessary)
There's no direct way of doing this easily at the moment.  I think this
is worth forwarding to the bugs list as an enhancement request, probably
getting hold of

\on-the-fly \fromproperty header:first-page-number and
working out the current page and wrapping these up as recto? and verso?
predicates, so you could do some scheme-function type stuff

forcelefthandpage = #(define-scheme-function ( layout )
  (let*  ((current-page (stuff to get hold of current output page))
 (fpageprop (get hold of header first page))
 (thepageno (- current-page fpageprop)))
(if (even? thepageno)
(#{ \pagebreak
\markup {\null} #})) ) )

Probably we could supply builtin recto? and verso? predicates so this
could be simplified to

(if (recto?)

Cheers, Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Robustly include project-specific scheme files?

2012-10-21 Thread Ian Hulin
On 21/10/12 22:00, Reedmace Star wrote:
 Dear LilyPond users,
 when working on LilyPond projects that require scheme coding, I 
 sometimes find it convenient to collect scheme definitions in an 
 external (but project specific) .scm file.
 Currently, I then simply call guile's load function to include 
 it. Typical minimal setup:
 --- file my-scheme-defs.scm (same directory as ---
 ;;; scheme definitions...
 --- file ---
 \version 2.16.0 #(load my-scheme-defs.scm)
 %% do something ...
 This, however, only works when calling lilypond on from
 that same directory. The load command looks for the .scm file in
 the present working directory, but not in the directory containing
 the including file.
 No such restriction applies with the \include command, which works
  exactly as expected. And in fact I like to occasionally compile a
 .ly file from a different directory, usually to collect output
 files from a run with non-standard parameters.
 So I'm looking for a reasonably concise method to make this work
 with scheme loads, too. One obvious solution would be to shell out
 '#' prefixes and put everything into LilyPond include files, but
 that's not really pretty, if only because editors do a better job
 at syntax highlighting and indentation with pure scheme files than
 with embedded scheme code.
 Is there a better way?
 Best regards,
 Reedmace Star
If my-scheme-defs.scm is in path my-scheme-dir

 --- file ---

 \version 2.16.0
 % allow guile to find your file.
 #(set! %load-path cons(my-scheme-dir %load-path))
 #(load-from-path my-scheme-defs.scm)

 %% do something ...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilybin

2012-09-22 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Martin,
On 22/09/12 23:24, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
 When will be updated to use lilypond 2.16 (stable) 
 or 2.17 (devel) ?
Lilybin is layered on LilyPond and is not part of the base project.
The author is Trevor Dixon (  Either e-mail him
direct or reply to the original thread entitled LilyBin Launch on
the lilypond-user mailing list.


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dynamics contexts

2012-09-09 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi James,
How about

 \score {
 \new Staff = tset \relative c' { c4 b d c e d f e}
 \new Dynamics {
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = text
%   --
%   --
s4\startTextSpan s1_\ s4\! s_\p s\stopTextSpan
 \score {
 \new Staff = tset \relative c' { c4 b d c e d f e }
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = text
s4\startTextSpan s1_\ s4\! s_\p s\stopTextSpan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NR 4.1.6: blank-last-page-force and penalty values

2012-08-17 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Joe,

On 11/08/12 06:28, Joe Neeman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Federico Bruni wrote:
 NR 4.1.6, \paper variable for page breaking
 I'd like to force the add of a blank page in case the number of 
 pages in a book is odd. I guess I should use
 I had a look at ly/ to see the default values and I
 see that penalty values are numbers. Default value of
 blank-last-page-force is 0, so I guess that as I increase the
 number it's more likely to get the blank page.
 No, lilypond will never put a blank page at the end. You could
 probably achieve that in a pdf editor.�
 Also, the definition is not very clear, because it doesn't say 
 explicitly what it actually does.. you have to guess it:
 ### blank-last-page-force The penalty for ending the score on an
 odd-numbered page. ###
 If you make blank-last-page-force large and use
 ly:page-turn-breaking, then lilypond will be unlikely to produce a
 score where the last page is odd-numbered. Instead, it will adjust
 the spacing in order to use one page more or fewer.

How about calling this property allow-widow-recto-last-page?
Maybe it's a bit of a mouthful, but it describes what it does on the
can: the higher you set the value the less likely it is that
ly:page-turn-breaking will produce a last page that is recto page if
you're interested in doing duplex printing when you produce the PDF.

Widow is used for lonely single lines in typography when the rest of
the paragraph is set after a page break.

Recto (normally) means odd-numbered (if you're starting page numbering
at 1) because it's the right-hand page of a double-page spread,
verso is the left-hand page of the spread, and is generally

Just a thought I had in the bath after reading this thread.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TextSpanner duplicates text after \break

2012-08-15 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Daniel,
On 15/08/12 09:28, Daniel E. Moctezuma wrote:
 I would like to suggest to add this to the official docs (is very 
 useful), by the way.
 Also I did notice that solution *doesn't* work with *ottava*, what
 would you suggest in this case?

 \override OttavaBracket #'(bound-details left-broken text) = ##f ?

Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

2012-01-22 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Damian,
1. Try running up lilypond with --loglevel=DEBUG, you'll see a lot more
about directories and the values for PATH etc.

2. Guile does *not* like lists being passed to it as GUILE_LOAD_PATH or
as -L prompt from the command line.  It is absolutely not parsed like
the bash shell PATH. These get simply added to Guile's %load-path
variable, which is a scheme list.

3. LilyPond in its start-up code prepends its own root directory (let's
call it $LILYPOND_DATADIR) *and* $LILYPOND_DATADIR/scm to guile/scheme's
%load-path variable.

4. Run up the guile REPL from the command-line and type
guile %load-path

You should see something like:
guile %load-path
(/usr/local/share/guile/site /usr/local/share/guile/1.8



On 21/01/12 13:20, Damian leGassick wrote:
 On 21 Jan 2012, at 13:09, James wrote:

 On 21 January 2012 12:55, 
 On Jan 21, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Damian leGassick wrote:

 On 21 Jan 2012, at 12:08, Damian leGassick wrote:


 I've seen this before and a search through the list says it was fixed in 

 just upgraded to 2.15.26 and i get

 GNU LilyPond 2.15.26
 ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
 ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

 is there a simple fix for this? I've tried adding the ice-9 folder to the 

 echo $PATH gives:


 Ok - I get that it's I it's a guile error message

 I added export 
  to my .bash_profile

 guile now launches in the terminal without the error, but lilypond still 

 Damian (btw, Mac OSX10.6.8)


 I've cc'ed my response to the bug list - this should be opened up as an 
 issue on the tracker.
 What would help a lot is if you added things to your PATH variable until 
 LilyPond started working and let us know what the key addition(s) proved to 
 Also, make sure to open a new terminal window every time you modify 
 .bash_profile (I'm not assuming that you are not doing this, but I forget 
 to do this all the time, so I figured it was worth saying).

 Also, and I had this same message on my Linux Box, and found it was to
 do with the relation of where I ran the command and where the file I
 am running LP on.

 So, for example if you use Terminal and cd *into* the same dir as the
 .ly file do you get the same message?


 James, you are correct - cd-ing into the directory works, thanks
 Mike - I tried adding everything I could think of (I'm not a guile expert!) 
 but couldn't make progress beyond:
 which gives the error:
 GNU LilyPond 2.15.26
  In procedure dynamic-link in expression (load-extension 
 libguile-srfi-srfi-1-v-3 scm_init_srfi_1):
  file: libguile-srfi-srfi-1-v-3, message: file not found

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 1.9.5, last beta before 2.0.0

2011-12-20 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Wilbert,
On 20/12/11 10:15, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
 Hi all,
 Frescobaldi 1.9.5 has been released with the following changes
 since 1.9.4:
 * Updated translations: es, nl, cs * Bug fixes: - charmap now
 avoids characters narrow builds of Python can't handle - fix
 incorrect midi tempo when midi file contains tempo changes - fix
 importing the pyportmidi._pyportmidi module if that is used -
 really honor 'delete intermediate files' option * New features: -
 Documents list with optional per-directory grouping - helper
 applications can be specified to override operating system 
 defaults - list of generated files in LilyPond menu *
 Improvements: - tooltips in music view show variable name of music
 definition - search bar in documentation browser - autocomplete on
 \include, \language - other small cosmetic improvements

  Please test and enjoy; if no big bugs will be found, this will
 become 2.0.0 on December 26th, 2011.
Have you got a debian or Ubuntu package that sorts out all the
dependencies for Poppler, PyQt4 and popplerqt4?  I've not been able to
install these by hand on Ubuntu 11.10 yet, and get Frescobaldi Music
View going.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cuenotes are not displayed

2011-10-15 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Stefan,
Should the \addQuote say rigth or right?

Cheers, Ian

On 15/10/11 20:46, Stefan Thomas wrote:
 Sorry, there was a mistake with  right and  rigth. It should be
 right in both cases!
 2011/10/15 Stefan Thomas
 Dear community, in the following snippet the cuenotes are not
 displayed. I think it has to do with the PianoStaff-context in the
 Staff right. Is there a way to force lilypond to show the
 cuenotes, without erasing the command \set
 PianoStaff.instrumentName = Piano? Here is my snippet:
 \version 2.14.2 right  = { \set PianoStaff.instrumentName =
 Piano c'' 4 g' a' b'   c'' 4 d'' e'' f'' g'' 1 }
 \addQuote rigth { \right }

 anothoerinstrument = { c' 1 \cueDuring #right #UP { R1 } c'1  } 
 \score {  \keepWithTag #'cued \new Staff \anothoerinstrument
 ___ lilypond-user
 mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: fretboard diagram : removing the fret number on the side

2010-12-21 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Marc, Carl and David,

On 21/12/10 07:51, David Kastrup wrote:
 Carl Sorensen writes:
 On 12/20/10 8:57 PM, Marc Mouries wrote:

  The fret diagram prints a fret number indication on the right that is
 confusing from a Violinist perspective.
  Is there any option for the fret diagram not to print it?

 Unfortunately, right now there is no way to change it.

  For instance, in the 2nd D chord i'd like to get rid of the iv or
 print i
 because on the Violin it is more helpful to think in terms of position than
 fret as there is none.

 So do you want fret indications in your violin fret diagrams?

 And how is the position calculated?
 You can't really calculate it all too well.  In first position, the
 pinky is in the current scale a fifth above the empty string.  In half
 position, it is a diminuished fifth, while the index finger is a half
 step above the empty string (if the index finger is a half step above
 the empty string, but the pinky is still a full fifth, it is not half
 position since you can still sound the next empty string).
 In third position, the index finger is a fourth above the empty
 string.  Basically, the position more or less concerns the relation
 between the current scale and the hand position and fingering and is a
 somewhat fuzzy concept when the number of accidentals rises.
I think it means slightly different things for different instruments,
Some years ago I learnt some very basic Classical Guitar.

If I remember right, 'position' meant you moved the thumb up behind a
fret as if you were getting ready to barré a chord.  So first position
meant your thumb was behind the fifth fret (i.e. a fourth up).

It looks like violin/viola/cello naming/numbering of positions is
different because the instruments are tuned with intervals of a fifth
between the strings instead of a fourth.

 It seems possible that we could put an option in to label the position
 instead of the fret.  But at this point I don't know how to calculate
 the position.
 The position is not independent of the fingering.  Indicating a position
 would only make sense in fret diagrams if you also spell out the
 fingering.  I don't know whether there is any established scheme for
 that with violins.
Don't know.  Playing noddy-level classical guitar was as far as I got in
finding out about the Dark Side (string-playing).

Maybe better-informed people (Graham?) can let us know about all this.
Then we can work out what the user requirement may be.

Then we (probably Carl) can determine whether we can/should extend the
fretboard facilities to cater for it.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \lyricmode and lyrics with numbers

2010-09-28 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi Szelga, Phil
On 28/09/10 14:36, Phil Holmes wrote:
 - Original Message - From: szelga
 Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:54 PM
 Subject: \lyricmode and lyrics with numbers
 i have a .ly file imported from musescore. it has lyrics on church
 langiage which include numbers and other non-standard stuff (which,
 with proper
 fonts is rendered as proper church slavonic text). here is an example:

 ApartAverseA = \lyricmode { \set stanza =  1.  Хва -- ли1 -- те и4
 -- мz Го --
 спо1  _ дне. А#л -- ли  _ лy  _ і -- а. }

 of course this is not processed correctly by lilypond. can i somehow
 these symbols to get a correct output?
 Place the phrase which includes the number in inverted commas.  и4
 should do it.
Szelga, are you saying the Old Church Slavonic text looks OK in
musescore, but gets mangled during the export to LilyPond?  If so, could
you tell us how the text should look.
Also, is the file produced by muscore encoded as UTF-8?

Phil, I think Szelga wanted to do the exact opposite of what you
suggested, the digits interspersed in the text are noise.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond sucessfully. (MING TSANG)

2010-09-24 Thread Ian Hulin
First of all see if your lilypond version is OK.
Click on the Windows Menu Button and Select the Run option.  When the
window pops up type in cmd and click OK to start a terminal session.
The prompt should tell you you're in the My Documents directory for
your account.
Enter notepad and press the enter key.

In the notepad editor, type in

\version 2,12.0
\relative c' { c1 \bar |.}

Now do lilypond

Does this produce test.pdf on the directory? (Do
dir test.*
to find out.

If it does, this shows you Lilypond installation is OK.

If it is OK at this stage, fire up jedit and open   If
Lilypondtool is installed correctly you should see the pdf output in the
PDF viewer pane.  Now try adding another note or something to
e.g. change the \relative block to
\relative c' { c1 | d1 \bar |.}

and compiling in Lilypondtool. If this fails it may mean there is
something wrong with the command Lilypondtool is generating to do the

However, now go back to the cmd window where you compiled, and
change your working directory to the folder with your problem .ly file.

Do this by using the cd command
cd C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/LILY_POND
now use the following command from the command line
lilypond --verbose

What messages do you see?

Btw has your Windows user account got write access to the Administrator
user's Desktop folder?

Also, try doing this in your Jedit session in the Console pane.

cd C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/LILY_POND

Now try clicking on the LilypondTool compile button in Jedit.  Are the
results any different?


Ian Hulin

On 24/09/10 19:56, MING TSANG wrote:
 Fr. Gordon,
 The jedit version is 4.3.2; lilypond is v2.13.33.  I see the viewer icon. I 
 single click it and it displays nothing. It is because the .pdf file is not 
 created even though the jedit console says it did generate a .pdf file.
 From: Father Gordon Gilbert
 To:; Lilypondusers Group
 Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 1:36:56 PM
 Subject: Re:Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond 
 I have used Lilypondtool both on Windoze, and on Ubuntu, and the toolbar 
 immediately above the open file has little icons for everything you need.  
 of them is a tiny sheet of paper representing the PDF option.  Do you have 
 on your version?  If so, simply click that (once not twice) and your PDF 
 appear in a separate window in jEdit's native PDF viewer.  Especially if your 
 compilation creates a ./ file name as I see it does.
 Hope this helps.
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fw: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond sucessfully.

2010-09-24 Thread Ian Hulin

On 24/09/10 23:15, MING TSANG wrote:
 Hi, neuro:
 I think you problem can be resolved. Please refer to vol94 issue 94 message 3 
 from Phil Holmes. If you are not absolutely need .ps, don't try.   
 My problem is after I added as suggested from Phil Holmes, I got the .ps file 
 and I lost .pdf file. I comment out the  line #(ly:set-option 
 'delete-intermediate-files #f) and re-run lilypond, but I lost both .ps and 
 .pdf since. It has been a couple of days.  I have been asking help from 
 users to resolve. I now wait for help from lily4jedif user.
 Lilypond users:
 I run Command line lilypond (CMD.EXE) as 
 c:Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\LILY_PONDlilypond -f --pdf
 and I get the following error message:
 GNU LilyPond 2.6.5

This means you have an ancient version of Lilypond installed on your
machine, and the \version in your source file specifies a later Lilypond
version as the minimum valid version.

Make sure you're running in an account with administrator privileges,

You need to download the latest LilyPond Version from the website (go
for version 2.13.34 if you can, and save it in downloads directory).

You should now de-install Lilypond 2.6.5 (there should be an Uninstall
option in your Start | All Programs | Lilypond Menu.

Once you've uninstalled V2.6.5, run the exe you have downloaded to
install Lilypond 2.13.34.

Run this command from the cmd window

It should tell you it's running version 2.13.34.

Now try your test again.



 error: Incorrect lilypond version: 2.13.32 (2.3.22, 2.6.5)
 Can anyone show me how can I set up CMD to run v2.13.33? I uninstall v2.6.5 
 install v3.13.33 -  how come I am still running v2.6.5.
 Thanks everyone,
 From: neuro黃學仁
 Sent: Fri, September  24, 2010 2:09:48 PM
 Subject: Re: Fw: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond 
 Dear Dr. Tsang
 You might want to check out
 lilypond --help
 Actually, I have met similar, (or more precisely, reverse,) problems
 when I run 2.13.33 last month.
 It seems, lilypond have output a pdf file, without a ps file as the ps
 file was converted to pdf, when I run 2.13.33 last month, as
 (The output files shoud be both ps and pdf, in my expectation.)
 So, to specifically assign the output to be a ps file, according to the 
 I run
 lilypond -f --ps
 So, you might want to run
 lilypond -f --pdf
 for specifically assign the pdf in your situation.
 options are
 -f --ps
 -f --pdf
 -f --png
 good luck ^_^
 neuro 黃
 2010/9/25 MING TSANG
 the following reply all did't go thru. Now I try again, just send ti
 lilypond users.

 - Forwarded Message 
 To: Kaz Kylheku
 Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 8:58:11 AM
 Subject: Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond

 thank you. I don't know how to run lilypond on CMD EXE.  Can you provide some
 command line script?

 I try the alternative method as suggested. I got the following message:
   GS.EXE entry point not found -- the procedure entry point
 gsapi_delete_insta...@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library

 For the past few days I have been rebooting window xp several times.

 Mark Polesky:  thank you for pointing me to contact jedit users. I have send
 them an email and waiting for their response.

 From: Kaz Kylheku
 Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 11:02:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond

 This mailing list is about Lilypond.

 What happens if you run just the lilypond executable?

 In windows you can open a CMD.EXE window on the folder and run lilypond on
 the file. If the executable is not in your %PATH%, you will have to use the
 full path.

 Alternately, you should be able, in Explorer, to right click on the .ly file
 and invoke the Generate PDF command from the popup menu.

 Be sure that no program has any of the output files (MIDI, PDF, ...) open,
 because this may prevent Lilypond from being able to write to the files.
 (Install a real OS to avoid that problem).

 If you follow this procedure and get a  PDF, there is no Lilypond problem.
 Maybe the surrounding tools are eating the PDF.

 Also, when was the last time you rebooted that Windows? At least once every
 few days is a good idea.

 On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 15:51:34 -0700 (PDT), MING TSANG

 Here below is jedit console message display. According to the message a .ps
 file is generated and a .pdf is 

define-music-function question

2010-08-11 Thread Ian Hulin
Hi all,

In a recent piece I've had occasion to produce a trill mark with an
accidental above, and stealing from the manual, I came up with

\tiny \center-column {
  \flat \musicglyph #scripts.trill }

for example.

As this cropped up more than once I thought it would be a good idea to
write a music function:

trillflat = #(define-music-function
   (parser location note) (ly:music?)
\tiny\center-column{ \flat \musicglyph #scripts.trill }} )

But the parser/lexer gets upset with the ^ and I suspect it doesn't like
the # between the '#{' and '#}'.  If I could find the routine that
translates the note into scheme make-music call I could do something like

#(define (make-a-script x)
  (make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'direction 1 'text  x))

#(define (add-script m x)
(set! (ly:music-property m 'elements)
   (cons (make-a-script x) (ly:music-property m 'elements)))

#(define add-flat-trill m)
 (add-script m (markup
  (#:flat #:musicglyph scripts.trill))

#( define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
   (let (m ly:whatever($note)
;  ^^^
;  Is there a real lily routine I can use here?
  (add-flat-trill (m) )

Is there a real procedure callable from scheme to turn g4 or whatever
  (list (make-music
  (list (make-music
  (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1)
  (ly:make-pitch 0 4 0))
so I can modify it with the add-flat-trill routine?

Any suggestions so I can have some reusable code to define a modified
trill are welcome.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Woodwind diagrams in lilypond

2010-05-31 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Mike,
This is really useful, but there's one nit regarding the flute fingerings,

Not all flutes have a bottom b, and therefore the right-hand low-end key 
cluster will only have the bottom C# (cis) key, and one c roller.

What is the right-hand x key about on the piccolo chart?

If you can add something to use the relevant key-cluster appropriately 
that would be good.

On 31/05/10 02:03, M Watts wrote:

On 05/31/2010 02:10 AM, Mike Solomon wrote:

Dear lilypond users,
I am currently working on adding woodwind diagrams to lilypond, and I
would love to hear lilypond users' opinions on this project.

An excellent idea -- contrats on the work so far.

Specifically, I would like to know from woodwind players and/or

1) Are the diagrams correct in their nomenclature and positioning?

One vital thing:--

The 'one', 'two' thru 'six' for the main keys/holes on all instruments
are round the wrong way -- 'one' means first finger, left hand. So 'one'
should be at the top, and 'six' at the bottom.

Some w/w tutors also use a L1, L2, L3, R1 R2 R3 numbering system, but 
the low numbers are *always* at the headjoint end of the instrument and 
increase down to the footjoint end.

Several minor things:--

Could the separator line between lh  rh key be a bit longer?

I like the way you only include relevant key clusters -- no need to show
every key every time.

Oboe: rh c cis  ees keys are usually of equal size

Saxophone: front f could be a bit bigger and closer to lh one; palm keys
could be a bit bigger (lh d ees  f); rh side keys could be a bit bigger
(side bes, side c, high e). Maybe add baritone sax low A thumb key?

Similar point to the low-b on the flute.  Not all makes have this.

Clarinet: maybe T  R could be a bit smaller.

Bass clarinet: some horns have an additional ees/aes lever in the lh
little finger cluster; low c horns might have a 6th key for rh little
finger (for low d), as well as 3 keys for rh thumb (low d, des, c)

2) Do the diagrams meet the standard of visual elegance to which you hold

I reckon so -- they're looking really nice; I like the ability to
indicate depressedRing-to-open trills etc.

If you are interested in extending this project to other instruments,
let me know.

Maybe recorder, tin whistle, bagpipes
Baroque flute, Simple-system flute (pre-Boehm keyed - used by 'Irish 
traditional music flute players).

Simple-system clarinet.  French-system bassoon.

The code is written as such so that someone who knows how to
use Scheme should be able to, by observing the way that the
instruments are
constructed, make their own instrument in the same manner.

Very handy.




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \extractMusic documentation.

2010-04-20 Thread Ian Hulin

Salut Gilles,

On 19/04/10 03:13, Gilles THIBAULT wrote:

Hello everybody !

It has been a while since i wanted to provide deeper informations about the
function discribed here :
This is done now.
You can get this pdf of information and the last version of in this directory :
Note that the last version of has some new features and
new functions.

Here are the direct links

I just hope that my english is not too bad, and that the explanations will
be enough understandable ...

Thanks for your hard work.  The only real language issues are some of 
your function and parameter names:

French remplacer - English replace (no m before the p), likewise French 
remplacement - English replacement.

There are some other possible minor technical writing changes, but these 
are nit-picks.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff reappearance callback?

2010-02-28 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,
On 27/02/10 22:24, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Am Samstag, 27. Februar 2010 18:45:26 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi Michael,

It looks like break-related items of all sorts, including
break-visibility, should have more than the 3 categories of before
break, after break, and no break. Then might should distinguish levels
of break, including staff reappearance and page break.

Excellent point! We should list all possibilities:

 1. before line break
 2. after line break
 3. before page break
 4. after page break
 5. before staff reappearance
 6. after staff reappearance

7. Before staff disappearance (in harakiri staves)
Given that all the other states appear to be on/off, doesn't it imply 
there should be this one
8. After staff disappearance (i.e. the staff is currently being 
suppressed).  It's probably no practical use, but you may need it for 
completeness if you want to do a what-state-is-the-staff-currently-in 
type enquiry in the code.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Mailing Subject Format Inquiry

2010-02-18 Thread Ian Hulin

How about this:
In Thunderbird
1. Create up a new address book Lilypond
2. Add the mailing list send address e.g. to the 
new address book

3. Create a new rule in Thunderbird to move to your lilypond-user folder
Matching From Is in my address book Lilypond.


On 17/02/10 20:35, Steven White wrote:

For my part I just move everything to a lillypond-user folder now and
its equivalent to me. I was fairly busy yesterday and unable to reply,
but the thread has seen a lot of activity so. Let me try.

The first two

 From Carl:

You may want to consider having a chord and tweaking the note head of
one of
the notes (i.e., you can have a 1/4 note chord and tweak the note head of
one of the notes to be a 1/2 note head.)

Thank you for this it is the solution I finally took. I would not have
thought about it on my own.

Not sure exactly what you want here, but Chopin's
piano music is full of chords containing notes of
differing duration. There's an extended example of
how to deal with them in the Learning Manual. Have
a look at section 4.5.3 Real music example to see
if that helps solve your problem.


Also a big help. I have most of the source now. Planning on reviewing it
Friday before I start back on the work. I have recived got several ideas
on better methods for marking off sections of music. I will look in to
them over the weekend and post some feed back on each.

I missed a few emails in this thread so I switched Thunderbird to
threaded view. It doesn't bug me to use multiple folders, But it can get
rather clunky. Graham brings up a good point about screen size. I work
on a 17 inch laptop most of the time which I regularly hook up to a
22inch LCD screen when in my lab. So, to me screen space isn't an issue
and I often forget about people who need to work with larger fonts or
prefer to check email on smaller devices phones/netbooks etc.

procmail is not a bad idea. I am an IMAP user so I will have to think
about it. The length of this thread actually makes me wonder if just
writing a thunderbird extension would be worth the time. I'm still in
the camp that I prefer the list name appended to the subject. I think it
makes the emails look less personal, but that doesn't mean everyone
should be forced to use them.


On 2/16/10 8:26 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:

Peter Wright wrote:

I've noticed this for a while with lilypond-user - like you, it's one
of the minority of the mailing lists I'm on that *doesn't* use the
subject prefix convention, so it's much less easy to do an
eyeball-filter/scan as you describe.

Colin's suggestion of filter rules to put things in different folders
is fine, but that approach just doesn't work too well for me. I prefer
to read (or at least scan) everything as it comes in - if the email's
automatically sent off to another folder, I find I can just forget to
check that folder.

Just had a look at the options available in TB rule-triggered actions:

Move message to
Copy message to
Forward message to
Reply with template
Mark as read ( left unread by default)
Add star
Set priority to
Tag message
and others.

You can probably set up quite a sophisticated filtering system with a
few mouse clicks: have some messages go to a folder (the folder name
gets bolded while it contains unread mail, which is the visual cue to
look in the folder), a subset of those messages could light up in a
category relevant colour, others get copied to folder 2, still others
get forwarded and deleted. The whole thing would become a very fast way
of scanning your mail for noteworthy (oops, I meant LilyPond!) related


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [frogs] Re: Numeric note heads for singers

2010-01-10 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Carl and everyone,

This looks a good idea in principle, but you've got to address what I 
call the tonic-sol-fa/solfeggio problem.

You have to consider all of these (and I may have missed a few)

  1. What is your base-level tonic?
  2. what mode you are in (\major \minor \dorian etc.)?
  3. = what key signature do you currently assume?
  4. are you adopting \relative-type rules  - when do you decide on an
 octave shift for the base tonic?
1. A good test for this would famously difficult singing range
   of the U.S. national anthem
  5. How do you notate modulations when a piece is changing key, an f
 in the key of c needs to become an f# to prepare for a modulation
 into g, but you aren't quite ready to adopt the new key signature
 (and therefore reset the tonic) yet?

I suppose you could do some of this with mark-up stuff

  1. \key c  - ^tonic=c or
  2. \key c \major - ^tonic= c major
  3. whatever \key is set as
  4. you could use the \relative type idea,  f4 c'4 notates as 4 1' on
 crotchet note-heads
  5. Add the possibility of accidental  f# or b flat being notated as
 4# or 7b on note-heads, or 4^# 7^b (except use the flat-sign
 for b)

Just some things to think about, HTH.



On 10/01/10 02:05, Carl Sorensen wrote:

On 1/9/10 12:50 PM,  wrote:



Original Message
Date: 09/01/2010 19:01
To: Carl
Subj: Re: [frogs] Re: Numeric note heads for singers

Carl, pounderd, and others,

I like the idea of frogs picking up an idea like this.

But, it's not real high priority, and in graphix-rendition terms it would be
difficult to inscribe a 4 into the triangular pennant shape of fa
because the triangle points in the opposite direction from the triangular
outline of 4.

Getting new singers to distinguish between tonic-triangle and fourth-triangle
is the main thing.

I guess there isn't any way of doing this right now, and that's a good answer
to my question.


David Olson
Culver City, CA



Thanks for letting us know. It looks as though we all misunderstood the

Would it be of use to have easy note heads that were circles but with 1
through 7 in them?  It seems to me that that's what the shape notes do.

David had an easy way of making that happen by setting the note head names
for a given key, and I think (hope) he's planning on doing the automatic
easy heads for scale degree.




Join the Frogs!

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: accents in lyrics

2010-01-09 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Aron,

On 09/01/10 08:33, Aron wrote:


I am not sur that the problem is a bug but
I tried to find a solution to the
problem but  I didn't succeded.
The problem is the following: letters with
accents (such as é, à, ê,)
do not appear in the lyrics. Instead of the letters
appears the letter o, (or
a circle?) in the .pdf or the .ps files.
If the accent is in the middle of the
word, the rest of the word is missing.
The .log file tells me that everything is
OK. Initially I used notepad ++, and after lilypad.
But it doesn't change.

Do you have your text editors (notepad++ and lilypad) set to save using 
UTF-8 encoding?


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list


2009-12-18 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Graham,

On 18/12/09 09:38, Graham Percival wrote:

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 09:32:50PM -0800, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

  If you can suggest an improvement, especially in the
  Introduction pages, please do.

LilyPondTool, Frescobaldi, Emacs and Vim are listed under
Alternate Input.  Since this link is to the right of Text
Input, the implication is that they are alternatives to text
input, which of course is false: All the information under the
Text input link applies to these programs.

Hmm.  I'm trying to tie these two together: text input and
alternate input are both the same color, and end in input.

Maybe change Alternate Input to Input software, or Input
programs, or Progams, At least One of Which You Will Use to
Enter Your Scores if You At All Value Your Time and Sanity.

I'm willing to change the name, but I'm not convinced that any of
thsoe are more attractive than alternate input.  More to the
point, the bottom of text input tries to direct people there,
with the easier editing environments stuff.

Hmm, on second thought, what about calling it Easier editing?
That alliterates, so it gets a 20% bonus to its attractiveness. :)

The current /Alternative Input/ section really lists language-sensitive 
text editors which have capabilities for handling Lilypond source. 
They're sort of Text Editors with Attitude (hey, that alliterates too 
:-} ) and the ones that allow compilation and preview of pdf output, 
like Jedit/LilypondTool and Frescobaldi are well on the way to providing 
an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Lilypond. I can't think 
of anything really short and snappy so how about:

/Text Editors with Lilypond Language Support/ or
/Editors with Lilypond Language Integration/ or
/Easier Lilypond Editing/.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font questions

2009-11-27 Thread Ian Hulin

Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:
Ah-ha!  I solved the e-acute problem!  I had used an accented e from my 
chat program (XChat2 for Windoze), and that was what was strange.  I 
took a letter from OpenOffice for that and now it's correct.

On Windows you should be able to use a Ctrl+Alt+e shortcut in most 
programs to get the e-acute.


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \set vs \override

2009-11-23 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi David,
David Kastrup wrote:

Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:56 AM, David Kastrup wrote:

Right now I don't have the necessary clue level.  Merely a gut hunch.

Why dont you invest some time to find out how it really works,

What do you think I am doing?  Reading documentation, getting nowhere,
reading code, getting nowhere, asking on the list, getting pointed do
documentation, getting nowhere...

Seems like I need to find a capable investment banker for my time.  My
own choices of investment don't show promising returns.

and then improve the documentation?  That would help many more people
than just you.

I will not doctor the documentation before I consider myself having a
clue.  And I am nowhere near that yet.

From the bread-crumb trail of your posts on the various lists, it looks 
like you're exploring a similar set of avenues I was going down earlier 
this year.

I wanted to add some properties for things at either \book block level 
or the implicit \book level (i.e. a file where a \score or \relative has 
no enclosing \book block).  I notice you have just posted some questions 
re top-level on one of the other lists.

I was nearly able to add some score-level contexts for what I wanted to 
do but as my properties related to the output file-names for generating 
the back-end files it was felt contexts were not appropriate for the job.

I had a look at the context*.cc /.hh files and it looked like this was 
the distinction

\set simply assigns a value to the property
\unset - clear any value previous value given to this property by a 
prior \set.
\override - set the property to the new value and push the old value 
onto an internal stack
\revert - pop any previously saved value from the internal stack and 
assign it to the property

If there are bells and whistles depending on whether its a grob or a 
music translation property being manipulated, maybe do something like

property-statement :==
 '\' property-verb property-keyword property-set-or-unset-clause

property-verb :== 'set' | 'unset' | 'override' | 'revert'
propert-keyword :== 'grob' | 'music' (maybe choose better keywords)
property-set-or-unset-clause :==
   property-specifier | property-specifier '=' property-value
so you'd get something like
\set music Autobeaming = #t or \set music Voice.Autobeaming = #t
\set music Staff.ADueText = \markup { \italic à 2}
\override grob Stem #'(details beamed-lengths) = #'(4 4 3)
\revert grob Stem #'(details beamed-lengths)

Anyhow, at this point by brain began to overheat with trying to juggle 
too many new concepts at once and I decided to go for the simple 
approach and do what I wanted using functions.

It looks like you're made of sterner stuff than me, so if you do keep at 
it and get a handle on the concepts, let us know what you've worked out 
on the Frogs list, please, so we can get all these bells and whistles 
recorded in the documentation.

Ian Hulin
(a Frog - still swimming in the shallow end of the Lilypond)

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond Editing Environments and output file names

2009-10-30 Thread Ian Hulin
This is a heads up for those like Bert and Wilbert who write editing 
support environments for Lilypond.

I currently have a patch in for review which will allow Lily to redirect 
the backend output to another file for particular \book blocks. 
Currently you do this by setting environment variables like output-suffix.

I've noticed that LilypondTool and Frescobaldi can get fooled using 
their internal pdf viewers about where the successfully compiled output is.

I wonder if you editor guys can take an enhancement to make your PDF 
viewers sensitive to the code writing the final format to a different 
file name?

Tracker no is 836, Patch code is at if you want to see what's there.

Hope this helps you to keep your Lilypond layered projects ready for 
2.14.  (If my patch gets through, that is).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Does anyone still use breakbefore?

2009-10-19 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,

Can't you use a \bookpart block to achieve the page break at the start 
of a \score, too?


Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am Montag, 19. Oktober 2009 20:09:33 schrieb Joe Neeman:

For a couple of years now, we've had Nicolas' cool top-level \pageBreak
commands. So I'd like to get rid of the code supporting the old
breakbefore \paper block variable. 

Nitpicking: It's a \header block variable (attached to each score) - I tried 
it as a paper variable and was quite confused when things didn't work ;-)

Before I do, is there still a
use-case for it?

Yes, I think so. The use case I'm thinking of is works with multiple pieces: 
By default, pieces start in the middle of a page. But with the breakbefore 
header variable, one can automatically start a new page with each new movement 
(as opposed to manually inserting dozens of \pageBreak commands). The 
breakbefore is kind of a global switch, so one can easily change styles.


lilypond-user mailing list

[Fwd: Re: Does anyone still use breakbefore?]

2009-10-19 Thread Ian Hulin

Sorry all, sent this reply to devel, by mistake


Hi all,

Can't you use a \bookpart block to achieve the page break at the start 
of a \score, too?


Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am Montag, 19. Oktober 2009 20:09:33 schrieb Joe Neeman:

For a couple of years now, we've had Nicolas' cool top-level \pageBreak
commands. So I'd like to get rid of the code supporting the old
breakbefore \paper block variable. 

Nitpicking: It's a \header block variable (attached to each score) - I tried 
it as a paper variable and was quite confused when things didn't work ;-)

Before I do, is there still a
use-case for it?

Yes, I think so. The use case I'm thinking of is works with multiple pieces: 
By default, pieces start in the middle of a page. But with the breakbefore 
header variable, one can automatically start a new page with each new movement 
(as opposed to manually inserting dozens of \pageBreak commands). The 
breakbefore is kind of a global switch, so one can easily change styles.


---End Message---
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: making a book with LilyPond

2009-08-31 Thread Ian Hulin

Put the \include call in your top-level file instead (see 


Federico Bruni wrote:

Hi Jan,

thanks for your reply.

Actually, I had tried \bookpart (see the 1st example below, in my first 
email) but I have problems with \include.

If in the included files there's an \include (even a simple include, it can't compile.

I attach a tiny example, where includes and
It works just if you comment out the \include lines in and


I've checked this page: 

All the files I want to include are in 

so it's not a matter of path

Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:

Hello Frederico,

you can use \bookpart :

\book {
  \tocItem ...
   \header {
 title = ...
  \tocItem ...
   \header {
 title = ...

If you surround every piece with a bookpart-statement, you dont need 
to pagebreak.
My mobile INet-Connection is quite slow right now, so you have to 
google to find the right page in the docs.

Or someone else has a pointer ;)

I hope it helps!

Federico Bruni schrieb:
I'm trying to compile a number of scores in a book using just 
LilyPond (I've tried lilypond-book before, but I had some trouble 
with layout and as I'm not confident with LaTeX I dropped it).

I need a help to start in the right way.

What I want to print:
* table of content
* scores (let's say 2 scores, as example)

Each score should have the title printed at the beginning.
Page numbers should start from the first score, not from the toc 
page: so from page 2 and not page 1 of the output.

In order to get a title for each piece, I guess I need to use \bookpart.
I tried the code below, but I get some weird error messages.. 
Probably, there's something wrong with the way I've included the 
files in \bookpart

Any suggestion?


\version 2.13.3


\paper {
  % I'll add something later

\bookpart {
  \header {
title = Score 1 %remove the \include from here

\bookpart {
  \header {
title = Score 2
  \include %remove the \include from here


If I use the code below, the file compiles but I can't get the titles 
at the beginning of each score.

\version 2.13.3

\markuplines \table-of-contents

\tocItem \markup Score 1

\tocItem \markup Score 2

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chord duration

2009-08-29 Thread Ian Hulin

Christian Henning wrote:

Hi there, another problem. I hope people don't get too impatient with
me. I try to figure out how to define a chord notation that doesn't
quite fit into the normal mode. Please consider the following working
code example:

\version 2.12.2

#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)  % deletes the .ps file

  \new ChordNames {
\chordmode {
  g1 | g1:sus4 | g2 g4:sus4 |

g1 | g1:sus4 | g2. g4sus4 |
% a dot after the length increases the length of the preceding note
% by 50%


Chistian, may I recommend
which would help as quick reference for this sort of thing.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Best name for function to create cross-style noteheads

2009-07-22 Thread Ian Hulin

Mark Polesky wrote:

Trevor Daniels wrote:

Given the wide variation in the use of the
x-shaped note head I think the only possible
name to use is one that reflects the shape of
the note head - crossNote, crossNoteHead or
similar - rather than trying to find a suitable
generic name which adequately covers all these
disparate uses.

What do you guys think?
- Mark

\damped /music-expression/
with  synonyms
\crosshead /music-expression/
\guitarpizz /music-expression/


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: thanks to whomever put this in the LSR...

2009-06-09 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Reinhold,
I'm having a look at seeing if I can pick up the work Marek Klein did on 
-devel.  It covered amending the coded generating output file suffixes 
to allow users to code user-specified names as the suffix.  It changes 
the function print-with-book in file lily-library.scm so one of the 
internal variables uses a Scheme alist.

How much more work would it be to implement Patrick's suggestion below?

But it would be nice to have an option to override the file-name for
any arbitrary book.  Something like

\book {
  \paper {
output-file-name = Blah
  \score {

As I understand it, the above would allow allow you to have a file 
called something like and use

\paper {
to generated SinfoniaK550.pdf, .png, .mid, .midi or whatever.

If you were using a file with multiple \bookparts or \score blocks,
1.  should output-file-name in these blocks replace the definition in 
the \book \paper block (if present) to produce Allegro.pdf, .midi

2.  should it act like #(define output-suffix Allegro) so you produce 
a file SinfoniaK550-Allegro.pdf, .midi etc?  Or
3.  should we have a separate output-file-suffix property to do this 
trick, which would be for use only in \bookpart blocks?

I'm trying to get a clear idea of what would be clearest for users 
before I send myself cross-eyed looking at the code.

Any opinions/pointers to set this Frog off in the right direction are 


Ian Hulin

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009 01:01:24 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

and followups for the previous discussion on the topic. As far as I can
see, an implementation proposal is already available, just to commit.

Hmm, it seems that this has been completely forgotten... Does anyone have the 
time to put the finishing touches on the patch? 
In particular, get rid of the global var and properly use the variable from 
the parser-lookup, also the comment is no longer valid.

- -- 
- --

Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial  Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: relative mode occasionally gets forgotten?

2009-05-15 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Jon,

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

 Chip wrote:


 I think this is the issue mentioned in the Known Issues for Chapter
 1.1.2 Transpose in the Notation Reference.  However, the two
 sentences included there are very confusing and should be rewritten
 make the issue more clear.

 Yes, I see what you mean. Not sure I understand it myself.

 If someone who understands the issue can send me new wording for this
 passage that makes it clearer, I will make a patch for the docs.

There are two issues
1. The information is in the wrong place
2. It's written in confusing developer-speak.

1. The text should be in section 1.1.2 Transposing after the first 
example.  Put it just before the bit reading If a part written in C 
(normal /concert pitch/)

The text should be changed from

The relative conversion will not affect \transpose, \chordmode or 
\relative sections in its argument. To use relative mode within 
transposed music, an additional \relative must be placed inside 


Note that in the previous example the music supplied as /musicexpr/ 
uses a \relative command.  This is because \transpose does not pick up 
any \relative settings you may have set up in the outer block containing 
your \transpose statement.  If you use \relative pitches, always code 
/musicexpr/ as a \relative block when using \transpose




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dashed, variable-thickness slurs

2009-04-17 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Carl,
I'll comment on the bits I feel qualified on: the documentation bits.

It's taken me while following the threads on lilypond-devel and 
lilypond-user to work out */why/* this has been developed.

The most common use seems to be so you can notate a phrase where notes 
have varying degrees of articulation or bowing weight, in a similar way 
that the hairpins show variations in dynamic intensity.

Before seeing this thread, I'd only seen slur/phrasing marks with 
renditions like dotted or dashed to show added editorial phrasings as 
distinct from Urtext ones which were inherited from the composer's 

Is there a slot in the documentation that covers the usage of all this 
fancy slur-sign stuff (LR NR)?



Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

Dear LilyPond users,

I've posted a patch for approval that implements variable thickness dashed
and part-dashed, part-solid slurs.  I hope it will be fully implemented in

As a preview, here's some slurs that were output by the new code.

Please let me know if these are acceptable, or if you'd like to see other



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Concert Pitch (a second try)

2009-04-05 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,
O.K here goes, I've pruned some bits out where we were getting into 
acoustics, and tweaked a few bits.

Ian Hulin

Anthony W. Youngman wrote:

1.64 Concert pitch

The convention (standardised by ISO 16) states that A above middle C represents 
the note at 440 Hertz. This is commonly notated by the statement A=440.

There are many other conventions, such as diapason normal which was 
established by French law as A=435. Many of these conventions have 
fallen into disuse, although there are orchestras which typically tune 
to other pitches (usually pitching A slightly higher in order to sound 

Regardless of the exact frequency of A, instruments which play the 
standard frequency upon reading the note A are typically referred to as 
playing in concert pitch or in C. 

 Instruments which sound a different note than that written are 
referred to as transposing instruments.

These are typically brass or woodwind instruments.

For most instruments, the standard pitch and transposing conventions
produce the same result on the actual printed music, and the instrument 
is considered to be in C, for example concert flute, bassoon, C 
Clarinet, C Horn.

Some other instruments are in C, use the reference concert reference 
pitch of A=440, but still transpose as far as their written music in 
concerned: examples are piccolo and descant recorder, transposing up an 
octave, and classical guitar and choral tenor parts which transpose down 
an octave.

See also: transposing intruments and wikipedia entry for concert pitch.

1.311 transposing instruments

Instruments where the written note is not the note that the instrument 
  is intended to sound, according to standard pitch. The reason for 
this is
  to make it easy for players to switch between instruments of the same 
family that
  have different fundamental pitches, as the player can still use the 
same fingerings

  whatever size instrument is being played.

  Transposing instruments are named according to the fundamental (known 
  on some brass instruments as the pedal) note.

On a woodwind instrument this is normally the note obtained with all 
holes covered without over-blowing or use of speaker keys. On a brass 
instrument it the note obtained with most relaxed embouchure and the 
slide extended fully or all valves open.

Individual instruments vary this principle by having extensions at 
bottom end of the instrument, but a simple case like the tenor recorder 
shows the basic principle.

To make matters more complex, some instruments are transposing 
instruments, but their players actually play from parts written at 
concert pitch.  Orchestral trombone and tuba players do this, while 
trombone players in brass bands treat their parts as if written for a 
true transposing instrument in Bb.

When writing music for a transposing instrument, it is normal to refer 
to the instrument by its fundamental, e.g Bb Trumpet, A clarinet. 
Music for these instruments without a key signature (e.g. notated in C 
major) is assumed to be  in Bb or A. If an instrument (e.g. flute) is
normally notated in treble clef, then either the instrument's 
fundamental or the transposition should be mentioned if it is not in 
standard pitch (alto flute in G, G flute). If the instrument is in C, the 
instrument's fundamental should NOT be mentioned, and it should be 
notated as in C only if required to avoid confusion.

 The main reason for this convention is that, for all
 instruments in the same family, they share the same fingerings for any
 given written note, and players are easily able to switch between the 

 family members.

Some examples of transposing instruments:
piccolo (sounds octave higher than written)
alto flute (sounds fourth lower than written)
bass flute (sounds an octave lower than written)
cor anglais (sounds fifth lower than written)
clarinet in Bb (sounds tone lower than written)
clarinet in A (sounds a minor third lower than written)
bass clarinet (sounds a ninth lower than written)
contrabassoon (sounds octave lower than written)
all saxophones
French Horn in F (sounding a fifth lower than written)
trumpet in Bb (sounds tone lower than written)
trumpet in A (sounds a minor third lower than written)
trombone - brass bands only - in Bb (sounds tone lower than written)
string contrabass (sounds an octave lower than written)


Can anybody come up with any improvements on this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Canorus

2009-02-27 Thread Ian Hulin

Tim Slattery wrote:

M Watts wrote:


Try their website

That's where I started, of course. I downloaded the program from
there, but I can't find anything like a user guide or tutorial. And
the User's guide choice on the Help menu is grayed out. AFAICT,
you're just supposed to know

There is a _very_ rudimentary User Guide at 

It has a few key bindings and stuff for editing Lyrics but no hint on 
how to get started with a new score.  As far as I can tell the 
developers came from a thing called NoteEdit running on Linux which has 
stopped development, so if any of you are Linux users, have a look at 
NoteEdit, see if _it_ has any documentation and if this gives you a clue 
on getting started. I think the first bit of Canorus has been a port to 
see if they can get the old NoteEdit code running on Windows and Mac/OS, 

My 2p worth


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB question

2009-01-02 Thread Ian Hulin

Johan Vromans wrote:

Trevor Daniels writes:

Note: Harmonics must be defined inside a chord construct even if
there is only a single note.

While on the topics of TABs, 

  \relative c' {
\new TabStaff {
  \new TabVoice {
c4 d c e8 e |
c4 d e2 | 


Shouldn't the 'e2' be rendered without a stem?

If you do this, how can the tab reader tell whether the notelength is e2 
or e1?

How do you tell anyway now whether it's e4 or e2?



lilypond-user mailing list

Tab notation and note lengths

2008-12-31 Thread Ian Hulin
I've just read Johan's reply on another thread about tabs and note 
stems, which prompted me to ask.

How do differentiate between crotchets (quarter-note) and minims 
(half-note) lengths in tab and also their dotted versions?  Should lily 
use a white-font-on-black-black background for the strings when it 
represents a crotchet/quarter-note?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: downloads don't work

2008-12-30 Thread Ian Hulin

Chip wrote:

All the download links for 2.12--stable are broken.

Chip maybe you didn't see John Mandereau's reply to another thread.

Please use instead


Cheers, Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Documentation Link on main Lilypond web page still points to 2.10.33

2008-12-30 Thread Ian Hulin
This is just to let you know that the main link to Documentation on the 
front web page needs cutting over to the V2.12.0 documentation.


lilypond-user mailing list

Issue 714 in lilypond: let the .ly file specify the output filename

2008-12-28 Thread Ian Hulin
1. If you don't read this thread carefully, you might think that this has
already been fixed under Issue 404. Not so.  

   Graham's update was to the effect that this has been verified as an issue and
is still waiting implementation.

   Han-Wen's comment on Issue 404 was that you couldn't fake what was needed
using output_suffix.


2. Could I ask the developers that maybe this should be implemented as

/outputfile the-filespec-you-want-without-a-path-or-extension 

As the name is likely to get used for the graphical score out .pdf, .png etc.
and will probably also be used as the name for the .mid(i) file outputs.

Or would you want to do this with properties, e.g.

/layout {

outputfile = foo


/midi {

outputfile = bar


Just my 2p worth,



P.S. is there any way I could contribute to Lily if I only have a Windows only
system, or do you have to run Linux to be a grown-up Lily developer?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: V2.12 downloads don't work

2008-12-28 Thread Ian Hulin
Chip wrote:
 All the download links for 2.12--stable are broken.

Chip maybe you didn't see John Mandereau's reply to another thread.

Please use instead


Cheers, Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Repeats and midi blocks

2008-11-17 Thread Ian Hulin
Apologies to the list if this comes in twice, I'm replying using gmane 
newsgroup in Thunderbird for the first time :-) .

Graham Percival wrote:


It depends on why you're listening to the piece.  I *do* want to
hear it clunking along, since I only ever listen to midi as a
quick proofread (ie any missed accidentals will sound very
obviously bad).  In that case, I don't need to listen to repeats
multiple times.

I take a bit more extreme view on this one.  If the composer/arranger 
puts the repeats in a hand-written score, it's designed to be heard that 
way.  That's why if we're rehearsing something with the flute quartet 
for the first time we always play it exactly as written on the first 
sight-read: if it's too late at night to do it properly then put off 
looking at it till next rehearsal.  Similarly I feel the midi output 
should give as close a rendition of the written piece as possible.  I 
know midi ouput has severe drawbacks but I find it useful to as a 
'prooflisten' as I find it difficult to hear the whole ensemble sound 
(as opposed to individual instrument timbres) in my head when I'm 
producing a piece with Lily.  If you *really* need to abbreviate the 
output, use the  and  keys on your playback app, but lily's midi 
output should give you the option of hearing the whole piece as the 
notation intended..

- Graham


Cheers Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Repeats and midi blocks

2008-11-17 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Johan,

Johan Vromans wrote:

Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It depends on why you're listening to the piece.  I *do* want to
hear it clunking along, since I only ever listen to midi as a
quick proofread [...]

Yes, though I'd say Ian has a point, too. I use the midi initially to
'proofread', but finally I generate the complete piece with repeats
unfold. Should I make some corrections, I'd like to hear it without
repeats, and so on.

This snippet allows a command line option unfold-repeats to control
this behaviour:

  maybeUnfoldRepeats =
  #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
(if (ly:get-option 'unfold-repeats)
 #{ \unfoldRepeats $music #}
 #{ $music #}))

  \score {
\maybeUnfoldRepeats \allMusic
\midi { }

Using lilypond -d unfold-repeats ... will now generate midi with
unfolded repeats.

Now, if we could only get rid of the warning no such internal
option: unfold-repeats...

-- Johan

Hmm... I may have a cunning plan.  Write some wrapper functions 
\setMidiRepeats to take a boolean flag and save this in an internal 
Scheme variable, say unfoldmidirepeats.  Your function then tests (if
Reinhold does this sort of thing in orchestrallily, so I should be able 
to steal from the best . . . )

This sort of thing,
\setMidiRepeats = #(define-music-function parser location 
unfoldmidirepeats music) (boolean? ly:music?)

 #{ \unfoldRepeats $music}
 #{ $music }
I'll probably need some extra Scheme functions to set the 
unfoldmidirepeats variable to initial values and a known state but 
you've given me something to work with.

Dankie en groetjes,


lilypond-user mailing list

Squawks in compilations when compiling using 2.11.63

2008-11-16 Thread Ian Hulin
I am getting the following diagnostics when I compile a lilypond file. I 
 still get an OK Pdf file, but how do I track down the cause in my 
source  code?  Using --verbose just seems to develop a load of noise 
in the log file.  Does anyone have any more information on debugging 
this, or does a grown-up lilypond developer need to have a look at it?

Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+FFF, file C:/Program Files/Easy 

Cheers Ian

lilypond-user mailing list

Repeats and midi blocks

2008-11-16 Thread Ian Hulin
Why isn't the effect of \unfoldRepeats in a \midi block the default 
behaviour? If you're listening to a sound playback of your piece, don't 
you want to hear it as it would be played rather than the computer 
clunking along and playing all the \altenative bars one after another as 

How do I go about submitting this as an enhancement request?

(Btw, I know this restriction is documented in NR 3.5.4)


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Windows V2.11.62 Kit reports itself as V2.11.61

2008-10-26 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,

The last kit for Windows I installed for 2.11.62 says it's 2.11.61 when 
I do

from a command window,
It also behaves as 2.11.61 if I include a \version 2.11.62 in source.

But a compliation still barfs if I include something that has become 
obsolescent with 2.11.62 like \bigger in my source file.

Looks like it's a kit build hiccup.


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,
I just noticed that Tom's original report of the problem used V2.10.33.  
Jon answered this with a test saying it's working using V2.11.55.   
Maybe this been fixed as a side-effect of other changes in V2.11 


Ian Hulin

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedTom,

Many thanks for the kind words about the documentation.  It's very 
gratifying to hear, and it also bears out what Graham says repeatedly, 
which is that time spent on the docs is doubly (or more!) well spent.

I'm not sure why the barring position wouldn't work for you.  It must 
be that you misplaced the code somehow?  I tried changing the example 
in the documentation from XII to V and it worked perfectly.  What you 
have as a workaround might be o.k., but my guess is that it would only 
work well if your spacing does not change.  If, say, you add another 
bar on that line or take away a bar, then the -- could end in 
the wrong place.  The textSpanner is anchored to specific pitches, so 
it always starts and ends in the right place.

Here's the example from the docs with my change from XII to V:

\version 2.11.55

\relative c {
\clef treble_8
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #XII 
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

\relative c {
\clef treble_8
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #V 
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

Hope it helps!


Tom Cloyd wrote:


Thanks for your response.

First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of 
appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at 
least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really 
buried myself in). It appears that all my needs are met. I was amazed.

One aside: I couldn't get the example for hand position (e.g. IV- - 
- - - - to indicate playing in 4th position) to work at all. Copied 
it into my score code, and no go. So I went back to this, which is 
simple and works fine, with a lot fewer keystrokes and Scheme mysteries:

\relative c'{  fis-1^IV - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - -  [_(g-2) a-4]  b-1 [^(c-2) d-4]  
e-1^V - - - - - - - - - - - [^(fis-3) g-4] | }

Looks good, too. Sometimes simple is better than conceptually 
elegant. This simple text insertion business looks to me like it 
could handle a multitude of sins. A useful kluge for for time 
impoverished folks like me.

About the slurring problem:

You make a very important point - the problem I reported was a 
warning message, not an error. My ver. 2.10 DOES produce perfect 
output - I hadn't thought to look. I think this is acceptable, even 
though I cannot make sense of the warning (nothing unusual about that 
- warnings seem often to be useless to mere users).

So, I don't really have a problem. What I DO have now is a passage 
with position indicators, string numbers, legato indicators, 
fingering, accents, articulation marks, etc. It looks, and is, simply 
wonderful. I'm so pleased.

I'm sure others have commented about this, but possibly it's worth 
repeating: What I've been working on is a composition of my own for 
classical guitar. Having it printed in a way that looks really good, 
and is also very readable, in incredibly rewarding. This wonderful 
tool turns out to be a motivation amplifier.

I'm considering quitting my day job, getting a night job waiting 
tables, and turning to composition full time. Ah...the thought 
passed. Nice thought, though.

Thanks to all...


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it 
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with 

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, 
it was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing 
perfect output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, 
anyway--see attached image).  I'm running the development version 
2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to 
install the latest version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another 
issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted 
notes are placed on lines instead of between them.  I trust this 
will be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite 
vigilant for such things :)

What's weird about this avoid-slur warning is that in this 
example, the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. 
The slur is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the 
other.  And when I added something that would possibly interfere 
with the slur (an accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about 
something else.  Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid 


Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


Re: Re: best practices

2008-06-29 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Kieran,

I really appreciate the spirit of the challenge, but can you correct it 
as the alto flute's in G?

I think only the lines with the text markup saying (in F) need changes, 
but can you repost the entire thing in case there's something I missed?



Kieren MacMillan wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedHello all,

For anyone who is interested in putting their 2¢ in on this discussion...

Here is a simple instrument-doubling-with-key-signature-changes 

\version 2.11.49
#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\layout { \context { \Score printKeyCancellation =#f } }

global {
\time 4/4\key c \major s1*2 \bar ||
\key c \minor s1*2 \bar ||
\key d \major s1*4 \bar ||

flute =relative
c'4^\markup { flute (in C) } d e f | g1 | c,4 d ef f |
g1^\markup { alto flute (in F) } | d4 e fs g | a1 |
d,4^\markup { piccolo (in C') } e fs g | a1

\markup { C SCORE/PART }
\score { \new Staff =fl  \global \flute  }

\score { \new Staff =fl  \global \flute  }

\time 4/4 \key c \major c'4^\markup { flute (in C) } d e f | 
g1 \bar || \key c \minor c,4 d ef f |
\key f \minor c'1^\markup { alto flute (in F) } \bar || \key 
g \major g4 a b c | d1 |
\key d \major d,,4^\markup { piccolo (in C') } e fs g | a1 
\bar |.


The goal is to make this (i.e., the transposed score/part) happen with:
1. a minimum of additional code;
2. a minimum of structural changes (e.g., if possible, we want to 
keep the key changes in a single variable, not break up the flute 
music variable, etc.);

3. a maximum of code reusability.

In other words, something that can easily be put in a template for the 
average Lilypond user.

Good luck!

p.s. For the record, I haven't been able to find a way to use \tag and 
\transpose together to solve the problem -- it always requires code 
duplication or restructuring -- but my intuition currently says that's 
the best approach...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: page-number

2008-04-05 Thread Ian Hulin

Bonjour Jean-Marie,
En premier, il me faut m'excuser du mauvais français.
Vous avez écrit, que vous utilisez la version 2.8.5.
Il se peut que vous ayez meilleurs résultats si vous utilisez une 
version plus récente, dont les documents ont été révisés.
J'utilise au moment Lilypond version 2.11.42, mais j'ai utilisé toute 
version dès 2.10.1 et le suivant marche pour moi:

\paper {
print-page-number = ##t
Savez-vous qu'il y a aussi une liste francophone pour Lilypond?

Ian Hulin

Hello Jean-Marie
You said you were using version 2.8.5.
You may get better results if you upgraded to a newer version, where the 
documentation has been updated.
At the moment I'm using Lilypond V2.11.42, but I've used every version 
since 2.10, and this works for me:

\paper {
print-page-number = ##t
Did you know there's a French-language list for Lilypond?
Ian Hulin

labrousse wrote:

Je ne sais si je dois écrire en anglais, 
je crains que ce ne soit difficile à comprendre.
J'ai préparé un fichier dont les résultats à l'impression me satisfont, 
mais je ne parviens pas à faire apparaître une numérotation des pages.
J'ai bien trouvé dans le document associé à la version 2.8.5 que j'utilise, 
la variable print-page-number 
dont je pense qu'il faut lui donner la valeur ##t, 
mais je trouve pas où loger la commande \set print-page-number =#t . 
Est-ce dans le \layout {} ? 
Faut-il l'inclure dans un \paper {} ? 
Et est-ce à écrire à l'intérieur du \score {} ? 
Mes essais furent tous stériles.

Merci du dépannage d'un qui ne connaît ni Unix ni Linux.
Jean-Marie Labrousse

(Translation for non-French-speakers)

I'm not sure whether I have to write in English,
I'm worried that this may be difficult to understand.
I've produced a score and like the output, 
but I can't work out how to get page numbering to show up.
I've looked in the documentation for version 2.8.5 which I use 
and although I found variable print-page-number which I think need setting to ##t,

I can't find out where to put the \set print-page-number = #t.
Does it go in \layour {}?
Does it have to go in \paper {}?
Does it need to be inside a \score block {}?
All my attempts so far are in vain.
Thanks from someone who doesn't know Unix or Linux
to anyone providing break-down service
Jean-Marie Labrousse


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Re: GDP: Time to plan the revision of NR 2 Specialist Notation

2008-04-04 Thread Ian Hulin

Trevor Daniels wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedLilyPond-ers

Grand Documentation Project

Graham and his helpers have now completed a large part of the GDP 
revision of the first chapter of the Notation Reference (NR), most of 
the Learning Manual (LM) is finished, and the Music Glossary (MG) has 
been greatly extended.  Pulling snippets from LSR into the NR is now 
working smoothly and seamlessly.   You can see the latest versions at or in the 
2.11.43 documentation.

The next step is to revise the second chapter in the Notation 
Reference - NR 2 Specialist notation.  To kick off this process the 
new suggested section headings can be found at , and we now need your 
comments on these before we begin work on the text.  Are the names 
sensible?  Is the grouping optimal?  Are there other topics which 
should be included?

Where a change to the headings is suggested the old heading follows in 
brackets on the same line, and an indication of the proposed content 
is shown under each heading, also in brackets, as section numbers in 
the existing NR for 2.11.

Please look at these proposed headings and comment to the list.  I'll 
revise the draft as views crystallise.  There's no rigid time-scale 
for this. We'll wait until views stabilise, but this should take no 
more than one to two weeks.

Trevor D

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Do we need a 2.4.4 under Fretted stringed instruments for Mandolin, or a 
2.4.5 for the viols?


lilypond-user mailing list

OrchestralLily - Some Feedback

2008-03-17 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Reinhold,
I've just been trying out OrchestralLily with a a set of pieces I have 
been arranging for a Flute Quintet. Here is some initial feedback:

  1. Beaming - the parts default to vocal/choral beaming rules, not
 appropriate in instrumental parts with quavers/eighth-note  values
 and smaller.
  2. Bar  numbering  -  for my parts (but maybe not in scores) I'd like
 to keep the default Lily bar numbering at the start of each new line.
  3. Time signature - should there be a XXXTimeSignature  property  we
 could set for a piece if there's not any polymetric stuff going on
 in the piece?
  4. Please implement transposing soon!

Are there any work-rounds for any of the above?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Re:what does adorn mean in this context? question continues GDP

2008-02-22 Thread Ian Hulin

Jay Hamilton wrote:

I knew/know what adorn in English and articulations are in music however in the 
context of of the GDP they don't seem to mean that.  What is 'adorned' 
here?  Does it mean enhanced? (not to me)  And looking at the code and seeing 
the result does anyone see a difference between text and GrobText?

Just need an clearer way to say whatever it is that is happening with this code.

Thanks in advance.


Jay Hamilton

Message: 6
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:20:09 +0100
Subject: Re: what does adorn mean in this context? GDP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 18:26:58 -0800
Jay Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


There are two music functions, balloonGrobText and balloonText; the former 
takes the name of the grob to adorn, while the latter may be used as an 
articulation on a note. The other arguments are the offset and the text of the 

the words after the semicolon (;) look like they make sense but adorn and 
articulation don't really make sense

I'm a native English (en-GB) speaker, but I am not familiar with the balloon 
function. ;-)  However:

To adorn is to decorate and enhance.  It's rather an old-fashioned word, I suppose.

Articulation in this context is a musical term, meaning a mark (e.g., accent, 
staccato dot, stopped mark) against a note showing how it should be delivered (i.e., 

It doesn't explain (to me) the difference between the two functions.  I'd have 
a look in LSR, but it appears to be down at the moment.



There are two music functions, balloonGrobText and balloonText; the former takes 
the name of the grob to adorn, while the latter may be used as an articulation on a note. 
The other arguments are the offset and the text of the label.

Jay, Nick,
I'm writing this  from similar perspective to Nick.
This is my best guess at what the original wanted to say:

There are two music functions, /balloonGrobText /and /balloonText/; 
/balloonGrobText /takes the name of the grob to which the balloon is 
attached, while you may use /balloonText /if the balloon is to behave 
similarly to the way an articulation does when it is attached to a note. 

The resulting English is fairly horrible but I think it puts back some 
of the facts that got distilled out when the original documenters were 
trying to go for conciseness.

Hope this helps rather than obfuscates


Ian Hulin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: Repeats

2008-02-22 Thread Ian Hulin

Palmer, Ralph wrote:

Hi, All -

I'm currently working on rewriting Repeats in the Notation Reference, 
and I don't care for the existing structure. Currently, it looks like 

1.4 Repeats

1.4.1 Writing repeats Repeat syntax Normal repeats Manual repeat commands

1.4.2 Other repeats Tremolo repeats Measure repeats

However, since Repeat syntax discusses the common syntax for all the 
repeats, it would seem to make more sense to take it  out of the 
section dealing with normal. I'd like to suggest:

1.4 Repeats

1.4.1 Repeat syntax Repeat syntax and types of repeats

(introduction of the syntactic

(following types of repetition are
supported . . .)

1.4.2 Writing repeats Normal repeats (I'd prefer a better
term than normal) Manual repeat commands Tremolo repeats Measure repeats

It might also make sense to split into Repeat syntax, 
followed by Types of repeats supported.

Comments, please?


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This looks like it needs an overhaul.  I'd suggest you went for:

  1. Writing Repeats

1. Types of Repeat Supported

  (following types of repeat are supported and what 
they mean, don't describe how this is implemented in the syntax yet)

  1. Section repeats - covering several bars/measures
 ( i.e. ||:   |||| |  :||  )
1. Simple section repeats
2. Section repeats with varying endings
  2. One-and two bar/measure repeats
 (repeating a single bar/measure)
 (repeating a two-bar phrase)
  3. Single-note repeats/measure
  4. Manual repeats to save typing
 (no special notation produced, just the sequence of notes
 printed however many times)

2. Syntax of  repeat command
   (structure this like the previous section, but show what you
   code with \repeat to achieve this, and the output)
  1. Section repeats - covering several bars/measures
1. Simple section repeats
2. Section repeats with varying endings
  2. One-and two bar/measure repeats
 (repeating a single bar/measure)
 (repeating a two-bar phrase)
  3. Single-note repeats/measure
  4. Manual repeats to save typing
 (no special notation produced, just the sequence of
 notes printed however many times)

(Please note I couldn't reproduce the structured headings in my mail 
client, but I meain 1.4 Writing Repeats, 1.4.1 Types of Repeats 
Supported,  Section Repeats etc.)


Ian Hulin
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: What term do you use?

2008-02-16 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi Kurt,
The only other term I've heard is octavization, which is as 
ugly-sounding as octavation.  I prefer octave transposition, which 
describes exactly what is going on in your piece.

Ian Hulin

Kurt Kroon wrote:

I'm working on the Glossary for the GDP, and I'm stuck -- so, I'm canvassing
the list.  Here's the scenario:

You've written a composition with a passage that needs to be played in a
different octave.  When you describe it (this passage) to another musician,
what term do you use?  And do you use the same term or a different one for
the actual _process of writing_ the passage in a different octave (if you
even bother to name the process)?

Since this will go into the glossary, please respond with the preferred term
in any of these languages:



PS: Internally, LilyPond calls this octavation ... which I only included
because I couldn't think of a better term.

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lilypond-user mailing list

(De)crescendo warning

2006-10-28 Thread Ian Hulin

using V2.8.6. 

getting a warning saying lily cant find the start of a (de)crescendo,
although it seems happy with crescendo passages immediately before and after.
As far as I can tell the syntax for the \  \! block looks OK in all

a short test file

\version 2.8.6 


ffz = #(make-dynamic-script

music = {


 \tag #'part 

 R1 \\


fontSize = #-1

c4_cue f2 g4 }


 \tag #'score R1

\set Score.rehearsalMark = #3

\mark \default 


\tag #'score \tag #'part


problem with crescendo here


 {\time 9/8

 c8 d e 

\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 2.6 . 2.0 )

g\ a b c\! r^\markup {//} |

\mark \default 

 R1*9/8 |


 This crescendo passage generates a warning
warning: can't find start of (de)crescendo


b\ b\fz b a a a\fz a fs fs fs\fz fs 



 \time 6/8

b\ b\fz b a a a\fz a fs fs fs\fz fs \!|


problem with crescendo here


 b8\ b8
b8 b8 b8 b8 \! |




\relative c' {

#'part \music



this user error, a known restriction or a bug?

in advance for your help.

Ian Hulin

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