Util-Linux mcookie Cookie Generation Weakness
BugTraq ID: 6855
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 14 2003 12:00AM
Relevant URL:

util-linux is a freely available, open source software package that
provides some implementations of standard UNIX utilities, such as login.
Included with util-linux is the mcookie utility that is used to generate
random cookies for use with X authentication.

A weakness has been reported for the mcookie utility where cookies may be
generated in a predictable manner. The weakness occurs because mcookie
uses /dev/urandom to generate cookies.

This may be exploited by an attacker to guess cookie values to steal
credentials of users who use X authentication.

Information obtained in this manner may be used by the attacker to launch
further attacks against vulnerable systems and users.

PHP CGI SAPI Code Execution Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 6875
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 17 2003 12:00AM
Relevant URL:

PHP is a freely available, open source web scripting language package. It
is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Unix operating systems.

An unspecified vulnerability has been reported in the CGI SAPI of PHP
version 4.3.0.

Direct access to the CGI binary can be prevented by using the
configuration option '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' and the php.ini option

The report states that an unspecified bug could render these options
useless, allowing a remote user to directly access the CGI binary.  This
could allow an attacker to read any file that is readable by the web
server user, or to potentially execute arbitrary PHP code.  The attacker
would have to be able to inject the PHP code into a file accessible by the
CGI binary, such as the web server access logs.

[ core PHP ]

BitchX Malformed RPL_NAMREPLY Denial Of Service Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 6880
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 18 2003 12:00AM
Relevant URL:

BitchX is a freely available, open source IRC client.  It is available for
Unix, Linux, and Microsoft operating systems.

A problem with BitchX could make it possible for a malicious IRC server to
crash a vulnerable client.

It has been reported that BitchX does not properly handle some types of
replies contained in the RPL_NAMREPLY numeric.  When a malformed reply is
received by the client, the client crashes, resulting in a denial of

The problem occurs through the handling of the 353 IRC numeric.  It is
suspected that this vulnerability may also make possible the execution of
arbitrary code.  In the event that this is possible, code executed through
this vulnerability would be in the context of the BitchX user.  This could
allow a remote attacker access to the system on which the affected client
is running with the privileges of the BitchX user.

[ + usuels scripts PHP
  + IBM Domino HTTP server
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