Am Donnerstag, 12. März 2009 09:37:13 schrieb Bart Van Loy:
> Ok , I'm getting a little bit confused about the powerplant.
> So I'm asking is there a Go , and should we talk about the implementation ?
> Or is it a NoGo , and should we spend our time on other stuff ?
I'd say go for it, at least for the model and for some basic code too, I 
actually didn't ready any objections to that ;)

The code of the powerplant can be changed afterwards, and for sure there'll be 
some more discussions about what it exactly does and how it influences the 
game. (Since something like a NPP has a huge impact on the game both 
ecological and balance wise)

> >The wiki contains many things that will never be implemented.
> >I believe a general discussion about the improvements and evolution of
> >lincity-ng is needed, i'll post soon a new mail thread :-)
That's right, but I think this about far more than just a NPP ;)
I guess it's about how the game should work (with taxes, water pipes, 
etc. 'how far should we do our own thing and do we want to have certain 
elements from other games' etc.). At least my interpretation, I could be 
wrong though ;)

> There are some dutch articles that confirming that ( but i dont know if you
> can read dutch )
There'll be many different views I guess and is probably very different from 
country to country in the real world too. But I think this is a point where 
tech level and/or funding could play a role.


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