Hi Takatoshi-san,

Unfortunately, Dejan is on vacation and I am not yet very familiar with
the crmsh code base, but I will try to solve the problem you are

On Fri, 9 Aug 2013 09:42:36 +0900
Takatoshi MATSUO <matsuo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> # crm configure load update config.crm > /dev/null
> Call cib_apply_diff failed (-203): Update does not conform to the
> configured schema
> ERROR: could not patch cib (rc=203)
> INFO: offending xml diff: <diff crm_feature_set="3.0.7">

I have been unable to reproduce this error in my test cluster. Could
you provide the current cluster configuration, prior to applying the
configuration update?

Thank you,
Kristoffer Grönlund
Linux-HA-Dev: Linux-HA-Dev@lists.linux-ha.org
Home Page: http://linux-ha.org/

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