  This is a resend of a patch that probably got lost a week or so ago.
  (It is also more gramatically correct).

  If md.c has two raid arrays that need to be resynced, and they share
  a physical device, then the two resyncs are serialised.  However the
  message printed says something about "overlapping" which confuses
  and worries people needlessly.  
  This patch improves the message.


--- ./drivers/md/md.c   2000/11/29 04:21:37     1.1
+++ ./drivers/md/md.c   2000/11/29 04:22:13     1.2
@@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@
                if (mddev2 == mddev)
                if (mddev2->curr_resync && match_mddev_units(mddev,mddev2)) {
-                       printk(KERN_INFO "md: serializing resync, md%d has overlapping 
physical units with md%d!\n", mdidx(mddev), mdidx(mddev2));
+                       printk(KERN_INFO "md: serializing resync, md%d shares one or 
+more physical units with md%d!\n", mdidx(mddev), mdidx(mddev2));
                        serialize = 1;
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