Here are some basic OMAP boot and power management test results for 

Some observations:

Boot tests:

* CM-T3517: L3 in-band error with USB OTG during boot
  - Cause unknown; longstanding issue; does not occur on the 3517EVM

* 3517EVM & CM-T3517: boot hangs               
  - Probably due to the use of NFS root; there are likely some Kconfig,
    board file, and PM issues with EMAC

PM tests:

* 37xx EVM: CORE not entering dynamic off-idle
  - Cause unknown; dynamic retention-idle seems to work; system suspend to 
    off works

* 3730 Beagle XM: does not serial wake from off-idle suspend when console
  UART doesn't clock gate ("debug ignore_loglevel")
  - Not shown in the current test logs; cause unknown

* 4430ES2 Panda: UART corruption during long transmit buffers
  - Presumably due to either a missing hardware workaround or a bug in
    the OMAP serial driver

Changes from v3.6-rc5 (test 20120908202511):
(see )

- Dropped the line in this README.txt about 4430ES2 retention not working;
  this is expected until some further patch series are merged

object size (delta in bytes from test_v3.6-rc5 
  text    data     bss   total  kernel
 +9633     +16       0   +9649  2430_testconfig
 +8793     +48       0   +8841  5912osk_testconfig
 +9901   +6120   -1280  +14741  am33xx_testconfig
 +8580     -16       0   +8564  n800_b_testconfig
 +8996     -16       0   +8980  n800_multi_omap2xxx
 +8980      +8       0   +8988  n800_testconfig
 +8993      -8       0   +8985  omap1510_defconfig
 +9089     +48       0   +9137  omap1_defconfig
 +8852    -280   -1280   +7292  omap2_4_testconfig
+13397    -256   -1280  +11861  omap2plus_defconfig
 +9241    -320   -1280   +7641  omap2plus_defconfig_cpupm
+10745    -136   -1280   +9329  omap2plus_no_pm
+10833    -224   -1216   +9393  omap3_4_testconfig
+11001     +64       0  +11065  omap3_testconfig
+10661    -184   -1280   +9197  omap4_testconfig
+10785   +2344       0  +13129  rmk_omap3430_ldp_oldconfig
 +5389    -208   -1280   +3901  rmk_omap4430_sdp_oldconfig

- Paul
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