Select package version in package_config?

2014-01-20 Diskussionsfäden Steffen Grunewald
I've been trying (and failed) to install Debian Jessie via FAI, with both Wheezy and Jessie repositories listed in sources.list. For some - yet unknown - reason, grub-pc installed itself, but was unable to load the (also properly created) initrd (the kernel loaded fine, but complained about bad

Re: Select package version in package_config?

2014-01-20 Diskussionsfäden Sven Ulland
On 01/20/2014 01:03 PM, Steffen Grunewald wrote: For some - yet unknown - reason, grub-pc installed itself, but was unable to load the (also properly created) initrd (the kernel loaded fine, but complained about bad format of /sbin/init). Not exactly what you're asking, but I've ditched the