Klaus Naumann wrote:
> rakesh rakesh wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > I wanted to know in which order different Host
> > adapters in the system are detected by the SCSI.
> You can have a look in linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c .
> It's in there. Why do you need to know that anyway ?

While this is true in the lk 2.2 series and earlier,
Torben Mathiasen re-arranged things in the lk 2.4
series so drivers/scsi/hosts.c no longer determines
the initialization order of built in hosts.

I think it is now the link order, determined by the 
positioning in drivers/scsi/Makefile, that is
pivotal. Most adapter drivers contain the following
(slightly misleading) line:
  #include "scsi_module.c"
and the 'static int __init init_this_scsi_driver()'
does the initialization. So it is the ordering the
kernel uses to execute its various "__init" functions
that counts (and I am assuming that is related to
the link order).

The "scsihosts" kernel boot time option does _not_
change the order of built in driver initializations.
It changes the host numbers.

Doug Gilbert

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