Hi, run into a problem mounting a network drive . . .

I am successfully mounting a desktop hard drive with:
smbmount //celeron/n /mnt/ndrive -o credentials=/home/roger/.smbpasswd
which works fine. So I've added a line to fstab like this:
\\celeron\n /mnt/ndrive smbfs credentials=/home/roger/.smbpasswd,gid=500 0 0
and that works fine.

The problem arises when I try to do the same thing with a drive on my laptop.
smbmount //rnslaptop/u /mnt/udrive -o credentials=/home/roger/.smbpasswd
works ok and I can browse the drive. But when I add this to fstab:
\\rnslaptop\u /mnt/udrive smbfs credentials=/home/roger/.smbpasswd,gid=500 0 0
and then reboot the machine, it will hang when getting to the line "mounting smb filesystems" and the only way back in (that I know about) is to enter interactive mode and choose N to all lines that (might) have anything to do with filesystems. When I then remove the offending line it's all OK again and I can boot normally.

I am only guessing about what the problem is here. Is this something that can't, or shouldn't, be done with a laptop? Or do I need to modify that line in fstab? Or something else altogether?


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