On Wednesday September 27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was just wondering if the issues with swap on a raid device and with using a
> journaling fs on a raid device had been fixed in the latest 2.4.0-test
> kernels?

Yes.  md in 2.4 doesn't do interesting things with the buffer cache,
so swap and journaling filesystems should have no issues with it.

> I've gone too soft over the last few years to read the raid code myself :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> Craig
> PS I might be able to make sense of the code, but my wife would kill me if I
> spent any more time on the computer.

So print it out and read it that way :-)  Following cross references
is a bit slow though...  maybe a source browser on a palm pilot so you
can still do it in the family room...

(At this point 5 people chime in and tell me about 3 different
whizz-bang packages which print C source with line numbers and cross
references and ....)

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