invites you to attend our next meeting this Saturday, January
3rd, at 10 am.  The location is Black Bay Technologies, 712B Wesley Ave,
Tarpon Springs, FL.  Driving directions are available by calling me, michael
clark at 813-465-9957, or at SUNEVA.ORG <>

The last meeting was a great turn out and we thank all those that attended!

This Saturday's meeting will include a showing of "Who Killed the Electric
Car?". This movie was created in 2006 to educate the public about what
happened to GM's, Toyota's, and Ford's production electric vehicles and
gives some insight to why we don't have them today.

I'll also show a small presentation on how the GM Volt works, and showcase
the AFSTrinity; a saturn vue that was converted into a plug in hybrid.

Our club members will be available to answer any of your questions about
electric vehicles!

Unable to attend the meeting? Feel free to respond to this email with any
questions you may have or any other concerns.
Florida EAA mailing list

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