> Do we have any idea when this is going to be available?  It is still
> as a redpiece.

"This year", the editors promised me.  It was ready to go Nov 1, and I
gripe about why it was held up, but that's just IBM's dirty laundry.
it hasn't been updated on the Web since Oct 26th, the changes will be quite
minor. I apologize for the delay, but I chose not to take this battle on.

While I'm here, let me mention next year's plans for Linux redbooks.  Those
*proposed* to be funded are:

Linux on zSeries and S/390: Application Development
Linux on zSeries and S/390: Systems Management
Linux on zSeries and S/390: HOWTO Anthology
Use of Virtual Servers for Large Scale Linux on zSeries Deployment

So watch for residencies to be announced.  The HOWTO anthology is somewhat
a new concept - it will be a compendium of (8-10?) papers release during
year and published as a redbook at the end of the year.  This is designed
to enable timely publishing of specific topics.  So if you can't get away
for a residency but still would like to contribute to the community through
IBM and the ITSO, consider writing and contributing a paper (topic and
appropriate, of course).

On a personal note, it looks like I'll be moving out of the ITSO on to
another job at IBM POK. It's been a "wild ride" here and I've enjoyed
meeting and working with many of you on this list.  At least for the first
three months of 2002, I'm hoping to button up the code associated with
the redbook "Open Source Software on z/OS and OS/390 UNIX", SG24-5944
(remember OS/390 UNIX? :).  I'm not sure who will be leading the
projects next year, but I will still be involved with them.  So if you
want to volunteer a paper, let me know for now.

          -Mike MacIsaac,  IBM   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (845) 433-7061

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