> I had this in mind too. I believe the game starts somewhere in the
> pre-industrial ages, so the graphics should represent that. I made an
> old-fashioned market sprite a long time ago, unfortunately nobody was
> able to code it.

Don't we have this kind of functionality for windmills? If you create
windmill on higher tech level, it looks different. Maybe that
functionality could be copy-pasted.

> About the sand roads, I think the current cobblestone roads are fine.
> They look "old" enough in my opinion.

Actually I've never understood they are cobblestone! :D I've always
thought they are asphalt roads...
Cobblestone road is actually good idea, but then I suggest road bricks
are bigger and their borders are more visible, so that they look more
like cobblestone roads.

> For now I will do the buildings that don't need additional coding,
> like the old-fashioned houses.

That's good. I could have time later on the spring to check out code
and see what could be done with different sprites for different ages.

How about doing a little face-lift to UI itself? Better menu image
would be nice IMHO. Especially now when it distorts to whatever aspect
ratio screen has.

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