>You might want to take a look at some of the graphical sound systems,
>then. For example Pd (www.pure-data.org) is very easy to set up and
>yet very powerful. You could use some of the Pd extensions to create
>images of sound or the other way around. GEM is very easy to get
>started with, if you have an OpenGL enabled card. For reading from a
>TV card (or webcam) PDP is nice. 

I will look your suggestions. Very thanks!

>This is directly programming the soundcard hardware. Do you really
>want to do that? In my opinion this could be too difficult for your
>pupils, if they don't have a certain background with that. But I may
>be wrong. Anyway, using something like Pd will still be a good
>>experience, because you get to see the whole picture of sound
>generation better. The Pd author Miller S. Puckette also uses Pd to
>teach sound synthesis and such. See his upcoming book at 

Hummm... directly soundcard hardware??!!! :(

I will test your suggestions, but... I just wanna one program can show one image when 
pupil play one C note ,or G, etc and maybe control intensity of color with gain of 
sound. Something that it can select colors, pictures and texts using pure notes played 
with guitar or harmonic or other instrument. Is not to produce images but to *select* 
images or colors (images too) or text.

Is it programming direclty in soundcard hardware? Not exist some librariy done can 
make this job (send to my program one pure value represent the note played)? I don't 
want Midi sound, it is very horrible to hear :)

I know, I want much. But to our project is very interesting give for pupil the 
possibily to choose the relation note/color/picture or note/word.

Is it very hard? For me all in this audio-world is hard because I don't have much 
notion about hardware programming (I'm just one database specialist), but if it's 
possible just using done values sent of the one library, all is ok.

>I'd be glad to hear about your experiences. 

:) You will hear my screams!!

>I think, you will need some mathematics, but nothing too complicated.
>A bit of trigonometry is very useful in computer sound but you can get
>far with knowing just muliplication and summing. At least in Pd, that


So... very very very thanks for your atention.


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