I was wondering how involved Redhat is with zSeries
Linux. Its last distro was at 2.4.9 (RH7.1/7.2) over a
year ago. In the same time period, SuSE put out SLES7,
patch SP1 for SLES7, SLES8, and I hear patch SP2 for
SLES8 will be out soon. The presentations that Mark
posted mention that 2.6 is entering or soon will enter

I know companies would like to keep a "unified image"
so either Redhat or SuSE from PC to mainframe seems to
be a goal. Redhat seems to be ahead in the PC race in
the US, but SuSE seems to be ahead in the zSeries

Whither will this competition go?

Jim Sibley
(These thoughts are mine only and do NOT reflect the
direction or viewpoint of any particular company or institution)

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