Re: Midi2ly Was: Re: Finale for Linux?

2004-08-27 Thread donald_j_axel
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:38:15 -0300
Pedro wrote:

 Why don't you try to enhance midi2ly? It's written in python which is
 easier and faster to learn and work with than C.

Python is overrated. C is easy, once you get the knack of it.

donald_j_axel donax snabela --

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-06-02 Thread donald_j_axel
On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 20:37:50 +0200
Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The discussion about lacking quality of the user-manual is a recurring
 theme. The last time, it gave rise to the wiki, whose popularity has
 been rather disappointing IMO.

Yes, unfortunately. I would like to strike another note:

Look at this example from Mutopia, this is such a fine piano-layout:

Sanderson writes this comment:
% This piece, an expansion of Ascher's popular Alice tune,
%   is, I believe, typical of the repertory of the parlor performer. 
%   I suspect it exists on a piano roll somewhere.
% The original is very dim; the transcription was as true as
%   possible; corrections are welcome.
% The limitations of Lilypond (especially with respect to slurs)
% are apparent; however, its strengths, even at the development
%   stage, are amazing.

Yes, amazing. 

--  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help getting started

2004-06-01 Thread donald_j_axel
On Mon, 31 May 2004 19:48:40 -0500
Jim Sabatke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm researching how do I make a note head smaller because 
 I need to fit a few more notes on a line to keep it from 

Many techniques can be found in the documentation, this is one of them.


 place the commands.  I've tried searching the lilypond wiki 
 site, but the searches returns mostly hits on how to setup 
 the wiki.

You hit a weak point here. Your criticism is a little over the
target though. Some Lilypond writers think it is very nice that a
lot of things defaults to sane values. So if you do not think that
it should be so you could write notes with rosegarden or noteedit
and think about what problems these two programs run into.

The wiki is still really young. Most people working with Lily or
programming to the Lilypond project also have other things in
their lives, be it jobs or families, and after hours trying to get
the right lilypond output they tend to take up other tasks:-)

 I'd like to see a wiki site setup for people to share 
 solutions to problems, and to begin to document how to do 
 things in lilypond.

But that is how the wiki started! It was Ferenc Wagner (or so I
think) who set it up because Open Source is about collaboration :-)

You can find a link to the wiki at the bottom of each
documentation page, including the examples page.

You will soon find out that it is very difficult to write decent
documentation and that many Lilyponders actually write useable but
annoying (wrong) English.

However, the subject on how to get started is by no means new. The
discussion pops up every half year. The best answer is don't get
started :-) with criticism, but go ahead following some of the
examples be it from Mutopia or from the collection going with
the source and use the source even if it is involved.

It is a couple of months ago I finished layouting a small 0.50
piece, Chopin's C-Major Prelude, it took me 1 month, and I have
forgotten much about which contexts are default etc and what they
do. Yes, we definitely have to explain this and keep up working
with the wiki. It is different from writing parts for an orchestra
or just copy/beautify a score, which I have been doing 30 years
ago. With ink.

--  Donald Axel
donald_j_axel snabela --

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Barenreiter Verlag used Toppan Scan-Note

2004-04-12 Thread donald_j_axel
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 09:15:28 +1000
Bruce McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and more info here:
 it seems pretty primitive to me; tweaking in Illustrator 
 seems to be a requirement for a complete score.

Thank you for interesting links.

Maybe we should point out some of the outstanding examples on Mutopia?

Scan-note has a long history (starting in Denmark almost before computers
were invented) and probably has many qualities. Very interesting links.

I think Lilypond has what is needed to music like the link-example
although it is difficult for a beginner to learn how to tweak and
place e.g. nice slurs. In time there will be simple tools for that
as soon as we get more into details.


donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Easy way to define text marks?

2004-03-13 Thread donald_j_axel
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 22:41:07 -0100
Milan M. Horák [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


By the way, what is ritt. indicating? Do you mean rit.? Ritenuto, ritardando?

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: non-relative relative mode?

2004-02-26 Thread donald_j_axel
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:39:02 +0100 (CET)
Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I attempted to use \relative c'', but found that mode to be much too
  unpredictable for my tastes.
 It's entirely predictable: if a note a up to a fourth from the previous
 one, you don't need a ' or a ,; otherwise, you need one (or more) comma or
 tick. What's the problem?

You don't get what this user means by unpredictable.

You cannot cut and paste, you cannot read it, you cannot trust you
eye in multivoice piano context - and I think that there even are
some chord bugs somewhere along the relative line. \relative
just adds another dimension to the readability issue for piano
music. Where is which voice? Where is the dynamic for that
notecolumn/bar? Is this the upper voice or are your reading the
lower voice? When you have more than 10 bars I guess this becomes
more and more of an issue.

So personal tastes vary. Use what you like.

It takes a fraction of a second to enter a lot of   

Therefore use transpose for what it is meant to do, not as a
relative replacement.

In certain contexts you even add less of these  than you do in
\relative mode. (jumping voices, arpeggios, I had a better example
the other day).

What do you prefer:

\absolute_pitch {

f a e' 

} /* can be read immediately anywhere, cut and pasted into other \absolute */


\relative c' {
f,,   a e'

f a e'

} /* are there two octaves between the f's? */

Consider that you have to find the \relative X specification
somewhere 400 lines above if you are reading 100 bar - piece of

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: non-relative relative mode?

2004-02-26 Thread donald_j_axel
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 17:57:19 -0500
David Raleigh Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok - creative bid on another solution.

I have considered formating piano and scores something like this:

%bar 1 .. 4
violino{   a | b   c'  d'  b  |  c'  d'  e'  c'  | d'  e'  f2 |
vlcello{   a,| b,  c   d   b, |  c   d   e   c   | d   e   f2 |
pnotreble{ a | b   etc.
pnobas   { a,| b,  etc.

%bar 5 .. 6

and have gawk or another parser splitting/reformating.
But I want to get more experience with the layout basics first.
Look on the Giulio-Cesar Mutopia edition - impressive.

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Typeset, typEset, tyPeSet...panT,pant,*PANt*!

2004-02-18 Thread donald_j_axel

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 15:23:39 + (GMT)
Joshua KoOoOoOOoo... [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tell me if I'm stupid or what, but after getting use
No you are not.

 to the syntax, I still need about 2 hours just to
 enter a small little section of a instrument at a
 time. Anyone' thinks this slow? 

That depends on what music and how much experience you
have got - of course.

   ... Do you guess just type
 the notes in 1 by 1. Or would u convert from midi? or
 MusicXML? or u use emacs? with perphaps quick mode
 Next thing I like to know is beaming. take a example
  a8. a16 a8. a16
 Done Logically, lilypond beam first 2 notes together
 and the last 2 notes together.
 However in the publishing, and in terms of phrasing
 (the first note happens to be end of a phrase), first
 note and 2nd note are separted(no beam). then 3rd and
 4th note beamed.
 After couple of trys, i manage to recreate that effect
 by this
  a8. [] a16 a8. a16


  a8. a16[ a8. a16]

and then please read the tutorial from the beginning to the end
even if you skip paragraphs which are not directly relevant to
your needs. And make some simple music at first, just as an
exercise, use a couple of hours on, say, a page of 16 or 32 bars
melody with extras, be it chords or text.

Then, when you want to do something more complicated find out
from which examples are closest to what you want.
There will be many pieces of music which may take a very long
time to enter if you have to make tweaks - and learn it at the
same time!


(Added cc: to the list so others would know 
that you have got some kind of answer.)

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Space between beams?

2004-02-05 Thread donald_j_axel

   What is the name of the variable for the distance between

   If there is such a variable it would improve the engraving
on which I am working, Chopin op. 28.1. I could need it for 
several other pieces too.

   The example shows the beams of the inner voice just keeping
distance from notes/lines, and all is well. It would be even
better with smaller beams, though. I tried 

   \property Voice.fontSize = #-1 

but that makes noteheads smaller too.

   I hope this is not too much of a beginner/FAQ question,
I have tried to find examples but cannot - maybe there isn't
and then that would be nice to know.

% force direction of stems
u = \stemUp
d = \stemDown
b = \stemBoth

% explicit staff change
su = \notes{ \translator Staff = upper}
sd = \notes{ \translator Staff = lower}

  %bar 5
  \times 2/3 {r16 \su \u e'a'  }
  \once \property Voice.NoteColumn \set #'horizontal-shift = #1
  \once \property Voice.Beam \override #'thickness = #0.34
  \once \property Voice.Beam \override #'positions = #'( 2.1 . -0.4)
  %% no, no. \once \property Voice.fontSize = #-1
  \times 2/3 {   c'' a'd'  }  |


donald_j_axel(at) --
attachment: Chop-28,1-b5-x1.png___
Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: missing dots with merge-differently-dotted

2004-02-01 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 20:46:15 +0100
Matthias Kilian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you also own the BH Edition? If so, what do you think about the
 engraving?  (See Jan's mail and my reply to it)

I saw Jan's answer and I tried to find my copy.

I have an ed.Peters piano arrangement for the left-hand. It is
maybe by Brahms but it is torn-out pages w/o heading! My
book-shelves broke so I am in a mess.

My experiments were made out of sheer interest because it seems
that much piano music need deep-lilypond insight and I want to get
that kind of insight. I hope to be able to contribute notation
guidelines and templates for difficult pianosettings (satz) so
that next time we engrave good music we'll just cut-and-paste.

I still do not understand why I couldn't move the notecolumn with
a \once statement, and I think that would be the solution.

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: missing dots with merge-differently-dotted

2004-01-31 Thread donald_j_axel
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 23:13:07 +0100
Matthias Kilian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 %% changed from version 2.1.15
 \version 2.1.0
 \score {
   \notes \relative c' {
 \property Staff.NoteCollision \set #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
 \time 3/4
 \key d \minor
 f8 g16 a  {bes,8 d g d'16 cis d8 f,} \\ {s8 d4. ~ d4} 
  {e16 f g bes} \\ e,4  a16 g f e
   \paper {}

Seems to work nicely with an older version.

donald_j_axel(at) --
attachment: Busoni.png___
Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Wish: Page Layout Diagram

2004-01-17 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 03:09:38 +0100
Ferenc Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Speaking of diagrams, how do you people like this?
 Very much. :)  Thanks for it!

Indeed - and, excellent link for medium-experienced engravers. Thank you!
donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Enlarging measures

2004-01-17 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 15:17:12 +
Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any hack to enlarge a little measures? I am typesetting one 2/4 
 music and it is all too much glued.
What do you mean by glued?

If notes and pauses etc. are too close together, look for padding
in the one-file-doc. Maybe it is more appropriate for you to
choose a paper16, 16 lines, or 12, and make linebreaks after
every 6 bars or so - and specify noragged right margin if
necessary (I think the right margin defaults to straight).

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: example files (was Re: SATB 2-staff template and request for suggestions)

2004-01-15 Thread donald_j_axel
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:06:30 -0500
Kieren Richard MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, for my own learning curve -- especially when I'm a newbie in 
 some field -- I find it useful to see real-world examples, which 
 almost by definition will include tens (if not hundreds) of 
 tips/tricks/techniques working together towards a well-defined, 
 useful goal.

It is ok with me, better though, if (most of) the examples
transforms to nice lilypond engraving. Absolutely no more than 24
lines! (was a C-programming maxime, each function should be within
the reading limits of a 80x24 screen.)

So it takes a little creativity to do it right and pointing out
the essentials for the newbie, but it is worth it - such beautiful
printouts, really, I love it!

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond website

2004-01-04 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 19:57:49 +0100
Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am looking forward to your constructive criticism, and will read
 your patches closely.

The discussion has brought forward many new points to me. I was
aware that clickers might spend as much time, and that text-format
and CVS is the ultimate tool for larger projects.

Dear Han-Wen (and Jan), I was fascinated by the beautiful fonts
from first on. I have tried to learn some Scheme (and understand
a little now, soon more) and want to contribute. However! I think
I had better study many more details before trying to add anything.

The best way for me to contribute at this stage is simply to make
a HOWTO on piano music with LilyPond. PianoMusic is sometimes very
difficult and demands many subtle techniques. I do not dare to do
Ravel's Jeu d'eaux but after doing Chopin's C Major prelude and
some of my own stuff, seeing grace notes and acciacaturas in the
Nereides I am convinced that it can be done, because one has access
to all the parameters of sizes and distances.

So LilyPond is great for sure. Thank you for your great work.

After the first success one simply re-uses code. My HOWTO will
include examples on how to use internal variables, and explain
where it isn't good. Many examples may be collected from the mail
list (asking people if it is ok or making a parallel).

So I am in a position where I enjoy *very much* to discover and
use the power of LilyPond.

Happy New Year


donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NoteHead

2003-12-30 Thread donald_j_axel
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 20:30:19 +0100
Ferenc Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 once \property Voice.NoteColumn \set #'horizontal-shift = #

Thank you very much! That was exactly what I had missed. You can see the
resulting output here (small .png):,1-b20.png 

but I also attach a copy on this mail, hoping it is not too big.

As for a drawing of the problem I hope the solution makes it clear
what the problem was. It is the third and fourth column where the
notes were clashing or illegible, or, with a noteHead extra offset,
where the stem was wrong and when moving the stem with extra offset
the beams were wrong etc. etc.

Now the resulting output is really professional, except maybe that
I could diminish the space between the beams.  I am sure there is
a parameter for that, too.

Chopin's manuscript has the same setting, that is, a middle voice with
lesser beams, though not like grace/acciatura notes. He probably has
seen Bach-engravings, where Bach himself has slurred or bending beams.

As you probably know this is one of the most difficult things to do by
hand (I was a music copier/orchestral parts-scribbler 20 years ago).

You can see the complete typesetting of Chopins prelude in C, op. 28.1

or, longer download

(There are still some ligatures missing at the end, I have a solution).

Once more: Thank you!

donald_j_axel(at) --
attachment: Chop-28,1-b20.png___
Lilypond-user mailing list

Mirror for

2003-12-30 Thread donald_j_axel

  Is there a mirror where I can download doc for Lilypond 2.1? Or newer?

  Is down? 

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NoteHead [WAS:] xdvi watch

2003-12-21 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 04:56:39 +0100
Ferenc Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Donald asked:  [... would very much appreciate ]
  help on how to skew noteheads from the vertical axis in 
  pianomusic with complicated inner voicings.
 In chords, ie. between   noteheads should be put on
 opposite sides of the stem in such a case.  Otherwise you
 can use \voiceOne ... Four for different stem directions and
 horizontal offsets.  See 'Polyphony' in the manual.  

I started out with four voices. The piece is actually a beautiful
demonstration of voicing in Chopin's style. Recently I have only
seen ed. Peters way of laying out voices but I suspect Chopin
wrote it like that.

 If these are not enough, you can still \set extra-offset to
 your liking, see 'Constructing a tweak' and 'Tuning objects'.
  Can I attach the source (and a .ps) file?
 Source is OK, ps is generally too big.  You can attach a
 small .png or provide a download link.

Ok! Thank you for your answer. I did try to put the clashing notes
in chord angles, but the skew is the wrong way no matter what I
do (because of basic formating rule).

Using  \once \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'extra-offset = #'(
0.8 .  0.0) leaves the formating engine unaware of the notehead
(as documented) I though I had docs on-line locally but I cant
follow links to NoteSpacing, sorry (Faulty/incomplete installation.)

Either I could find out whether there is a StemPosition
extra-offset thing, or maybe I am stuck here and need to do some
magic with tranparent notes, I cannot yet judge.

source attached. Bars in question:,1-b17-v12.png
or smaller,1-b17-v12x.png

I should add that part of the magic in this music is the rythmical
drive acquired by changing from trioles to pentoles, 
from6  against 4   
to  5  against 4. 

So it is not a beginners mistake that notations is complicated
(taken from ed.Peters). There may be other satisfactory ways of
notation, though.

Regards from Donald
donald_j_axel(at) --

Description: Binary data
Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: xdvi watch

2003-12-20 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 12:16:34 +0100
Atte André Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 donald_j_axel wrote:
  I have experienced the same with gv some weeks ago.

 gv watch works like a charm here...

Donald now:
Good. Isn't it giving a better rendering?  Did it fill your needs?

  note-print blinked, but nothing changed!

 xdvi doesn't blink. If I press reread the file is indeed reread.

I meant blink, not blink. Well, apart from that, xdvi seems
broken here. There are no noteheads, so something is definitely
wrong. I am not digging into that as long as
TeX-dvi-postscript-pdf gives a useable printout.

 Maybe I should have noted that I run debian/unstable...

I am running LilyPond 2.0.1 on a chrooted Gentoo which has given
me more problems than I care to tell. I like Gentoo for many
things, especially for being able to install new packages. In
order to run Lily 2.0.1 I had to have new GUILE/Gnome etc. and I
got that by having a chrooted Gentoo. Lates-packages-Gentoo will
always be unstable, but for Gentoo it is ok.

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: xdvi watch

2003-12-20 Thread donald_j_axel
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 16:02:09 +0100
Ferenc Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 donald_j_axel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  xdvi seems broken here. There are no noteheads
 Did you source lilypond-profile during your shell startup?

No. I placed a copy of lilypond-profile in
/etc/profile.d/lilypond-profile but as I run lilypond in a
chroot'ed gentoo-partition it was not sourced. When sourcing it
manually the xdvi can run a lot of font-things, but the picture
is not much better, noteheads being triangular.

  TeX-dvi-postscript-pdf gives a useable printout.
 Yes, but it doesn't give you pointclick.  Try it!

Thank you for the answer, it sounds like an interesting feature. I
will try it but need to know more about why I should click. Are
you referring to a feature combining xdvi and emacs, so that if I
want to change something I can click on the note and emacs will go
to the corresponding position in the source-file?

Clicking is not a major concern, though. I would much prefer
help on how to skew noteheads from the vertical axis in pianomusic
with complicated inner voicings.

I am working on Chopin C-major prelude just to find out how
complicated voicings can be done and there is a second-interval in
bar 20 which I cannot handle in a readable way. Noteheads grow
into each other. Can I attach the source (and a .ps) file?

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Request for comments

2003-12-15 Thread donald_j_axel

   Chopin prelude op. 28.1

   I do not think this is a trivial example. I need help for
the diminished beams for the 3rd. voice.

   It is not a solution to have the 3rd voice continue on lower staff.

   Though not perfect it begins to look good.

   Any comments will be appreciated.

donald_j_axel(at) --

Description: Binary data
Lilypond-user mailing list

Length of stems

2003-12-14 Thread donald_j_axel
SUMMARY: Am I shortening stems the right way?
 Can anyone tell if I do things the best way?

As an exercise for complicated piano voicing I tried to put
down the first bars of Chopin op. 28.1 (C Major Prelude).

As expected I ran into several problems and I would like
someone to have a look at my solutions - please mail me, or just
leave a comment on

where you can also get the source (or have a look at it in your
browser, click on the note example) (I will translate to English
soon, then it will be

There are two compromises left to solve, but it works,
beautifully at that.


For one thing the stems for the lower middle voice must be a
little shorter and the beam must be thinner. To dimension the beam
can be made with some Scheme code.

I have already shortened the stem, though I am not sure that
I am doing it the right way:

  \property Voice.Stem 
  \set #'beamed-extreme-minimum-free-lengths = #'(1.0 0.4 0.2)

  % \property Voice.Stem \set #'stem-shorten = #'(3.0 2.5)

As you can see the second statement is out-commented, but when
active it didn't do anything, even if I changed the numbers.

I would like the stem a little shorter than the result which I


The slur which must be used tell a piano player that the style
is rather legato (even if it is the pedal which makes the legato
effect - I will write about the playing technique elsewhere!)

In my setup of voices the slur should pass from bottom voice up
to the top voice, last note in the bar (et seque).

I think I can hack that by making a silent invisible voice, but
I am not prepared to do that kind of hack yet!


Actually there are one more which I am working on, but the
documentation describes that one. The second half bar 1/8 rest
must be moved downwards.

I wouldn't write this kind of petitesse specialist questions
if Jan and Han-Wen Nienhuys had not written about the perfection
of note-printing in a way so that I am 100% sure that these issues
are appreciated.

I hope this is the right place to pose a question like this.


donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list

Length of stems

2003-12-14 Thread donald_j_axel

   Hey! I found Jan's demonstration on the list showing how to specify
exact position /length of stems:

  \property Voice.Beam \override #'positions = #'(-0.6 . -0.5)

works for the first two bars, I suspect I'll have to adjust all the way
when notes change. (No new screenshot yet).

And position of rests: 

   f,8\rest % works!

   Still missing: 

   Information on slur  -  should I construct an invisible voice?

donald_j_axel(at) --

Lilypond-user mailing list