The supplied script takes a vmlinux file - and if necessary a
file - locates the system certificates list and extracts it to the named

Call as:

    ./scripts/extract-sys-certs vmlinux certs

if vmlinux contains symbols and:

    ./scripts/extract-sys-certs -s vmlinux certs

if it does not.

It prints something like the following to stdout:

        Have 27 sections
        No symbols in vmlinux, trying
        Have 80088 symbols
        Have 1346 bytes of certs at VMA 0xffffffff8201c540
        Certificate list in section
        Certificate list at file offset 0x141c540

If vmlinux contains symbols then that is used rather than - even
if one is given.

Signed-off-by: David Howells <>

 scripts/ |  144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 144 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d476e7d1fd88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Math::BigInt;
+use Fcntl "SEEK_SET";
+die "Format: $0 [-s <systemmap-file>] <vmlinux-file> <keyring-file>\n"
+    if ($#ARGV != 1 && $#ARGV != 3 ||
+       $#ARGV == 3 && $ARGV[0] ne "-s");
+my $sysmap = "";
+if ($#ARGV == 3) {
+    shift;
+    $sysmap = $ARGV[0];
+    shift;
+my $vmlinux = $ARGV[0];
+my $keyring = $ARGV[1];
+# Parse the vmlinux section table
+open FD, "objdump -h $vmlinux |" || die $vmlinux;
+my @lines = <FD>;
+close(FD) || die $vmlinux;
+my @sections = ();
+foreach my $line (@lines) {
+    chomp($line);
+    if ($line =~ 
+       ) {
+       my $seg  = $1;
+       my $name = $2;
+       my $len  = Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $3);
+       my $vma  = Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $4);
+       my $lma  = Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $5);
+       my $foff = Math::BigInt->new("0x" . $6);
+       my $align = 2 ** $7;
+       push @sections, { name => $name,
+                         vma => $vma,
+                         len => $len,
+                         foff => $foff };
+    }
+print "Have $#sections sections\n";
+# Try and parse the vmlinux symbol table.  If the vmlinux file has been created
+# from a vmlinuz file with extract-vmlinux then the symbol table will be empty.
+open FD, "nm $vmlinux 2>/dev/null |" || die $vmlinux;
+@lines = <FD>;
+close(FD) || die $vmlinux;
+my %symbols = ();
+my $nr_symbols = 0;
+sub parse_symbols(@) {
+    foreach my $line (@_) {
+       chomp($line);
+       if ($line =~ /([0-9a-f]+)\s([a-zA-Z])\s(\S+)/
+           ) {
+           my $addr = "0x" . $1;
+           my $type = $2;
+           my $name = $3;
+           $symbols{$name} = $addr;
+           $nr_symbols++;
+       }
+    }
+if ($nr_symbols == 0 && $sysmap ne "") {
+    print "No symbols in vmlinux, trying $sysmap\n";
+    open FD, "<$sysmap" || die $sysmap;
+    @lines = <FD>;
+    close(FD) || die $sysmap;
+    parse_symbols(@lines);
+die "No symbols available\n"
+    if ($nr_symbols == 0);
+print "Have $nr_symbols symbols\n";
+die "Can't find system certificate list"
+    unless (exists($symbols{"__cert_list_start"}) &&
+           exists($symbols{"__cert_list_end"}));
+my $start = Math::BigInt->new($symbols{"__cert_list_start"});
+my $end = Math::BigInt->new($symbols{"__cert_list_end"});
+my $size = $end - $start;
+printf "Have %u bytes of certs at VMA 0x%x\n", $size, $start;
+my $s = undef;
+foreach my $sec (@sections) {
+    my $s_name = $sec->{name};
+    my $s_vma = $sec->{vma};
+    my $s_len = $sec->{len};
+    my $s_foff = $sec->{foff};
+    my $s_vend = $s_vma + $s_len;
+    next unless ($start >= $s_vma);
+    next if ($start >= $s_vend);
+    die "Cert object partially overflows section $s_name\n"
+       if ($end > $s_vend);
+    die "Cert object in multiple sections: ", $s_name, " and ", $s->{name}, 
+       if ($s);
+    $s = $sec;
+die "Cert object not inside a section\n"
+    unless ($s);
+print "Certificate list in section ", $s->{name}, "\n";
+my $foff = $start - $s->{vma} + $s->{foff};
+printf "Certificate list at file offset 0x%x\n", $foff;
+open FD, "<$vmlinux" || die $vmlinux;
+die $vmlinux if (!defined(sysseek(FD, $foff, SEEK_SET)));
+my $buf = "";
+my $len = sysread(FD, $buf, $size);
+die "$vmlinux" if (!defined($len));
+die "Short read on $vmlinux\n" if ($len != $size);
+close(FD) || die $vmlinux;
+open FD, ">$keyring" || die $keyring;
+$len = syswrite(FD, $buf, $size);
+die "$keyring" if (!defined($len));
+die "Short write on $keyring\n" if ($len != $size);
+close(FD) || die $keyring;

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