Yedidya Bar-david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  No Xserver for windows I ever tested became even near XFree under
>  linux, especially in terms of performance - and that is understandable,
>  becasue each graphic command passes 2 APIs (at least) - win32 and X.

Then one should expect a factor of two; in reality, however, the difference is
much stronger.

>  I once checked the load of an Xterminal on a LAN, and got 100% load
>  quite easily by iconifing and deiconifing a large window several times.
>  On a LAN. (10mbit/s ethernet, only client+server+sniffer).

Just a badly written application... most probably, including a drawing area
without double buffering or like; (de)iconifying should produce not more than a
few X-protocol bytes.



  / Evgeny Stambulchik  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  \
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